Roller Skating at Orono Arena Loca I board controls Orono hall operation The Orono Town Hall Board was told last Wednesday at a meeting in the hall that they had full jurisdiction over the operation of the hall. It was the first time that the local board was clearly informed of thier duties as to the operation operation Of the hall in Orono. The hall board was formed last" November by council of the Town of Newcastle. Stirling Mather, chairman of the hall board, said that now knowing their position they could proceed in making improvements to the building as well as looking after its operation. "We were under the impression that we were only an advisory board," he said. The meeting in Orono had in attendance Mr. Bud Fanning, Fanning, director of Town of Newcastle Social Services department as well as Councillor Councillor Bill Clarke. Mrs. Mere- weather, Stirling Mather and Carlos Tamblyn were present as members of the local board. It was pointed out at the meeting that there was some $2400.00 in past rentals that have not as yet been billed. Counc. Clarke said that the Social Services department . should make the billings and pass the monies along to the Orono Hall Board. He said the board was at the helm and would be making the deci- •sions in the future. He also said that Mr. Fanning could (Continued page 2) The ice may be gone but the Orono Arena still continues as a focal point for skating although it is now roller skating that is in vogtie. The Athletic Association opened roller skating at the Arena last Tuesday with the intention intention of holding roller skating both on Tuesday evenings and Friday evenings. The Athletic last week had one hundred pairs of skates for rent at the arena and on Friday evening all roller skates were rented out prior to the seven o'clock opening. In speaking with Russ Major he said we could have rented out another hundred pairs if we had them. In speaking to some of the kids they were delighted with roller skating and even said they preferred this to ice skating. Many others were sitting along the bleachers bemoaning the fact they couldn't rent skates. Roller skating at the Orono Arena has certainly taken hold especially during the first week. The only problem seems to be a slight amount of dust from the cement floor. To study extended telephone call area Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 23rd, 1979 The Election Winner happenings... HOPE TOWNSHIP TAXES UP 6.2 PERCENT Taxpayers in the Township of Hope will be shellingout an extra 6.2 percent, this year when paying their taxes. The Township will collect an extra _ 8.2 percent for secondary schools, 7.7 percent increase for elementary schools,, a 5.1 percent increase for county purposes and a 1.5 percent increase for Township purposes. The average residential tax bill is expected to increase by $37.14 to a total of approximately $633.96. ORONO FIREFIGHTERS ON DUTY EARLY SUNDAY MORNING ' The Orono Firefighters were pressed into service early Sunday morning, 5 a.m., to assist the Bowman ville firefighters with a house fire south west of Hampton. The house was a total loss with the value estimated at around $200,000. Befor leaving this fire the local firefighters were called to assist with a fire in the Waverley Gardens in Bowmanville. The men returned home shortly' after ten o'clock. COUNCIL TRIPS TO QUEEN'S PARK The Town of Newcastle council travels to Queen's Park on May 29th to discuss the future disposition of the Pine Ridge School property in Bowmanville. There has been some thought that the property should be purchased for Town purposes. H FOUNTAIN NOW IN OPERATION The fountain at the north of the Village is now in full spring bloom with Its evening colours of red, amber and green. Allan Lawrence, incumbent Progressive Conservative Was re-elected Tuesday by a land-slide majority in the riding of Durham Northumberland. Northumberland. Lawrence increased his plurality over the past two elections in 1972 and 1974 at least doubling his vote count over his closest rival Ian Wilson, Liberal. To the east of the Durham Northumberland riding Geo. Hees was re-elected retaining the riding for the Conservatives. Conservatives. Scott Fennell, the Progressive Progressive Conservative candidate in Ontario riding put down to defeat a now former cabinet minister, Norm Cafik. A similar fate was dealt Hugh Faulkner in the Peterborough Prole, President of Men's Teachers Robert Prole was re-elected president of the Northumberland Northumberland Chapter of the Ontario Public School Men Teacher's Federation at the annual meeting of the Chapter held in Port Hope. Prole is a teacher at the Pines Senior Elementary Elementary School. Terry Hutchison was elected elected vice-president. Hutchison teaches at the Maple Grove School. Ken O'Neill from Dr. Hawkins Senior Public School in Port Hope was elected second vice-president. Ross Stapley of the Hampton school was elected treasurer and John Veldhuis of the Bowmanville Senior School was elected secretary. Members at large i on the executive include Stan Green, Grant; Thompson, Gary Eames, Eugene Murdock, Brian Harris and James Murray. , , 1 riding by candidate. a conservative The .Orono Telephone Ratepayer's Ratepayer's Association was informed informed on Tuesday evening of last week that Community Telephone Company will conduct conduct a study' as to extending the calling area to Bowman- vill6 and Oshawa. This study will be undertaken in mid 'June. The Ratepayer's Association, Association, the Ontario Telephone Commission and Community Telephone have tentatively set June 28th as a date for a second meeting to further ( Continued page -3) Celebrate Silver Anniversary discuss the extended calling area as well as to answers to complaints filled by the Ratepayer's Association. In speaking with Mrs. Elizabeth Currie of the Orono Telephone Ratepayer's Association, Association, she said she was well pleased with the meeting which went on for a period of four hours. She said there was good communications and the • Association were able to pinpoint their problems with Community Telephone. ( Continued page 2) Mr. and Mrs. Aleck- Moffat of Orono celebrated their . twenty-fifth wedding anniversary anniversary Saturday evening in the Newcastle Community, Hall with two hundred of their friends and ' relatives. The social evening of dancing arid buffet lunch, planned by their five children, was an enjoyable enjoyable event for this special occasion.