2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 30th, 1979 Orono Weekly Times THE OPPORTUNITIES ARE NOW Larry Grossman, Minister of Industry and Tourism for Ontario, in speaking at the recent Tràde Horizon 79 conference stated there is a tremendous and untapped potential for major gains in the U.S. market by Ontario .firms. • . This great opportunity comes about with the Canadian dollar hovering around 85c which gives Canadian industries and branches of multi-nationals a considerable advantage against those firms in Europe and Japan exporting to the United States. It is not only the decline of the Canadian dollar to the U.S. but also the climb in value of the German mark and the Japanese yen that puts Canadian firms in such a desirable position. Canadian industries must compete in the open market and especially in the area of imports into the U.S. It is unlikely that the U.S. would allow the default of their own industries due to imports from Canada. Of course it must be noted that although Canadian and industries in Ontario can now take advantage of the lower dollar this will not always be the case. It does give Canadian industries the opportunity to break into some fields that heretofor they were not too active in. Canadians must now move to take full advantage of the situation. They can then continue on this base when dollàr values change which will surely come about in the future. The government can give some incentives but the major portion of the initiative and incentive must come from Canadian industry, the multi-nationals and in fact the people of Canada. Lester Fettig, administrator with the U.S. Office of the Federal Procurement Policy puts it this way, "If I do not export I will not have a job in five years". SHOULD CLARIFY POSITION The Town of Newcastle council Monday made a number of amendments to an agreement concerning the operation and construction of the proposed indoor pool at the Bowmanville High School. This agreement is between the Town and the Board of Education. A proposed amendment to the agreement would place the Board of Education in the position of guaranteeing equal use of the pool by all high school .students in the Town as well as all grade five students. This, of course, at the cost of the Board of Education. It is unlikely that such an amendment will ever pass at the Board level and no doubt this is known by many members of council and brought their support for the amendment. There appears to be a lot of opposition from individual council members in that the Town must pick up all operating deficits under the present agreement and this would continue unless they can gain operating financial support from the Board of Education. This appears unlikely for then the Board would have to provide the same activities throughout the whole of their area and with new pools in Port Hope and Gobourg the costs could become'prohibitive. The Board of Education is jn the business of providing education and has enoügh financial difficulties with rising costs and declining grants and enrolments. They should not and cannot be the financial backbone for the operation of municipal pools in the area. ' The Board of Education has already turned aside a proposed agreement with the Town of Newcastle in which tlfe Board would have guaranteed at least 25 percent of the operating costs. This has not satisfied council and they are .back nibbling again. One has to go back to at least 1976 when the council of Newcastle gave approval of the construction of the pool under a proposed agreement in which the Board was supposed to pick up 25 percent of the operating cost. The Board dumped the proposal. As the Board did not support the proposed agreement it places the Town of Newcastle in a position other than in 1976. It would appear that council should now clarify its position on whether or not it really wants a pool and if it will accept the full responsibility for its operation. Until this is done time spent on an agreement could well be a waste of time on everyone's part. In speaking recently with A1 Strike of the Splash Committee he said all we really want to know at this time will council accept the pool and the responsibility of its operation. P Balmoral ÿattertfêx "CANADIANA" Hwy. 35 & 115 At Kirby Corners ANTIQUES - ART - BOOKS Paintings By: Maureen Remington Jessie Slemon Dally 10-5 Closed Tuesdays & Sundays Oorts Roberts Bus. 983-5476 U»1M0° r<>nd Res 983-5948 ' Raku and Functional Pottery by - Peggy MacKenzie * jà Civic fund to provide flag pole monies The Finance Committee of the Town of Newcastle on Monday gave approval for the purchase of two new flag poles, the relocation of the Bowmanville Library flag pole to the Bowmanville cenotaph, and the restoration Of the Newtonville War Memorial. Memorial. One of the new flag poles is to be erected at the Orono Cenotaph with the other at the Newtonville War Memorial. The total cost of the project to the Town amounts to $835.00 with the Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Legion providing an additional additional $280.00. As the Town's portion was not in the budget for 1979 it was asked where the funds would come from. Mayor Rickard said he would provide provide the needed $835.00 from the Civic fund an amount of $1,000 which he can delegate its expenditure over the year. Most council members said they were unaware that such a fund existed. Board suspends weed spraying The Board of Education has suspended weed spraying in school yards until such time as they have heard back from the Ministry of the Environment. Environment. Previously to this action on Thursday they had approved the spraying for weeds in school yards. The board has been notified by the Ministry to halt all spraying using 2-4DX and await word from the Ministry before reviving the program. Toby Vigod of the Environmental Environmental Law Association stated stated that in at least one case last year a child's doctor had asked if the child had come in contact to an herbicide. Vigord stated that the school officials had claimed that no spraying had taken place at the school when in fact on further investigation it had, Vigord also said that not until the issue opened this year were parents aware that some of their children's illnesses may have been related to the spraying program. program. The Environmental Law Association urged the Minis' try to take action on their client's behalf to suspend the spraying program. UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister (Rev. B.E. Long B.Th. Organist and Choir Director David Gray Sunday, June 3,1979 ORONO UNITED CHURCH Sunday Church School 10 a.m. Morning Worship 11:15 a.m. KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Sunday Church School 9:45 Morning Worship 9:45 Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. INCOME TAX AND RELATED ACCOUNTING SERVICES 118 KING STREET EAST; SUITE 2 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 1N3 Dr. R. K. McArthur is pleased to announce that Dr. Robert Farquharson will be joining him in the practice of Family Dentistry at 73 King Street West, Newcastle. For appointmentplease call 987-4466. The season for sun dresses is coming up. Come in while the choice is good. You will want one soon. Our shorts this year are in several styles and the short sets.are going fst. fast. Boys plaid shirts at- $7.00 and special sport T-shjrtsare $8.00 and now in stock. Sizes 8-14. . Wé have a supply of new pattern plastic place ma ( ts, priced at $1.25 and $1.75. Brighten tip your kitchen with something different. Armstrong's Try Cornish's Orono Towing GENERAL REPAIRS , Phone 963-5249 Orono Fresh Produce Including local hot house tomatoes (Full of flavour) Fresh Meats . Utmost care is given in the handling of our meats - A-l quality and guaranteed fresh. Groceries f A good assortment of name brands competively priced. Freezer Meat Orders We cut ahd wrap for the freezer Canada's finest A-l Beef and Pork cut in quantities to suit your needs. ' ' . Sunspun Products A wide line of grocery products at prices .lower than name brands. Yes they have a high standard of qualify. CORNISHS