■■W- s-Orono Weekly Times, Tuesday, December 23rd, 1980 Rudolph with nose so red Rudolph with his nose so was played by David Sheri- red and in this case with the dan and is shown above with largest antlers of all. Rudolph Brent Williams (back lem and Patti Moreland. Town to replace deputy director Council of the Town of Newcastle set aside a recommendation recommendation from the Town Manager that would have increased the works department department staff from 44 to 48 and settled, at this time, to fill the vacant position of Deputy- director, of Public Works which has been vacant since September. Mr. John Ferguson Ferguson who held this position resigned as of September which position has remained vacant. Council also gave approval for an accounts clerk which is also a replacement position or at least a position to be shifted within the department. It had been recommended that the deputy-director be filled with a person with engineering qualifications and as well a senior technician, technician, a junior technician, an accounts clerk and two truck drivers be hired. This would have brought the staff up to forty-eight. Council in. giving approval for filling the vacant deputy- director's position approved the hiring of a senior technician technician for this position rather than a qualified engineer. Jack Dunham, Director, said he was satisfied with a senior technician for this position rather than an engineer. He said the qualifications of an engineer for this position was not a requirement and that an engineer would be underused as a deputy-director. He said the department could use an engineer but it would require setting up a full engineering department which he did not support at this time. Counc. Harare said she had no. problems with hiring a deputy-director to fill the vacant position but felt that an engineer was over- qualified for the position as pointed out by the director. She suggested that council consider the position of deputy-director deputy-director and then consider consider the other recommendations recommendations when considering the budget of the department. Harare said she was not willing at this time to add anything to the 1981 budget without a full discussion which will come with the budget presentation. Counc. Hubbard also questioned questioned the hiring of an engineer engineer for the position and asked for an opinion from the director who supported her view that an engineer for the position was not required. The director did state that he would be satisfied with the replacement of a deputy- director and the hiring tof an accounts clerk. He said the rest could be -held over for the budget discussion. He did say that he would like a junior technician sometime within the first quarter of the year. He said tie had commented earlier this year that his department would need further further accommodation and help this year. Harare also referred to a memo from the Town Treasurer Treasurer which she said would have to be cleared up before any extention of the budget for 1981 is undertaken. The content of the memo was not revealed but she had stated that a copy had gone to the Town Manager and the Mayor Mayor as well as herself. Outside the meeting she said the memo would be coming before council in ,the near future to clear up a number of items. Counc. Cowman supported the hiring of an engineer for the position of deputy- director and said by not doing so council was closing the door to a future possibility of establishing an engineering department. She held that there were savings to be made by having a Town engineering department which would be used by other departments of the Town as well as that of public Works. She stated that to hire a technician as deputy- director there was then no way an engineer could fit into the organizational chart. Council with the exception of Counc. Cowman supported the motion of Prout and Harare to hire a senior technician for the position of deputy director. Christmas seal v campaign continues At its half-way point, the Christmas Seal Campaign in ;, Durham Region has raised $64,000 of its $85,000 goal. . "We're still a long way from our objective," says Campaign Chairman Marline Veater, "but we hope that using the Seals on,Christmas mail will remind people to send in a donation." Several new fund-raising projects were incorporated by local organizers into this year's Campaign, including a door-to-door canvass in Port Perry. "We're finding it more difficult each year to raise sufficient money through'the mail Campaign alone", says Executive Director, Angela Tibbies. "It will always provide pur bread and butter, but it seems that the jam has to come from somewhere else," The Lung Association has befen active in Durham Region Region for almost thirty years, serving the lung disease patient directly through community community support programs, and indirectly through research. research. Health education programming programming in local schools, and lung detect ea disease ar the Ass funds rai Seals. Don needed ar 'unction testing to •ly signs of lung e also provided by relation, through ed by Christmas ations are urgently d should be sent care of the Bank of Nova Scotia, 1 Oshawa. ms CHEER with coming your lots of toys weet delights to your Christmas andest time everl Village Bake Shop X Terry, Gary, Car Peter, Jeff, Robi Simcoe St. S., Ol, n.