Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 24th, 1980-3 Staples - Bunting wedding A lovely all-white wedding took place in St. Francis of Assisi churcjti, Newcastle on June 28th when Mary Catherine Catherine Bunting, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bunting, Orono became the bride of Paul Donald Staples son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Staples, Orono. Rev. Clair Hickson and Rev. Basil Long officiated. officiated. The bride was attended by Miss Amanda O'Leary as maid of honour. The bridesmaids bridesmaids were Brenda Bunting and Jane Staples. Flower girls were Seasha and Piquette Piquette Scribner, neices of the Excellent Prices. Single Door Pioneer Double Door Easterner Big Double Door Rancher $299.00 $388.00 $399.00 and a variety of other good buys. Compare and Save. Limited quantities. Orono Fuel and Lumber $4352.13 from fair The following is the financial financial statement of the operation operation of the dinner at the Orono Fair by the Orono diner Athletic, kitchen supplies 178.00 Melcan Distillers 1021.60 Village Bake Shop, rolls Arena Fund Raising Commit 120.00 tee. The group made a profit Beatrice Food, milk 143.23 of $4352.13 during the four Moms Kitchen, plates 13.45 days of the fair. Kirby Store 30.00 Expënses LCBO Beer $1215.50 Total Expenses $5444.66 LCBO Beer 245,00 Armstrongs - Orange Juice Receipts 5.40 Thursday $1231.80 Armstrongs - Orange Juice Friday 2863.89 5.40 Saturday 2946.11 New Dutch Oven - Food Sunday 2565.49 1677.94 Empty returns 160.00 Armstrongs - Milk 9.06 Leftovers sold. 29.50 Joe Karas, Ice 70.00 Scoes Donuts 9.20 Total Receipts $9796.79. Beckers, Milk 10.00 Armstrongs, coffee 4.00 The Fund Raising Commit- Sargents Rental - Trays, Steamers 280.88 Armstrongs 16.00 Freds Fruit Market, Potatoes 24.00 Fair Board, hall rental 200.00 Athletic, cups, glasses 67.00 Arena - pop 99.00 tee made a profit of $4352.13. The support of those attending attending the fair, as well as the many volunteers who worked, is greatly appreciated. Thanks to all. Charles Gray, Joyce and Russ Major. groom. Best man was Mr. Brian Miklos and the ushers were Jonathon Staples and Bob Bunting. Miss Jane Staples, sister of the groom was soloist accompanied accompanied by Mrs. Stella Morton. Following a reception at the New Dutch Oven the happy couple spent their honeymoon in Northern Ontario. Out-of-town guests were from Vancouver, Toronto, Guelph, Sault St. Marie, Ottawa, Kingston, Peterborough, Peterborough, and Bowmanville. Warehouse Clearance Quality Farmer Stoves OKONO 983 : 9T67 New deal on trespass law It's been a long time coming, but the much needed •revisions to Ontario's trespass trespass legislation have finally been completed, with two new laws coming into effect this month. Recognizing that public public access to private land is a delicate and often emotional subject, as evidenced by the recent difficulties of the Bruce Trail, the Ontario government has proceeded cautiously with any changes, but the end result has benefited from this careful scrutiny. The new laws have twin objectives - to increase the .protection of landowners a- gainst unwanted trespass and related problems such as vandalism, and to encourage greater recreational use of private land where the owners owners are willing. To achieve these goals, three main changes changes to the outdated Petty Trespass Act have been made. First, it will now be easier ' for a .landowner to enforce his rights. Tougher fines up to $10000, along with the ability to recover the cost of associated associated damages and court expenses, and the authority for police to arrest trespassers trespassers even after they leave the premises, will all help curb irresponsible trespass. Secondly, the law is clarified clarified to .assure owners that they will not be responsible for the safety of users of their property, unless they are receiving payment. This means that hikers must take the'environment as they find it, ans assume whatever risks are present as their own responsibility. Finally, the new law standardizes standardizes me posting of properties, properties, so that red markings mean no entry, and yellow markers mean some activities activities are permitted. Owners can also use symbols to indicate that certain activities, activities, such as fishing, snow- mobiling, or hunting, are specifically allowed or prohibited prohibited without affecting other uses. Farmlands, orchards orchards and young plantations are automatically closed unless unless marked otherwise. These new problems won't solve trespass problems overnight overnight - there will always be a few bad apples in the barrel who abuse the rights and the property of others. But thé revised laws do resolve a series of long-standing prob- : lems," and open the door for more co-operative and friendly relations between recreationists and land- owners in future. Health Unit issues warning affecting children Dr. J.K. Gray, Medical Officer of Health with the Durham Region Health Unit has issued a statement in regard to the case of Meolytic Uremic syndrome that has hospitalized several children at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. "Investigation to date, states Gray, has suggested that at least seven of eight children who have become ill had consumed an apple- based drink (apple juice or cider) while visiting ,a flea market held on Sundays at a large Pickering super market." market." While not being certain that this is the cause of illness, Dr. Gray said that the visit to this flea market and the consumption consumption of the apple drink are the only two common factors identified to date. Public Health Inspectors from the Health Unit, Environmental Environmental Health division, are working to identify the vend- : ore of such drinks. Vendor identification so far are small operations and are based on farms, Said Dr, Gray. The inspectors ar<T visiting each operator to pick up samples of the apple drink and to inspect 1 equipment. In addition to the inspections inspections the operators are being ordered to stop selling the product until further notice from Public Health officials. " The Health Unit is warning anyone who may have apple juice from the Pickering flea market on Sunday, September September 21st, not to drink it. Any sample still available from such purchases may be taken to the nearest Health Unit or would be picked up by Calling 723-8521. The children at Sick Children's Children's Hospital in Toronto have been said to be seriously ill, some critical, according to Dr. David H. Carver, chief pediatrician. The disease is caused by a virus and starts with blood-producing diarrhea diarrhea and vomiting and followed followed in a couple of days by kidney failure. Parents with childreh with such symptoms are urged-to get them to a doctor. JOB PRINTING Orono Weekly Times