' It's planting time fA'SiiKi iiaWfe- isSffé Wil sens Lodge last (left to right) Art Lowe, away, Mary Lowe and Muriel Pictured above Gladys Odgen, Elias Green- No doubt this group will be ' the spring flowers arise after Lodge Saturday are (left to Green, George Day, . Rosie checking their gardens with the lotig winter. Pictured right) Art Clough, Margaret Osborne and Henry Demark, others come next spring when above at the Senior Citizens Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 24th, 1979-5 Planting now for Springtime . A visit to the Durham Senior Citizens Lodge Iasi Saturday morning, west of the Village of Orono found a beehive Of activity throughout the complex as well as a stimulating air of community spirit 'and involvement. It could have been 'Arbor Day' at the Lodge and as well neighbour was helping neighbour. neighbour. . Two crews were planting tulip, . daffodil and 1 other spring bulbs in flower gardens gardens throughout the complex. It was a total involvement in an. effort, to beautify the lodge come, the spring of 1980. Engineers, straw bosses and labourers were all deep it the rich soil of the. gardens in anticipation of a colourful spring at the Senior Citizen Lodge. In speaking with Mrs, ; Gladys Odgen, secretary of the newly formed 4-T club at the lodge, she outlined a number of activities that were and have been undertaken undertaken by the club. The spring bulb planting on Saturday were but one of the projects of the club and the residents of ■trie Orono complex. ; * It was pointed out that the 4-T Club had recently organized organized and held a pot luck supper and dance at the Ororio Oddfellow's Hall and from all the comments heard on Saturday it was a great success and more will likely be in the planning. The dub is holding monthly events and outings on the third Thursday of each month for their membership. Art Lowe commented commented that they had some . marvellous cooks living at the complex. Mrs. Odgen also stated that one feature of their monthly get-togethers will be the recognition of birthdays. "We will have a birthday cake with the names on it of all Those who have celebrated a birthday birthday during the month," she said. < . The evidence of community spirit was evident throughout the Lodge complex as neighbour neighbour upon neighbour passed greetings, quips and shared in the project under way at the time. Up and down the Book Stacks ADULT , the Path Through the Trees by .Christopher Milne (how the author escaped from the shadow 1 of his famous father, A.A. Milne) Tides and the Pull of the Moon ' by Francis Wylie (the science and lore of tides) The Life Memories of a French Hooker by Jeanne Cordelier - Cthe aùthor describes describes her life as a prostitute prostitute anil how she escapes from it) The Green Ripper by John D. MacDonald (Travis McGee novel) Born with the Century by William Kinsolving (novel of a family dynasty - film rights have been sold and heavy promotion for this book) Balls! by Richard Rohmer (another action packed thriller by the puthor of Ultimatum) The Doomsday Trail by Ray Hogan (Western) JUNIOR The Book of the Goat by Jack Scott (the breeds and raising raising of goats) Meet the Goalies by L. Thomas - The Gift of . Magic Sleèp by Irwin Shapiro, (early experiments experiments ' in anesthesia ), EASY READING ' ANt) PICTURE BOOKS My Big Golden Counting Book by Lilian Moore Great Big "Mystery Book by, Richard Scarry Snowy and Woody by Roger Duvoisin. ! Madeleine Hadley. use as a vacuum cleaner. Made tty the Trewax Company and proven by over 2 nttiflon rehtpls. THE AMAZIN' CARPET CLEANER! Henry Demark finds lots of help with the dirt pile with his two grandchildren from Vancouver Vancouver during the planting session at the Senior Citizens Lodge on Saturday. WORK WANTED D. & R. Custom Fencing and custom chain-sawing 983-5005 or 983-9627 Orono, Ont. The Tip & Out" : , 5 Hydro-Mist system lifts dirt stains, old shampoo residue W# 6S | and 90% of the moisture in just j one step, Ifs the same method | professionals use' Do-it-yoursell / and save. Just 30 per sq.ft, tor the / suorana knmn Cifnl Ac a&ei/tn &ÆP*. Char les, Reid Oronb's Licensed Auctioneer 1 ' Valuator Specialize in Farm Furniture Sales Consult me for terms and dates Phone Orono 983-5914 , 1 .Available now st ROLPH DOMINION HARDWARE ORONO, ONT. 983 l 5i07