i Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 4th, 1979-11 IN MEMORIAM WINTER - Clifford, and Doréen Joyce - We will always cherish the wonderful memories you have left to yoür family and friends. 4, ac. • : Elva Winters and ' Eleanor Williams. Monuments and Family Memorials Our quality and service leaves nothing to be desired Ask the person who bought from us, a neighbour, neighbour, friend or relative The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street, PORT HOPE Phone Collect V.W. RUTTER Office 885 r 52t6 Home 885-5222 WORK WANTED Ear piercing service. Phone 623-5747 for appointment appointment and information. Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. ANTIQUE CLOCKS -- Repaired -- Parts available for most antique clocks, pocket watches and modern watches, and clocks and 400 day clocks. Our repairs are done with modern up-to-date equipment and qualified Swiss trained * watchmaker. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 Ü Phone for appointment Anniversary, and «Mingaf Family Portraits In Our Studio, Your Home, or on Location 78 King St. W. Bowmenvilte 629-2404 Phone 416-623-3393 For prompt, courteous efficient service when buying or selling and for the largest selection of properties In the area. CONTACT ORONOAREA REPRESENTATIVES V v Jan Oudshoorn 983-5336 Ron Hurst 983-5131 William Juransky (Kendal) 1 983-5420 Christa Winter he It 983-5465 Charlie Reid 983-5914 John Pritchard 705-944-5519 Pat Yeo 983-5725 W. Frank Real Estate Limited 234 King St. E. BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 WORK WANTED D.&R. Custom Fencing and custom chain-sawing 983-5005 or 983-9627 Orono, Ont. FOR SALE Refrigerator, Harvest Gold, as new. Phone 983-5669. FORSALE Urine-Erase saves carpets ! ' Guarantees removal dog, cat, human urine stains, odors, % from carpets! Free brochure. Dept. A, Reidell Chemicals Ltd., Box 7500, London, Ont. 4, ac. FOR SALE Talisman's Flea Market - Antiques, 30 dealers, lots of parking, free admission. Antiques, stamps, jewellery, jewellery, weaving, pottery, brass, • knitting, crafts, refinishipg. / Open 9 a.m. to 6 p;m. Saturdays, Sundays 'and Holidays. Holidays. 1 Vi miles north of Newcastle from No. 2: Phone §87-5021 or 349-2605. 1:i , tf. FOR SALE SWIMMING POOLS Swimming Pool Manufacturer.. Manufacturer.. has new 1978 Pools, regular price $2,190.00 now at our off season special of $1,355.000. Pools come with walkaround deck, patio, fencing, fencing, pump, motor, and filter. Delivery arranged to your convenience. For best selection selection and information call toll free 800-268-5970 or 416-746- 3340. tf. FOR RENT SWIMMING POOLS Will lease and install for homeowners, family size aluminum swimming pools with patio. Choice of styles, meeting all fencing regulations regulations on a one, two, or three year rental basis with option to own. TJry before you buy! Call toll free 800-268-5970 or 416-746-3340. , tf. FOR RENT 3 bedroom apartment, available immediately. Phone 983-9171 between 8:30 to 5:00 and ask for Merle. 4, ac. HELP WANTED Community weekly newspaper newspaper business, expanding central Alberta town of 2,800. Ideal for two people and big growth possibilities. Owners reducing involvements. Contact Contact Advertiser, Box 380, Rimbey, Alberta. COMING EVENTS Spring Concert, featuring Floradoras 4-Wheel-Drive Barbershop Quartette, also Alanah Coles, Wednesday, April 18th, 7:30 p.m. Orono United Church. Adults $2.50, Children $1,50. 4,11. ac. COMING EVENTS Plan now to attend the Orono and District Credit Union 25th Anniversary Dinner, Dinner, April 6th, Newcastle United Church, 6:30 p.m. Tickets available at offices. 21,28,4, ac. COMING EVENTS MOVIES Orono Town Hall, Saturday, April 7th. "Hey there it's Yogi Bear", Admission 75c all ages. "The Bad News Bears go to Japan". Admission $1.75 all ages. 4, ap. COMING EVENTS AUCTION SALE Antique and Collectable Auction Sale, Agricultural Hall, Elliot St., Fergus, Saturday, April 7th, 1 p.m. Refinished pine, oak, walnut furniture, glass, copper, etc. 200 items. Auctoneer, Brian Hill, Flora. Phone 843-1820, 843-2237. 4, ac. COMING EVENTS AUCTION SALE Tuesday, April 10th, 12:30 fun., the property of M. Emedi, Lot 1, Cone. 2, Manvers Township, 2nd farm north of Mosport (formerly Bill Adams Farm) 3 miles north of Hwy, 115 and 35 junction, then west 3 miles off 1 Hwÿ. 35 on Durham Rd. 20 (watch for sign). Farm Machinery - Feed Building Supplies, including, two Ford tractors, cockshutt combine, auto wagons, plow disc, baler, seed drill, corn planter, ensilage, barley, sqws, planner, hardwood, 2"x4", Cadillac Car. Implements - Ford Tractor, 5000, Hydraulic Front End Loader, Diesel; Cockshutt 535 Combine, self propelled, 14' header; Ford 5 furrow plow, Ford 4 row corn planter; Ford 12' double disc; New Holland 2 row corn harvester; 2 New Holland automatic unloading forage wagons; New Holland blower; Sprayer; John Deere seed drill - 16 run; Case 220 baler; 2 Conveyors; Pile scrap. Building Equipment and Supplies - Ford 550 Back Hoe, 24' boom, front end loader; Hydraulic 16000 lb. fork lift;, Hydraulic 6000 lb. fork lift; Circular saw; Band saw; Rip saw; Wood planner; Approx. 15000 board ft. Hardwood Hardwood (oak); Approx. 1000 ft. 2"x4"x8" - 2"x4"xl2"'; Oak stairs; Door and window frames; New bath tubs; 1000 white pine 2"xl0"xl2"; 1000 red pine 2"x4"x8' - 2x4x12'; Quantity red pine beams, 6"x6"xl6'; 100 pieces hardwood, hardwood, 4"x4"-8'; 1000 Hydro and Telephone Poles - 35'-40' ; ' 1000 red pine fence posts - 4"-6" top. Feed - Approx. 2000 ton of Corn Ensilage, mixed with wheat. Feed lot available available on farm to feed ensilage until Nov. 30,1979; Approx. 30 ton Barley; 200 bags fertilizer. fertilizer. Car - 1976 Cadillac Sedan DeVille Car, 45000 miles, Certified. NOTE 1: A number of these implements are one year old, the others being in good condition. Note 2: Arrangements Arrangements are possible to feed the ensilage at the feed lot or?this farm as owners retiring from farm business. Auctioneers, Norm Faulkner, Faulkner, 640-5691; Earl Gauslin, 640-3079. Terms cash, no reserve. 4, ac. AUCTION SALE The property of Walter D. Carter, Lot 29, Gone. 9, Pickering Township, Altona Sideline 28, L A mile south of Uxbridge - Pickering townline, townline, 3 miles south-east of Stouffville, 5 miles,. west of Claremont, Wednesday, April 11th, 12:00 p.m. Ford diesel $000 Tractor, Ford 8000 Tractor and loader, M.F. Combine 300 with 13' Grain Head, M.F. 120 Baler. Also: M.F. 33 Grain ând Fertilizer Drill 17 run; M.F, Double Disc Hydraulic Cylinder; Cylinder; 4 Furrow Plow, 3 pt. hitch, 14" buttons; 3 point 10' Cultivator; Little Giant 40' Elevator for grain and hay; 3 wagons, 2 hay racks; 2 Turnco Grain Boxes; Ford Mower 7'; Hay Buncher, Weed Sprayer; 6 sections Allied Harrows; 19' draw - Bar; Fertilizer spreader; Sedore snow blower; Cement mixer; I.H.C. No. 35 air compressor and spray gun; Grain augers; Water trough; Jacuzzi water pump; Ladders; Ladders; Piles of Lumber; 250 bales of straw; 150 bales of hay; 20 bags of fertilizer, 15-15-15; Barn boards; Cedar rails; Posts and poles; Plank wagon; Load of mise, items. Note: a number of implements implements are 2-3 years old, but •all have been under cover when not in use, have been very well taken care of, and only worked in this 75 acre farm - all implements are in A-l condition. Auctioneers: Norm Faulk-, ner, 640-5691; Earl Gauslin, 640-3079. Terms cash, no reserve.. AUCTION SALE , April 13, 1979, 11 a.m., Claremont, Community'Halb Including: Çump organ; Corner what-not; - Victorian Settee; Oak Buffet - bevelled mirror; Rocking chair; wall telephone; Antique frames and pictures ; Apartment-size piano; Press Back chairs' - lions head; wash stands; quilts; dishes; copper boilers; boilers; Copper tea kettles; Coal-oil Lamps and numerous other articles. Auctioneers: E. Gauslin and N. Faulkner. Terms cash, no reserve. 4, ac. AUCTION SALE Farm machinery - property of Mr. B. Batty, Lot 23, Cone. 7, Va mile north of Brooklih on Highway 12, Tuesday, April 17th, 1979 at 12:30 p.m. Includes: M.F. 50 Tractor -3 pt. hitch, good; M.F. Pull -Type 7 ft. mower; John Deere seed drill, 15 run; Bale buncher; manure spreader; stable cleaner; snow blower, Geo. White; Bale Stooker and Fork; Cow stanchions' and Beatty forks; Snowmobile Trailer; M.F. 65 Diesel, with loader M.F. 235; Used Flail Mower, 3 pt. hitch - mott type; M.F. Baler; Rake (new Idea); Int. Cultivator Dump Box; Plow, 3 , pt. hitch; Elevator 7 Hay trailer; Wagon G,ear (M.F.); 3 pt. hitch blade-; M.F. Lawn tractor, 34" mower; Small swimming pool; Nuts and bolts. , -Numerous other articles. 1 Auctioneer: E. Gauslin. Terms cash, no reserve. 4, ac. To the Unfit If you just sit You, won't quit Being unfit. Taping - Spray Ceilings Plaster Repair Painting • Wally Lucyk 983-5518 ORONO CARD OF THANKS I dëeply appreciate all the kindness and thoughtfulness of my family, relatives, friends, management staff and employees at Curvply Wood Products, and Ply- designs, Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Auxiliary, Mixed Major Bowling League, for their flowers, gifts, cards, visits, phone calls and get well wishes, during my recent stay in hospital and at home. A special thank you to the teachers and pupils at St. Joseph's Catholic school for their prayers. God bless you all. 4 - a P- Sincerely, Denise Annaert. SPECIAL All the Fish z and Chips you can eat, $2,10 Tuesdays and Wednesdays! Wednesdays! MOM'S KITCHEN Main St., Orono 983-5310 Auction Service Farm & Estate Sales Furniture Modern and Antique NORM FAULKNER 'Stouffville 640-5691 EARL GAUSLIN Stouffville 640 3079 SAVE ON AUTO INSURANCE? Before you buy, call and compare. Maybe you will save yourself money. Dirk R. Woudstra, Realtor, General Insurance Of-ono, 983-5915. Allstate. You're in good hands. Allstate Insurance Company. An apple is natures own toothbrush TRY OURMOUTH WATERING (C.A.) Macs - Delicious Spys » , ■ We also have * Maple Syrup and Apple Cider Fred's Fruit Market Hwy. i is -- I mite south of Orono