Orono Merchants Bow Out 1 The Orono Merchants, who this summer ,have played in the York-Durham Slow Pitch league, were eliminated last week in the play downs by the Bowmanville league entry. It was the first season for the local club to be entered in the league. Pictured above are: (Back row, left to right) Myles McLeod, Don Young,' Mark Cannon, Bob Kelman, Dave Taylor and Wayne Martin. (Front row) Barry Roberts, Don Clarke, Bill Cannon and Denis Mumford, Missing were Bob Faulkner, Stan Byers, Rob Brant, Gary Davies and Mike Roberts. The club would like to thank their supporters and the Orono Businessmen who donated donated towards the purchase of the uniforms. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 5th, 1979 To sign contract for arena ice pad Partner appointed to new hydro comm. The Town of Newcastle council gave their approval on Tuesday afternoon for the signing of a contract with Simco for the removal of the old ice pad in the Newcastle arena and to replace it with a completely new surface which will also be suitable for other uses such as roller skating. The contract for the . work is set at $65,200. The Newcastle Village Arena Arena Funding Raising Commute Commute has agreed to collect tone-third of the cost of the new floor through public _ ; ( Continued page 3 ) 1 happenings... I COMPLAINING ABOUT THE PRICE OF MILK? If .you complain , of the price of milk consider these figures in relationship lo the end product that appears on your table. At.a recent sale of holsteins a 45 day old bull calf sold for $400,000 to Japanese interests. An open heifer with similar breeding sold for $330,000 to Georgetown, Ontario interests. The animals were from Romandale Farms Ltd., . Unionville with the total sale $2,795,500, all this in 23 years. *191 SPONSHORSHIPS THROUGHOUT CANADA The United Church of Canada in an update report as 'to sponsorships through the Church of refugee families in Canada refer to a total of 191 sponsorships. There is an average of six letters Qf recognition per day being signed, with no slackening in sight. TUG-O-WAR FRIDAY NIGHT According to Aleck Moffat he expects a total of twelve teams in the Tug-O-War contest to be held in connection with the Orono Fair. The full competition with all twelve teams will be held on Friday evening in front of the grandstand. FIREFIGHTER'S PANCAKE BREAKFAST The Orono Firefighters are holding their annual Fall Fair Pancake Breakfast this Saturday morning at the Orono Fire Hall. Everything as usual with lots of pancakes and sausages. OLDTIMERS TO PLAY IN ORONO The Port Hope Oldertimers will face the Orono Oldtimers in a baseball game to be played at the Orono Park on September 16th in the afternoon. Last Sunday these two clubs met in Port Hope with the Orono boys edging out a 6-5 win. Orono came up with three double plays and as well Charles Armstrong batted three solid hits for his three trips to the plate but found the old legs weren't what they used to be in running. Kelly Lane was on the mound for the most of 'he game with John She tier, behind the hat. Most of the old eguiars were out for the game from Orono. Pay them a visit on September 16th at the Orono Park. < H. Partner, presently a member of the Orono Hydro Electric Commission, was appointed to the new Town of Newcastle Hydro Commission Commission last Friday during an incamera session of council. Partner is one of a five member' commission which will take over the operation of the supply of hydro to customers in the Village of Orono, the Village of Newcastle Newcastle and the Town of B'owmanville. 'Other members appointed to th'e new commission were Irv McCullough from the Newcastle Village commission, commission, Bill Morrison from the Bowmanville Public Utilities, Jasper W. Holliday representing representing the rural area and Mayor Garnet Rickard who automatically automatically represents the Town on the new commission. The new commission will take over the operation of the present three systems in Orono, Newcastle and Bowmanville Bowmanville as of January 1st, 1979. The rural areas in the Town of Newcastle are not affected, by the new legis-' dation and will remain under jurisdiction of Ontario Hydro as in the past. The new commission will hold office for less than a year when in November 1980 the position will be contested through an election held at the same time as' municipal elections. Prior to going into camera session on Friday council was informed,that the new commission commission could not have a majority on the new commission commission from council. It was apparent more than ' one councillor was seeking appointment appointment to the commission. Counc. Cowman also informed informed council that she would be presenting sometime in the • future a resolution to change the composition of the new commission. She suggested a seven-member commission rather than the five-member commission. This would be composed of two members from Bowmanville, two members members from the rural area, one from Orono, one from Newcastle Newcastle as well as the Mayor of the Municipality. The Durham Central Agricultural Agricultural Fair in Orono opens this Thursday evening headed by the colourful pagentry of the Miss Durham Central Fair contest. Queen of the 1978 Fair, Miss Kathy L'ycëtt, will host the entrants and crown the new Queen of Orono's exciting exhibition,' which will run through to Sunday afternoon. SIX VIEW QUEEN'S .CROWN There are, six contestants viewing the new Queen of the Fair crown for 1979., Those viewing for the crown ar-e: Yvonne Boerstra, Bowmanville; Bowmanville; Kathy Mayberry, Bowmanville; Bowmanville; Michele Major, Orono; Esther McEwen, ■Bowmanville; Norma Duer- den", Bowmanville and Nancy Rietmullër, Bowmanville. All the excitement on Thursday night will not solely rest with the choosing of the Queen. Other features include entertainment by the Lighthouse Lighthouse Singers, as well as the Tug of War preliminaries, the Durham County Black and White Show and the growing popular tractor drawing contest. contest. All exhibit's and the midway .will be open' for all to view. FRIDAyS PROGRAM The afternoon program on Firday opens with the annual school parade with prizes for floats, decorated bicycles and a pet show. There will also be an amateur talent show in the arena. , The afternoon activities also include the Jersey show, sheep, goat, poult,y and rabbit show. All inside exhibits will also be on display. Friday evening starts with the popular auctions of sheep, fat calves and cakes. Again the program is diversified with an adult amateur talent contest, tug of War finals and thé team drawing competitions: competitions: Its a jam-packed evening. evening. SATURDAY'S PROGRAM ' The renowned horse show takes over at the Orono Fair on Saturday both in the heavy and light classes. This along with the cattle show and all the other features of the day make Satüfday a 'must'. Entertainment during the afternoon features the Scottish Scottish Variety Show, "Road to the Isle." This is a repeat of last year and was a fair stopper featuring Bill Meaks, Brown, Scott, Townsend and Glen. This event is held inside in the arena building. Bobby Brown and the Scottish Accent play for the evening dance which event in the past, few years -has attracted hundreds of couples for the evening dancing. SUNDAY PROGRAM The Sunday program this year has three main features including harness racing, a Country and Western Jamboree Jamboree as well as the interesting interesting Hunters and Jumpers competition' With the exception exception of the Country and Western Jamboree which is held inside all events will take place in front of the grandstand, grandstand, The activities of the afternoon afternoon start at twelve noon and continue until all events are completed. In ajl the fair this year is well studded with, many special features well spaced throughout the three and a half days commencing with Thursday evening. Plan now to attend this ' great annual event in Orono. Low bid $65,200 for new ice pad A special meeting of council was held Friday afternoon .'when council opened tenders for the removal and replacement replacement of the Newcastle Village ice pad. The bids were presented to council as firm bids by Town Manager, Alex Guiler. The low bid of $65,200 was received from Simco. Other bids totalled $81,687 'and $85,491. It was pointed out at the meeting that $2,400 could be deducted from the low bid presented by Simco if the present ice pad was removed ( Continued to page 9) Mr. Douglas Simpson, who has been a member of the Orono Hydro Commission Commission for fifteen .years has handed in his resignation to the local Commission as a protest of the decision made by council in their appointments appointments to the new Newcastle Hydro Commission.' Mr. Simpson has also sent a , copy, of h ; is letter to council who last we'ek.. made four appointments tq the new commission. , * . In h'is letter to fhe Qrono Hydro Commission Mr. Simpson Simpson writes, "Due to' the decision of council to ignore my 15 years as a member of the Orono Hydro Electric Commission in making their appointment to the' new Commission, and in protest of this^ decision, I feel any further sèrvice would be a waste of time." "J am therefore submitting' submitting' my resignation from «the Orono Hydro Electric Commission effective August August 31, 1979". . On Thursday»of last week council, appointed Mr. Harvey Harvey Partner .to the new Commission' to represent Orono Village.'Both Partner and SimpSon had written counci.1 ol.their wish to serve >i Continued to page <2 /