Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 5th, 1979-9 wuebec art at the Me La ug hli n Gallery "Works by Quebec artists are different from "what is tdône elsewhere in that they are. soft and sensuous in •approach, things in the art world, are moving very fast in : Montreal. - The identifying factor in Quebec artists is this sensuous approach' ', states ,Leo Rosshandler, organizer o( Avec ou Sans Couleur, the exhibition which opens at The Robert McLaughlin Gallery on September 4th. He is very enthused about the work of all twelve artists and comment- LTHIS MAY SEEM LIKE A 1 SMALL WORLD TILL YOU j {CHASE YOUR HAT ON A 1 ) WINDY DAY- 1 Orono Towing GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Orono ed on some of them on a recent visit to Oshawa. The works of Pierre Blanchette "are like a memory trip, with layer upon layer of paint, each one relating to a different experience". Christian Kiopini is a follower follower of Monet, whose "impressionistic sort of work glows With the concentration of light upon it." He uses sewing and creases in the canvas. , Though born in Denmark, Christian KnUdsen has been a Quebecer for many years. His pieces, states Rosshandler, "show the process of achieving achieving the work. It has very vigorous constructions". Jean-François l'Homme uses parachute nylon to give a great deal of sensuous feeling to his extremely subtle works. "The works lead to discovery. One must really look to see them", explains the exhibition exhibition organizer. A traditional abstractionist, Richard Mill creates art which is graphic in nature. "Pieces are visually - reversible", reversible", says Rosshandler. "It is difficult to distinguish surface from background." Gerri's Flower and Gifts Main Street, Orono 983-9724 Closed Wednesdays, Open 9-5 Monday-Saturday After Hours Call 623-1487. Orono Fair DANCE " - % , ' Saturday, Sept. 8th 9 p.m. - la.m. at Orono arena * < Featuring: Bobby Brown and the Scottish Accent. $10.00 per couple Tickets available at Moms Kitchen ,HOCKEY REGISTRATION ORONOARENA Friday, Sptember 14,6-9 p.m. Saturday, September 15,2-4 p.m. Please bring Birth Certificate and Social Insurance Number. Fees are as follows: Tyke and Novice Atom, Pee Wee and Bantam Midget Juvenile $50.00 $60.00 $70.00 $75.00 Full payment must be made before first practice. A parent or guardian please accompany all players Tyke to Bantam age. Orono Amateur Athletic Association. ( Continued from page, 1 ) ice pad by volunteer labour. Steve McLeod of Simco informed council that when the contract was let it would take some six weeks to remove and replace the 1 old ice pad and an additional 28 days for curing. It was felt that it would at least by November 1st before ice could be placed in the arena. The removal of the ice pad was found necessary since tests showed that the old ice pad from the original arena was now deficient and that repairs would be costly and unpredictable as being adequate adequate for continuous operation operation of the arena. It, was not known at the time of Friday's meeting if Win- tario would provide funds for the work and a meeting had been arranged for Tuesday morning, September 4th when members of council, the He feels one of the women in the show, Louise Robert, works on textures in a warm way with graffitti tracing through. Her works record . life or happenings in subtle ways, while those of Françoise Françoise Tournissoux are sensuous, sensuous, but purist. "Eyes must be used not to analyze the work, but to discover", says Rosshandler. The exhibition Will continue to September 30th and admission admission is free. Gallery Hours: weekdays 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesdays 7 to 9 p.m., Saturdays noon to 5 p.m. and Sundays 2 to 5 p.m. Interested groups or teachers who would like tours of this exhibition are invited to call Marg Jackson at the Gallery, 576- 3000. Newcastle Finance committee committee and the Minister of Recreation would discuss the matter. At special meeting of council was called for Tuesday Tuesday afternoon to consider the findings of the trip to Toronto and to consider council's position. On Friday no contract was let and such a decision was to be held ' until the Tuesday meeting. A contract agreement agreement is to be prepared and • presented to the meeting on Tuesday. Joe Burney, head of the Newcastle Village arena management committee, said that the arena was to open on October 1st and that ice time had been booked. Any delay in getting the new ice pad , installed is costing us money, he said. Burney also informed council council that the volunteer removal of the ice pad was going to cost $5,000 and recommended that the contractor awarded the work be allowed to remove the old ice pad. He said it would be f oolish to pay out $5,000 when Simco had agreed lo do the work for $2,500.00 Burneÿ again urged speed in letting the contract and questioned if council would let a $700,000 arena sit idle even if Wintario money was not available. Department of Community Services Fall and Winter Programme Registrations 1979-80 GYMNASTIC CLASSES: Fee $20.00 for 10 weeks. Registration Date: Tuesday ..September 11th at the former Bell Building, 7 to 9:00 p.m. FIGURE SKATING CLUB: Registration Date: September 17th through 28th at the former Bell Building, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Evening registration on September 26th from 7:00 p.m.* to 9:00 p.m. in the Bell Building. , ■ PO W E R S K AT I N G : Feè $25.00 for 10 weeks. Registration Date: Septembér 17th through 28th at the former Bell Building 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. „ INDOOR SOCCER: (Men) (Men) Fee $8.00 Registration Date: October 1st to the 5th at the former Bell Building, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ' MINOR HOCKEY: Fée $50.00 , Registration Date: September 10th to ÿlst at the former Bell Building, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Must have birth certificate. BATON, TAP, BALLET BEGINNERS: Fee $1700 Registration Date: Wednesday, September 12th at the former Bell Building from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. • ADVANCED BATON, BALLET AND SCOTTISH DANCING: Fee,$17.00 Registration Date: Wednesday, September 12tfyat the former Bell Building, 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. your electricity If there's more than-.6 cm. (M inch) of frost in your freezer, you're putting energy on ice. Regular defrosting is easy to do and ifs easier on the fridge. . Heavy dust on your refrigerator coils makes it work harder to keep its cool. An occasiQnal vacuuming of the coils behind or underneath the refrigerator can help it last longer and it won't useX more electricity than it has to., , ' lake the $1 hffl test. Shut the door of your ' fridge on a dollar bill. If bilfpujls out easily cold air can flow out too, addirig to your energy costs. The fridge may need a new ., gasket or the solution may be as simple as making sure the appliance is level. Tune-up,Clean-up It's simple. Appliances that are dean and well-cared for last lodger and they use less electricity. Over the long run, you can save money on appliance replacement. And of course, the less energy you waste, " the more dollars you save. 1 " » Don't waste your energy. , Ontario hydro : ' \ HY9 5564