Special evening for Heather Rebekahs ' 'v ■ ' ,Tuesday evening ■ was . a ma Watson and Evelyn Glan- , ■ special night for Heather ville, Right and Left supports 1 v ; Rebekah Lodge as Sister Jean of Junior Past Noble Grand; Youngman. District Deputy Jean Lewis and Dorothy • President of Oshawa District Trim, Right and Left. Sup- ' • 8 East and her installing staff porters of Chaplain. , were there to install the Invitations were accepted ' officers of our lodge. Other to Ajax, Oshawa No. 3 and distinguished guests Were Bowmanville and Port Hope Brother Youngman of the installations. A car load Will Grand Incanpment. attend. Sister Joyce Major is Sisters were installed as the convenor of the Bazaar to ' follows: Violet Sutcliffe as be held on Saturday, Dec- Noble Grand, Mary Thomp- ember 1st. Tickets are avail- son, Vice Grand; Mae Allen, able on the Draw for the quilt , . Recording Secretary; Irene also second and third prizes, Murray, Treasurer; Carol Sistçr Jean Youngman Boyd, Financial Secretary; spoke a few words and Joyce Major, Warden; Isa- brought greetings from Sister I belle Trim, Conductor; Mari- Constance Hemby, President lyn Major, Color Bearer; of Rebekah Assembly of Gloria Todd, Musician; Olive Ontario. Also Brother Young- Millson, Chaplain;, lia Mar- 1 man spoke a few words, tin, Junior Past Noble Grand; . Visitors were present from , Rena Pears, Outside Guard- Oshawa Rebekah Lodge No. ian; Laverne Barraball, In- 3, Bowmanville Lodge and side Guardian; Betty Major Port Hope Lodge. Our busi- and Hattie Wilson as Right ' ness over, Sister Isabelle and Left Supporters of Noble Trim and her committee j. Grand; Violet Dunlop, Right served a delicious lunch. Support to Vice Grand; Vel- • , " Anglican Archbishop to visit area , The Archbishop of Toronto, the Right Reverend Lewis S. Garnsworthy, who is continuing continuing a series of extended visits to the various areas of his diocese, will be spending October 20-21 in the area of Durham and Northumberland. Northumberland. Included in this tour will be a variety of educational, media, social and liturgical events. Archbishop Garnsworthy will have opportunities for personal contact with the local residents, as well as for dioalogue with both church and community leaders. Clergy and laity from the area have arranged an itinerary itinerary for the Archbishop which includes visits to Port Hope, Orono, Newcastle, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Grafton, Brighton, Gore's Landing, Bewdley and Cobourg. The Archbishop has indicated indicated that he "looks forward to these extended visits and to sharing with as many persons as possible both the hopes and problems of life in church and society". Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 17th, 1979-5 Community Care faces added responsibilities In the past, 80 percent of Community Care of Newcastle's Newcastle's funds have come from a grant from the province, with the remaining 20 percent being provided through grants from the local Municipal government and public donations. In correction of last week's statistics, 1980 shows Community Community Care receiving 50 percent of their funds from the Provincial Ministry Ministry of Community and Social Services. The balance will hopefully be acquired through local grants and fundraising within the municipality. Joan Higginson, chairman of Newcastle Corhmunity Care, is hopeful for support from the people. Caring, sharing at Lockharts 7 Public October 24th is the designated designated high point of the International Year of the Child. Orono-Lockhart School has planned a very special program to celebrate the day. The school is zeroing in on the right of the child to learn to be a useful member of society and to develop individual individual abilities. To emphasize this right, many members of the community community have been invited to share their hobbies and talents with the children. This will show the students how varied interests enrich peoples' peoples' lives to make them worthwhile citizens of the community. Hopefully these examples will inspire the children to develop similar interests in their own futures. On this day the pupils will view handwork, crafts and collections of many types. Be sure to watch the TV program on Monday evening, October 22nd on CBC. It has been especially prepared for the Year of the Child. Pre-Season Snoivtbrower Sale Toro 21/2 H.P. 20" $329.95 Toro 5 H. P. 24" $699.95 Bolens 5 H. P. 24" $699.95 Bolens6 H.P. 24" $729.95 Bolens H.P. 26" TORO 524 5 hp, 24 in. clearing width. For snow up to 12 inches deep. Clears up to 1200 lbs. of snow o minute. Spring- action scraper blade. Drum auger. $799.95 IrOLPH DOMINION HARDWARE ORONO, ONT. 983-5207 Whats your goal in life? Whether or not you know what you'd tike to do with your life, there are. qualified and sensitive people who can help in your community. If you already have an idea about what you want, people such as members of your local Home and School Association, representatives from your Chamber of Commerce, Canada Employment Employment and Immigration counsellors, local apprenticeship consultants or Ontario Career Action Program Co-ordinatôrs can help you. If you're still uncertain about what you'd tike to do, talk to your school guidance counsellor, or placement advisor. These people can give you information on a wide range of career opportunities-, some you may never have thought of before! The final decision will always be yours, but that doesn't mean you have to reach it all alone. There are people who are interested in showing you how you can reach your goal more quickly. If you Want more information on career education, simply clip out the coupon in this advertisement and we'll send you a, list of people to contact in your area. Curing "Ontario Career Week", (Oct. 29 - Nov. 4) get involved. , , After all, it's your future. Make it happen.. Secretariat for Social Development Ontario Youth Secretariat , ' 2nd Hoor t 700,Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5G1Z6 > . Ontario Yes-I am interested in receiving more information di\ career .education. Name: Fj , _! ! 1 ^ Address:. City: Province:. Postal Code: