Town interested in Pine Splash proposal still a live Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 25th, 1979-3 At a press conference in Bowihahville on Thursday afternoon an announcement was made that the Pine Ridge. framing School in Bowmanville Bowmanville as well as the Kawartha • Lake School in Lindsay would bè closed. ■ The Pine Ridge School is to be closed out as of October 3ist. The Pine Ridge School was constructed in Bowman- ville in 1925 and used by the Ministry of Correctional Services Services up to the second World War'when it was used as a prisoner of war camp for. German soldiers. Following the war the use reverted to a Training school for boys 13 to 16 years of age. The Pine Ridge School with 65 children will be phased out during the summer. Those left at the school will be transferred either to a similar school in Cobourg or to group homes now being operated by the Ministry. The move is part of a policy of the Provincial government to reduce such schools in the province from ten in 1978 to three. The closure of the school in Bowmanville and the one in Lindsay leaves six still in operation in the province. The school has about fifteen buildings including classrooms, classrooms, a gymnasium, swimming swimming pool, vocational training training buildings and recreational facilities. TOWN SHOWS AN INTEREST In speaking with Mayor Rickard on Thursday evening he said the Town could be interested in the property and facilities. He said that Council would , tour the property on Wednesday (today). The Mayor pointed out that there was sufficient space at the school to house all departments of the Town of Newcastle and that recreational recreational facilities were also available. He said he couldn't expeçt thé Town to get the 100 acre property for a $1.00. ALTERNATIVE EMPLOYMENT It was pointed out at the news conference on Thursday that alternative employment Would be offered to those now employed at tlje school. This would involve some 90 persons persons employed in teaching, counselling and maintenance at'the school: It was pointed out that most of the job opportunities would be within the Ministry and that in some cases it would mean moving for the displaced employees. It has been reported that Neil Pollock, a spokesman for the Ontario Public Service Employees Union, said he felt there Would not be enough jobs for all those displaced in the two schools. He said that other training schools were not hiring permanent staff. It was said that it would mean relocation for most of the staff. There was also criticism of the use of group homès. It was stated that the group homes were not doing a good job with the children now in these homes. O. Chatterton Electrical Contracting Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario Allan Strike and Mrs. J. Williams of Bowmanville made a bid at Monday's council meeting for support from Council for the indoor pool and squash court proposal proposal in Bowmanville. Strike pointed out to council that Splash was holding off on any further fund raising until such time as they definitely knew where they were going. He asked for the support of council and provided provided a detailed history of events connected with Splash. It was pointed out to council that Splash had raised $133,056.07 in cash for the project with a further $47,359 in pledges for a total of $180,415.25. He also said there was a fairly wide base throughout the Town represented represented in the donations to date. In speaking of operating costs Mrs. Williams said it appeared that there could be a deficit of $40,000 per year but she felj this would not be unreasonable for the service being provided. Strike said •there could be a deficit for a few years but that it should even out over a period of time. Mayor Rickard pointed out that the Town arenas were now moving towards an almost break-even point and there was some hope that a pool and squash court proposal proposal could also reach this point. Counc. Clarke asked if Mrs. Williams felt public school Board asks moderate demands from union WE'RE IN A wmmMciofc WE W/SNTO ANNOUNCE. J WE'RE OUT TO GIVE V POOR ELECTRICAL SVSTEMS THE REAL OlO SOURCE..!. In a letter from chairman of the Board of Education, A.M. Thompson, to members of local 1206, CUPE, Thompson states that the Board feels that a more moderate request by the Union is necessary to restive the present dispute. The letter points out that the Board is offering a 37 cent per hour increase effective November 29, 1978 and a further 10 cents per hour increase effective May. 29, 1979. This, states the letter, represents a 8.75 percent increase in a one-year contract contract bringing custodian (5A) wages from $11,003 to $11,877. The letter points out that the Union is asking $1.12 increase in the first year of a contract through increased wages and increased benefits in the first year of a contract and a further .63 cents in the second, year of a proposed two-year contract. The letter states" jhis is a total 32.31 percent inçrease over the two year period and that the Board feels this is excessive. Local firefighters answer eleven calls UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral > Charge Minister Rev. B.E. Long B.Th. Organist and Choir Director David Gray Sunday, April 29,1979 ORONO UNITED CHURCH Sunday Church School 10 Morning Worship 11:15 a.m. LIGHTHOUSE SINGERS May 13th Morning Service 11:15 a.m. Evening Service 7:00 p.m. KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Sunday Church School 9:45 Morning Worship 9:45 v A-Thought 983-9151 Over Friday and Saturday of last week the Orono Firefighters were busy answering answering a total of eleven fire calls with the local firefighters firefighters being in action over a wide range of the Town of Newcastle as well as the local area. Friday the local men answered answered six calls with four in the local area. The local fires were grass and rubbish fires. The tanker truck from Orono was also called to assist with a fire at Dom's Auto Wreckers Wreckers and on their way home were sent to a fire in / Solina. Saturday afternoon there waS another four calls jo the Orono department for fires in the local area. The department department was first called to a grassfire in 'the Crooked Creek area and upon leaving children from Clarke and Kendal would be able to use the facilities of the pool. He said he felt the proposal was oriented to Bowmanville and others in the community should not be involved in costs of the proposal. Mrs. Williams pointed out the problems in enrolling children in swimming courses in Oshawa, 1 the associated waiting and driving. We should have this facility in Bowmanville, she said. Counc. Cowman asked if the same conditions as outlined by MrS. Williams would not exist for people in the rural area df the Town of Newcastle. Newcastle. Council moved that the matter be referred to the committee of the whole and be discussed with a report to come from the Social Services Services Director, Bud Fanning, as to operation costs of the proposed facility. Mobile homes (Continued from page 1) dispense with the planning department and hire a couple of secretarys to give approvals." approvals." Counc. Holliday said the matter has been discussed by council a number of times and they were reâlly only reconfirming reconfirming former action of council. Further debate would be of no avail, he said. Holliday also said they were not rezoning the land. A motion by Holliday and Hobbs to suspend the rules of procedure obtained approval of all council members with the exception of the Mayor. This allowed the motion to be voted upon. Mayor Rickard then called for a recorded voté but Counc. Hobbs challenged the Mayr or's request stating that he (Hobbs) had called for the motion to be put. 1 Hobbs challenge was supported by all council members. The motion requesting modification to accommodate the Rice proposal was supported supported by all members of council. ' "I would say that was an unanimous decision of cour- cil", said Hobbs, "all members members of council supported the motion". "No", said Mayor Rickard, "I did not vote". MEETING of the Town of Newcastle PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, May 1,1979 7:30 p.m, Court Room 1, Bowmanville Court House 132 Church Street, Bowmanville, Ontario PURPOSE: 1. To provide the public with an opportunity to review an application to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan from "Agriculture and Permanent Agriculture" to "Recreation" to permit the development of a Cultural Centre on Part of Lots 17,18 and 1£, Concession 5, former Township of Clarke; and 2. To allow the Planning and Development Committee to hear the views of interested . pérsons.,' omplete Pools . 32 shapes and sizes . in ground and above ground , . chemicals and accessories •All at Bargain Prices O.POPADICH 983-5494 SILVERWOOD DAIRY PRODUCTS SOLD HERE! that call were directed by Mr. Lawrence Greenwood just north of the sixth line in Clarke Township where two barns were destroyed by fire. While, the Orono department department was fighting the Greenwood Greenwood fire two further calls Were registered at the Orono Fire Hall. Both fires were grass fires and the Newcastle Village department answered these calls for Orono. One grassfire was just south of Orono while the other was north of the seventh line in Clarke. The Orono department was recalled to the Greenwood Fire on Saturday night as the barn fire had started up again. A third barn at the Greenwood farm filled with antiques wâs saved from being destroyed by the blaze. Buy quality and freshness Buy Canadian Buy Silverwoods CARTON Orange' Juice 1QT. 69c WHITE X FOOD / Mia Coffee Full bodied and rich aroma GOURMET EUROPEAN 340 g 3.49 stores Steaks are 1 featured this weékçnd at Cornishes FilLLCUT'. t , .. Rognd Steak , 6^ COKE , 1.5 LITRE BOTTLE PLUS DEPOSIT 59c LARGE HEADS ICE BURG ' ,LETTUCE 39