-re . . - work is well underway in the construction of a new building for the Orono Fair. The building will be closed in and completed before the promotion of the fair early in September. The new $16,000 building will house the Black and White Show on Thursday evening of the fair and contain the rabbit show for the remainder of the fair. It is expected that an extended rabbit show this year will take up all of the building. Cowman claims plan costly to Town Counc. Cowman on Monday at council presented -a resolution resolution supported by. Counc. Hobbs and Clarke that would have rescinded former action of council relating to the extention of time for approval of the Courtice Heights subdivision subdivision as well as expropriation expropriation by the Town of lands in the area for a proposed storm sewer outfall and a storm sewer retention-siltation pond. The resolution to rescind the former action of council was defeated when Mayor Rickard broke a tie vote. -Counc. Cowman stated that it had been estimated that the expropriation of lands would cost the Town an estimatèd $200,000 and that the cost of the expropriation and the construction of the storm drainage system would cost in total $1.3 million. She pointed out that the Town had no agreement with the sub-, dividers that they would pay i THIS MAY SEEM LIKE A small world till YOU CHASE YOUR HAT ON A WINDY DAY. Orono Towing} GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Ordno | for these costs. The costs as of now, she pointed out, must be accepted by the taxpayers in the Town. - She stated that lot levies from the sub-division, when ■ paid, would amount to $1.5 million but the Town through its by-laws has .portions portioned this amount, one- third to recreation, one-third to administration and one- third to roads. This leaves $.5 million to pay for a $1.3 million project she said. She said this was going to be costly for local taxpayers. Counc. Cowman also said the existing agreement runs out at the end of the year with Courtice Heights and it should be allowed to lapse and then be renegotiated. She said the developer had offered $2.00 for easement of land for the. storm sewer project and that such an offer was ridiculous. She warned council if they allowed the extention of time they would not be in a position to negotiate. "You would not do this with any other 1 promotion in the Town," she commented. •ï. Prior to Counc. Cowman's presentation to council, council council had passed a resolution that the Town adopt a policy in which àll associated costs of studies, engineering, legal work and construction be charged against developers and that these costs be transmitted to those effected and be recovered at time of expense or through the subdivision subdivision agreement. It was pointed out in a report that there Was no policy covering the cost of storm wâter L Secondary School Teachers Employed by the Northumberland- Newcastle Board of Education The District Executive is doing all in its power to speed up the delivery of retro-active pay owed as a result of the Arbitration Toward on June 28. Further details available on September 4th. L. Greenwood, . President District 49 OSSTF , management, studies or constructions. constructions. Counc. Cowman said Courtice Courtice Heights were being exempt these charges while other subdividers would have to pay the costs. Mayor Rickard said Courtice Courtice Heights had carried the ball during the OMB hearings over Courtice and were responsible responsible in bringing services to Courtice. He said the estimated cost of expropriation expropriation of lands was not $200,000 in his mind. He said the Town had entered into the agreement in good faith and should approve the extension of time. Counc. Barr asked if the cost of the storm sewer system in Courtice was still negotiable. Don Smith, Director Director of Planning, said it could be upon mutual agreement agreement between the developer and the Town. The Director also pointed out that the lands being expropriated may not Up and Down the Book Stacks ADULT Wilderness Harvest by Aly- son Knap (a guide to edible wild plants in North America) America) Consuelo Portrait of an American American Heiress by James . .Brough (story of an heiress • who became a duchess) "poster Americans in Search of .their Prehistoric Past by Stuart Struever The Complete Book of Birth by Morton Walker Status ISQ by Roger Herst (gripping novel about- a , submarine caught under the arctic icecap) Together by Ellen Roddick (a modern love story) Night Screams by Bill Pron- zini (a clairvoyant predicts her own murder) Sometimes a Hero by Les Whitten (a battling lawyer's lawyer's crusade against big oil) JUNIOR A Closer Look at Horses by Neil Thompson Insects and Spiders by John Neary Atlantis, Men and Monsters by Michael Heron EASY READING AND PICTURE BOOKS The Strongest one of all by Mirra Ginsburg How many Dragons are, behind the Door? by Virginia Virginia Kahl My Nursery School by Harlow Rockwell The Bear Detectives by Stan and Jan'Berenstain. Madeleine Hadley. all be required following a study of the Storm Water Management pian which is to be undertaken by Totten Sims Hubjcki at a cost of $43,500. It is hoped to pay these costs from funds other than municipal municipal funds but no clear indication has yet been received. received. Counc. Cowman said it was not fair to either the present taxpayers in the Town nor to future developers. Through the re-affirming of future action of council expropriation expropriation proceeding can now proceed and according to a comment from the Town Manager will proceed as directed by council. Later in the meeting council council gave support to a motion of Counc. Cowman and Hobbs in that the Town obtain a legal opinion as to the legality of resolutions passed by council in connection with the expropriation expropriation of land. Counc. Cowman Cowman had claimed that in her opinion this former action of council had not been in accord with the procedural by-law of the town. Await Mall site plan Council gave two readings to a by-law amending an existing zoning by-law to allow the construction of the third phase of the Bowman-, ville Mall which would include include a junior department store, Prior to the third reading of the by-law council must approve the site plan for Phase Three and being accompanied accompanied with financial endorsements. The second phase of the Mall is expected to be underway shortly and thought to be completed later this year. This phase will include two cinemas along .with further retail outlets. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, August 1st, 1979-5 eastern section of the Board's jurisdiction there was an increase in the student body of eight pupils. Andrew Thompson, Board Chairman, said he was disappointed, disappointed, that the decline had only meant a decline of two and a half elementary classrooms classrooms per year over the past three years. The greatest decline of students now appears at the secondary level where a net decline of 7.46 percent was realized between September and June. The greatest decline decline at the secondary level came in the central area where 245 students withdrew from the system. The western area lost 162 students during ■ the year and the eastern area lost à total of 186 students. Declining enrolment overestimated A recent report to the Northumberland and New castle Board of Education has revealed that declining enrolment enrolment in the area schools has been overestimated and that the total change in school enrolment during the 1978-79 term had decreased by 3,14 percent. This compares with 3.5 in 1977-78 and 3.06 in 1976-77. It was pointed out that some 47 students in the western area left elementary schools with the majority from March to June. There were 20 elementary students less in the central region while in the Orono Nursery School Register Now for September 1979 WE OFFER A HALF-DAY ENRICHMENT PROGRAM FOR 3-5 YEAR OLD CHILDREN Qualified Staff - Licensed Premises For Information Cali 983-5402 A.M., 987-4012 P.M. ' The Town of Newcastle NOTICE of Public Meeting TAKE NOTICE that the Planning Committee of the Town of Newcastle will consider the following Offiçial Plan amendment application at a meeting to be held qn August 9, 1979 from 7:15 to 8:30 p.m. in Courtroom 1, the Bowmaiiville Courthouse, 132 Church Street, Bowmanville. , ■ • \ , - ■ Application to Amend the Durham Regional Official Plan 79-8-D. 1 Location : « Part Lot 32, Concession 10, former Township of Clarke Purpose: To redesignate approximately 66 acres of land from "Major Open Space - Oak Ridges Moraine" to "Extractive Industrial" to permit the extraction of sand and gravej. Information ^plated to this amendment application is available for inspection in the Planning Department, Hampton or by calling Mr. T. Edwards, Long'Range Planner (416) 263-2231. Miss Durham Centra I Contest September 6th Application? will be received from single * persons, age 17 - 22,, the Municipality of* Newcastle, to compete in the Miss Durban) Central contest, Thursday, Sept 6th, 1979. - , (Must' be 17 years of age on or before Sept. 1,1979) -Photo Birth Date ■ Mail to Box 212, Orono, Ontario, LOB 1M0. No applications later than August 23,1979 I