2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 6th, 1979 Orono Weekly Times CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations are certainly in order to Durham Northumberland M.P. first for his success at'the polls in this riding and secondly on his appointment to the federal cabinet under Prime Minister Joe Clark. The announcement came on Monday that Lawrence had been appointed Solicitor General and Attorney General. A position of high order is not new to Lawrence having held the portfolio of Northern Affairs, Attorney General as well as the provincial secretary of state in the Governement governments of Ontario. Lawrence at one time was also one of four 'super' ministers appointed by Davis. Lawrence entered provincial politics in 1958 and was a leading light in the provincial government until 1972 when he. entered the federal field of politics and won the Durham riding for the conservatives. For the past seven years he has sat in opposition in Ottawa but being quite vocal at times in the opposition posts he has held. We certainly wish him well in his new appointment and his new position in Ottawa. The coming months wll certainly be most interesting as the Clark Conservative government addresses its policies to the affairs of this nation. A RAISE WARRANTED It possibly would be art easy matter to be critical of the salary increase for local area councillors who this week received a near 44 percent increase in their remuneration from the Town coffers. The remuneration figure rises from $5700.00 to $8200.00. This Corner, in- the past however, has noted the disparity between the remuneration of local councillors and those that sit on regional council as well as local council. The $5700.00 for, local councillors was an amount that had them grossly onderpaid. The $8200 appears to be in line for the job The inequity came about when the Region set their remuneration for Regional councillors which now amounts to almost $13,000 plus some expenses. Until the recent increase regional councillors with their regional remuneration and that from the Town of Newcastle were reaping some $18,680 while the local councillor was reaping only $5,700. Certainly the regional councillor had more responsibilities but not to the extent of the difference between the remunerations. The $5,700 was hardly any incentive to attract any number of candidates for the position when no doubt a local councillor is required at the least to provide three days of his time for the job which may or may not include some night- local organization meetings. No complaint this time but let us now establish that the disparity has been corrected and in the future we keep within the bounds of percentage increase. LIGHTS OUT FOR ANOTHER LOCAL INSTITUTION The days of "the Orono Hydro are numbered and through restructuring will disappear from the local scene as of the end of the year. Over the past five years we have watched the demise of the Clarke Township council and the Orono Police Trustees who had given yeoman service to the community. Orono Hydro has likewise served the community since its purchase from Ontario Hydro in 1938, a major decision at that time. In the early 1940s they faraud Ihehrewfi board of Charlie Miller, Joe Walker and R. E, Logon Mi some later employed their first manager, Ernie Dent. A lot of watts have gone through the lines since that time. i With no growth factor in Orono hydro has become somewhat less than an economical institution in the Village * and hydro rates have risen faster than ip neighbouring dentres such as Newcastle and Bowmanville. The situation could not improve over the next few years without some drastic changes. This change is to come about with amalgamation at the end of the year. The almalgamation should bring some line of economy to local customers for a time at least. This may however be hard to sell when water costs in the Village have more then doubled over the past five years undfer the regional system. Impact committee for Newcastle Mayor Rickard on Monday proposed that an impact committee be established of Counc. Clarke, Cowman and Hobbs to study what impacts certain development may have on the Town of Newcastle. Newcastle. . In his report he made reference to the extending of the construction period for the Darlington Nuclear Plant and othèr related industries locating in the Town. He also. mentioned the possible go ahead for the Eldorado Refinery and the fact that waste Was still to be .handled in the Town of Newcastle. Counc. Hobbs took object attended the opening of the beautiful new Seventh Day Adventist Church in Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Lastly, I >vould be remiss by not saying congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Karl Klapow who celebrated their 70th Wedding Anniversary on June 1st. ion to the appointment of three new members of council to thp cbmmittee. He claimed the Mayor was wiping out any continuing theme in these developments and -especially with the agreement with Ontario Hydro. Mayor Rickard said his idea was that it would be a new approach and the committee committee could call on anyone they wished for information. A motion was finally passed in that Counc. Holiday would be chairman of the committee. committee. Counc. «Hobbs, Cowman ' and Clarke were also appointed appointed to the committee. SAMATQUEEN'S PARK Report from Queen's Park Sam Cureatz, M.P.P., Durham East Increased protection for landowners Proposals for legislation were recently announced to increase the protection of landowners against trespass and to clarify the liability of owners to persons who enter their land. The proposals are intended to safeguard the rights of landowners and at the same time to encourage them to make land available for recreational activities. They were drafted following following a review of the present law governing landowners' rights and liabilities, which was conducted with the assistance assistance of various agricultural agricultural and recreational groups. As protection against trespass, trespass, the proposed legislation would raise the fine for trespassing from $100 to $1000, and would permit the courts to impose on convicted trespassers to cost of prosecutions. prosecutions. It would also allow the courts to compensate land- owners for damages caused by trespassers to property or crops. The proposed legislation would add orchards and fields under cultivation to the category category of land to which entry is prohibited without the land- owners having to post signs or give other notice. Under the present law, only lawns, gardens and enclosed lands are included to this category. The proposals also call for limiting their liability of owners to persons who enter their lands to a duty to take, responsible care to ensure their safety. This duty would not be owed to persons entering land for criminal purposes. Owners of all rural, nonindustrial nonindustrial land would be liable to damages only where they create dangers with the deliberate intent of causing harm; or have done something something with reckless disregard • for the entrant's presence. In this respect, the province hopes to encourage farmers ' and landowners to allow hikers, skiers and horse back riders to establish trails along property lines or through woodlots. Details of the proposals are set out in a discussion paper entitled "Occupiers' Liability and Trespass to Property", The paper is being distributed to a large number of interested interested individuals and groups and all comments- on the proposals proposals are expected to be received by the end of June. The government will then assèss these remarks over the summer months in order to bring forth legislation in the fall. Might I congratulate the Ritson Road Alliance Church on thein 25th Annivensary, and a special congratulation to Rev. D. Phillips on a wonderful program of May 27th. On the same day I a)so Chamber would like downtown study Mayor Rickard of the Town , of Newcastle was present at the Orono Chamber meeting on Monday evening and upon question outlined the status of the proposed Orono Shopping Centre and discussed with the members the possibility of a downtown study for the Village. Village. Mayor Rickard pointed out that the Town had not as yet passed the rezoning by-law which was required so that the proposed Shopping Centre could go ahead. It was pointed out that a downtown study was being carried out for thé downtown 1 area of Bowmànville and that the cost of the study was being levied over the whole of the Town of Newcastle. Mayor Mayor Rickard felt that such .a study could be carried out in Orono and possibly should be prior to the presentation of the district plan for Orono. He did not know the status of the Orono District plan at this time. The Mayor said they were looking at demolition of some downtown buildings in Bowmanville Bowmanville and this could possibly possibly be considered in Orono for redevelopment of the area. Herb Duvall asked that a study be made of the downtown downtown area of Orono and said it could be a great help to have someone from outside take a" look at Orono. It was suggested that possibly possibly the Orono Town Hall and the Orono Hydro building could be demolished to make room for parking and new. buildings. There was support however within the Chamber membership to retain the Orono Town Hall stating that its facilities could be of use within'the community. It was said that even with all the facilities now in Orono, some people were, having, trouble getting accommodation. It was pointed out' that a parking study had been carried out in the Village of , Newcastle by the Town and , that a similar study for Orono could be of some benefit. (Continued from page!).. Mobile Home mobile home park by a vote of 18-10. The Regional council in adopting their official plan left the Rice property southwest southwest of Newcastle Village in .an agricultural designation. A number of bids to have the region redesignate the land at the Region - failed, until last Wednesday. Currently the matter is before the Ontario Municipal Board and this board a couple of weeks ago sent the issue back to the Region for further clarification. This referral brought the subject before Regional council last Wednesday Wednesday when council then gave its approval of the 'redesignation. The issue of the Rice proposal for the mobile home ; park has been before the Tbwn of Newcastle and the Region with their inception in 1974. Prior to this the matter , was before the Township of Clarke which had given their approval. The Town of Newcastle Newcastle council'on three occasions occasions have given their consent for the proposal. Mayor Rickard who has beefi apposed to the development development along the shores of Lake Ontario 'informed Regional council last week that he was unable to debate the issue i after hexeceived a "threatening" "threatening" letter.. The Region now has no opposition to the proposal which-position they will take with the hearing now in process ' with the Ontario Municipal Board. The site has been purchas,; ed by Ontario Hydro for their transmission line but Rice has been given the option to purchase back some of the .property for the purpose of a : mobile home park. Originally Rice had proposed to construct construct 930 mobile homes on thé site. This, we understand, hgs now been reduced to some 550. . Gaining support of the .Ontario Municipal Board Rice Construction will then have to establish a site plan with the Town of Newcastle and obtain a rezoning by-law in order to proceed with the proposal. (Continued from page 1 ) Orono Hydro guaranteed jobs with the new commission along with their major employment benefits. Counc. Holliday, a member of the local study team, at council on Monday said they expected the first drafting of the legislation to be ready for comment at the end of June. It will have first reading in the legislature by this time. Legislation is to be finalized at Queen's Park so that the new commission can take over and supply hydro by the first of 1980. It is understood that councillors councillors are not eligible to sit as a commissioner with the exception of the Mayor of the Municipality who is an auto- .matic member. The legislation will make provision for a municipal council to direct" a new commission at any time with the consent of Ontario Hydro to expand its service area to the extent of the municipal boundaries' Other centres in the Region of Durham will also be amalgamated under the new legislation. Ï Balmoral ÿallerq "CANADIANA" Hwy. 35 & 115 At Kirby Corners . ANTIQUES - ART - BOOKS Paintings By: Maureen Remington Jessie Slemon , Dally 10-5 Closed Tuesdays & Sundays Bus. 983-5476 ' Res. 983-5948 Doris Roberts Box 220, Orono LOB 1M0 Raku and Functional Pottery by Peggy MacKenzie Æ TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. T INCOME TAX AND RELATED ACCOUNTING SERVICES 118 KING STREET EAST, SUITE 2 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LlC 1N3 Dr. R. K. McArthur is plëasëd to announce that Dr. Robert Farquharson ' will be joining him in . the practice of Family Dentistry at 73 Kind Street West, Newcastle. For appointment please call 987-4466.