Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, July 18th, 1979 Would use School Study Lyle West, Orono, heading à delegation to the last. meeting of the Board of Education, made an inquiry as to the possibility of renting the closed Salem school four evenings a week. The rental would be for youth groups for Bible Study. It was pointed out that there Salem Bible was' a policy as to rental of closed schools but it was not known just what this may do as far as the provincial grants were concerned. The matter was turned over to a committee to be given further consideration to the request. No action on Old Town Hall The above photo shows the remains of a house which was gutted by fire during the early hours Saturday morning. The alarm which was phoned in at about 12:45 a.m. Saturday was answered by three departments departments including both the tanker and pupiper from Orono. The frame house located on the 3rd line of Clarke east of Newcastle suffered an esti mated $30,000.00 damage. The owner of the house David Hannah of Oshawa was not home at the time. Hobbs asked council to exercise caution Counc. Hobbs on Monday urged his fellow council members not to put $3,000 on the line when there existed some confusion as to the possibled purchase price of the lands now held in Bow-' manville by the Ministry of Government Services and, known as the Pine Ridge ■ Training School. Hobbs stated that he was given the understanding when *? meeting with ( the Minister that the price for the lands would be less than the established cost of land. He pointed out to a correspondence correspondence in which it seemed that the lands would be sold by the province at market value. "We can't afford to purchase these lands at market value price," said Counc. Hobbs. The issue came before council when they were considering a recommendation recommendation from the Town's Pine Ridge School committee requesting requesting the Town engage Grant Robertson, Architect, to prepare a feasibility study and a financial appraisal of the Pine Ridge School facility for municipal, cultural and recreational purposes. The cost for the study was set at $3,000.00. Counc. Hobbs said he would have no part of this expenditure expenditure until such time ,as there TOURING P.E.I. WITH WHITBY BAND Edward MortoiB, an accomplished young musician from the Orono area is touring Prince Edward Island with the Whitby Brass Band during the week. The tour involves a number of band concerts, parades, lobster-fests etc. Edward is playing drums for the Whitby Band. RECEIVES HONOURARY DEGREE Professor Stuart Ryan, Kingston, recently received the rarely-granted honorary degree of doctor of sacred letters from the University of Trinity College for his long service in many capacities to the Anglican Church of Canada. Ryan was a former mayor of Port Hope, co-chairman of the founding committee for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority and practiced law in Port Hope until joining the Queen's University faculty in 1957. TO DISSOLVE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE MUSEUM BOARD The Town of Newcastle Museum Board is to be dissolved and the two Museums in the Town, Clarke and Bowmanville will be administered by the two local boards. Over the past couple of years the museûm operation in Newcastle was controlled by one over-all board and the two local Boards. This has appeared not to work through over lapping of administrations, sqme lack of interest and -nparent inter co-operation. The Town will now mâke appointments to the two local 'hoards. . was clarification as to the cost price of the lands. He said council was in no position to consider paying the established established cost of land. This correspondence would lead me to believe we are to pay such a cost, he said. Cancer objective reached The Bowmanville and District District Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society has reached its 1979 campaign objective. Target for this year was |20,000.00. As of July 12th the junit had collected $23,714.11. " To accomplish this task it required the assistance of over 900 people. Funds were "received from the April campaign drive from the residents, within the Unit, commercial and industrial industrial establishments, daffodil sales, and special events. Bowmanville Unit extends west to Courtice, east to Newtonville, north to Ponty- pool and Enniskillen. Ontario Division or Province Province objective is 9 million dollars with the national objective being 16.5 million dollars. Of the national total 11 million will go to cancer research. The balance will be used for cancer education, transportation and treatment for patients. Bowmanville Unit as well as all Units throughout Canada Canada are managed and operated operated by many dedicated NON PAID volunteers. To all who donated, canvassed, canvassed, sold daffodils or assisted with various special events a sincere thank you for your efforts. ^Charles Trim, . Campaign Chairman. Counc. Holliday said council council was only trying to define what they could do and what they were prepared to pay. "If we can't afford it, it goes down the drain", he .said. The motion passed to carry out the study with Counc. Barr remarking that a simple phone call could possibly define the misunderstanding. Council on Monday postponed postponed any action that would have set the wheels in action to designate the old Bowmanville Bowmanville Town Hall as being of architectural-historical value or interest. Council has received a request from the Town's LÂCAC committee asking that the building be designated designated as a historical buildihg which would put it in the same status as the old Kirby Public School. Council however has held the correspondence in abeyance abeyance pending the ultimate decision of the future administration administration building for the Town of Newcastle. In a document provided to qoimcil it was pointed out that the Town Hall with the exception of Central School and the old Registry Office is the oldest building in the Town of Bowmanville. It was erected in 1904 and it has been stated that no other building in Bowman, ville contains such a wealth of Classical detail. It was also pointed out that the exterior of the building has changed very little since its construction at a cost of (Continued page 2) Graduate ELLEN MARIE HEARD Ellen Marie Heàrd, daughter daughter df Jean and A1 Heard, received her Bachelor of Science degree at Convocation Convocation Hall, Univeristy of Toronto on June 14th, 1979. Bank of Commerce makes donation Paul Kelsey, manager of the Orono Branch, df Canadian Canadian Imperial Bank of Com merce, is shown above pre- the arena fund- This cheque senting a cheque to Charles brings the total donation of Gray on behalf of the bank foi; the bank to $1,860.00.