Julie Harris, leader and (Bottom row) 8-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 26th, 1980 A DIRTY AIR FOg>m sm , PJÜKAlOTIRélWINEED , RJUSAlDTlRESlWINEED AKGWWCTE GKATfflE RATE OF A DÛUAR EACH HOUR Ml) DRIVE. SWE S» MONEV WîTH RE6UAR m , CAR CHECKS. JUU B 1 Helpful Tips To Save You Money CHECK CABLES FOR QUICK STARTS For a nation renowned for its love affair with cars, we tend to take them for granted until a crisis arises, evidence the fact that we have more than 40 thousand thousand emergency road service calls each year for starting trouble. While many of these inconveniences result from neglectêd maintenance, failure to have a worn battery replaced or the engine tuned, often ' the trouble proves to be simply corroded battery terminals. According to Car Care Council, corrosion on. the terminals is a common malady with symptoms similar to a dead battery. Corrosion causes, eleçtrical resistance which reduces current flow to the battery. On a cold day this means a slow-starting or a no-starting no-starting engine. Battery terminals and the battery tray should be cleaned as part of winter service. It's easy, says Car Care Council, but be careful careful to avoid sparks; the hydrogen gas created by a battery is explosive. When removing cables, be sure to remove the negative (-) cable first, then the positive^) positive^) Remove the battery holddown holddown bracket. Take out the battery and wash it down with a solution of baking soda and water. DO NOT Commercial Beaver invested canvas Orono - Newcastle over top As of November 18th thé United Way of Whitby, Osh- awa and Newcastle had reached 92 percent of its objective of $1.23 million. As of November 18th $1,133,430 had been subscribed or pleg- ded to United Way, The largest amount is subscribed through General Motors payroll payroll deducations being in the amount of $635,000. Of the many groups and individuals who donate to United Way seventeen went over the top. It was the first canvas undertaken in the Town of Newcastle who are now part of the United Way. The residential canvas in Newcastle Newcastle went over the top with $2,283. In the commercial canvas in Bowmanville it was expected that $1,000 would be collected when in fact $1,075 was collected as of November 18th. The commercial canvas in Orono and Newcastle Village has amounted to $750.00 with a target of $500.00. allow solution to enjer the battery. Rinse with clear ' water. Next, inspect the, battery tray and remove all signs of corrosion \yith the baking goda solution. Flush it off, dry it and give it a coat of paint. Inspect the cables and terminals. Replace cables whep they appear unfit for further use. If they pass inspection, inspection, polish the terminals terminals with a cable cleaning brush (available in most auto parts stores). Clean the battery posts and put the battery back in its tray, Install the hold-down bracket and the battery cables, replacing positive ( + ) first. After the cables are tightened, protect them from further corrosion by covering the terminals with petroleum, jelly. Says the Council, if you need dependable transportation, transportation, show your chr you care. Sponsored by the Automotive Industries Association of Canada The canvas is to be closed out as of today but donations will still be accepted at head office. October unemployment totals 10,995 The number of clients unemployed and registered for work at the Canada Employment Centres in Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa for the month of October totalled 10,995, consisting of 5,620 female and 5,375 male clients. ' 'Placements in the three offices totalled 938 for the ihonth, which compares to a total of 1,184 placements during September. The majority majority of clients were registered registered in Material Handling and related; Product Fabricating, Fabricating, Assembling and Repairing Repairing ; Service;-Sales; Clerical and related. During October, the greatest greatest employment opportunities existed in manufacturing of transportation equipment; Construction; Retail Trade; Accommodation and food services; services; personal services. In October, there were 24 agreements signed under the Canada Manpower Industrial Training Program. As a résuit, 25 people will benefit from both training and employment employment in the Region of Durham. At the end of October, there were 55 students in the skill courses sponsored by the Canada Employment Centre and 121 people receiving academic upgrading at Durham Durham College. « . were invested inta the Kirby Hallowell, Chad Puk, Adam Beaver pack with ceremonies Wallace, (Middle row) Jason held during their regular Mercer, Paul Flintoff and meeting in the Kirby Centenn-, Bbbby Roughley, (Top row) ial School. -, Keeos Steven Schefer and Paul Cannins and Sandra Hinton, leader. There are eleven in the Beaver Pack. Cubs invested Seven, young boys were row) Fraser Lee, Wade Puk, VanderSchee and Dave fur. „ invested into the Kirby Cubs Kevin Riseborough and Mic- " The cubs meet regularly at recently hieing (Front row) hael Hinton, '(Back Row) the Kirby Centennial School Mark Evans, Jamie Mender- .«Leaders^ Larry Evans, Jake ' . on Monday evenings. son, ( Richard Stolk, (fiddle ' , Classified Ads 983-5301