6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 11th, 1981 Early morning breakfast at arena Stirling Mather and Charles' Arena Pancake Breakfast, griddle shortly after seven Gray serve an early break- Attendance was/ somewhat a.m. and serving commenced fast to this young. lady below expectations even to around eleven in the Saturday morning at the though breakfast was on the morning. 1 ..... The day concluded with a Turkey Roll in the Community Community Centre in the evening. Newcastle Fitness Centre opens The $1.2 million indoor pool and squash courts, known as the Newcastle Fitness Centre, was officially open on Friday evening of last week. Well over three hundred enthusiastic enthusiastic supporters were present present for the occasion and lined the apron of the pool during the ceremonies. Smiles and words of approval were evident and expressed throughout the entire crowd. D.M. Peebles, president of the Splash organization, acted as chairman for the opening ceremonies, calling upon Mayor Rickard of the Town of Newcastle, Keith Shackelton, representing the Northumberland and Newcastle Newcastle Board of Education, Sam Cureatz, province of * Ontario and the Hon. Rueben •Baetz, Minister of Culture and Recreation. All spoke praise of the efforts in obtaining the aceomplish- ment with the Minister, Rueban Baetz cutting the ribbçn to climax the official opening. Mayor Rickard noted that early registrations for plan ned programs had already brought forth a membership of close to five hundred in the various sectors of activities. He also spoke of the five years of planning and work by the dedicated people in providing the community with such fine facilities. Following the officiai opening opening demonstrations of the centre's programs were introduced introduced to those in attendance followed by refreshments. These demonstrations included included programs by the Bow- manville, Newtonville and Oroiio Swim programs, scuba diving by the Durham Regional Regional Police team, synchronized synchronized swimming by the Oÿh- awa clùb and squash by the Durham Squash and Fitness club. The Newcastle Fitness Centre Centre is located at the Bowman- vilie High School and construction construction under the control of the Town of Newcastle was supported by a donation of hand at the High School by the, Northumberland and Newcastle Newcastle Board of Education. No town review of Waver ley Heights Neither the planning committee committee or council were willing to re-open discussion of the Waverley Heights development development in the north of the former Township of Clarke. The development was to contain 24 estate residential lots in its original application. The planning committee and council had turned aside the application at previous meetings but as the proponent • had claimed he had not received notification of the meetings council had left the door open for further debate at the most recent planning committee meeting Th<* im posed development was not re-opened for debate with members voting down such a move. The former decision of council denying, their approval approval for an official plan amendment and rezoning now stands intact. The Region of Durham will now hand down their decision as to an official plan amendment. amendment. It has been pointed out that the intended use for estate residential does not conform with the present official plqn for the Region of Durham. Area teachers to look ahead to the '80s On Friday, February 20, 1981, the 450 secondary school teachers within the North- umberland-Newcastie jurisdiction jurisdiction will assemble at Courtice Secondary School, Port Hope High School and Durham College for Professional Professional Development Day activities. This year's program is "Pedagogical Directions". A series of workshops arid presentations have been planned planned to assist teachers in preparing themselves and their students for the decades before us. Many of the programmes deal with computers computers and their uses in education and in business and industry. Business Education will tour computer facilities at General Motors in Oshawa and will be introduced to microcomputers and word processing at Durham College. College. Geography, Mathe- Building permits up over 1980 Building permits for the month of January 1981 are up three an a half times over that of 1980 for the same period of time. In a report to council on Monday the building depart-, ment showed a total value of permits issued to be $143,500 compared to $40,000 for January January 1980. , The progress report showed two new single family dwellings dwellings plus a second storey addition and foundations for a carport to a dwelling. . $200,000 for "GO" services Sam Cureatz has' announced announced that further to his continuing continuing inquiries of the GO train service east of Pickering, he is pleased to report that he received information from Mr. L.H. Parsons (Chairman of Toronto Area Transit Operating Authority) that ,"M.T.C. together with GO transit will be addressing the matter of cost implications and l am pleased to report, in full, that negotiations with C.N. on the term of reference for an.engineering cost estimate estimate have reached the point where the Ministry is in a position to give the go ahead on the study this month. The study is a major project in itself within the magnitude of $200,000 and will require 12-18 months for completion." Sam Cureatz said he was pleased with the decision and co-operation of the various jurisdictions involved and once the go ahead of the study * has been approved, a more ' indepth understanding of the extension in terms of financing financing and jurisdiction problems problems would give everyone a better appreciation of the implications and time frame of thé extension of the GO train from Pickering. g i matics and Science teachers will also be participating in workshops where they will be introduced to the uses of computers in the classroom, Student Services counsellors will be examining the world of employment and unemployment, unemployment, especially as it, relates to the 16-24 year old. Members Members of the academic, bus- 1 iness and industrial communities communities will present their views on this topic. Teachers of other subjects will also convene to discuss issues related to the presentation presentation pf their materials in our ever-changing educational educational climate. Members of the public are invited to these sessions. For further information, please contact the Professional Development Development representative at your local secondary school. S m s s : '■ m m a H ■ Planner (Long Range) The Town of Newcastle, Planning and Development Department requires an experienced community planner to complete the preparation and implementation implementation of a new Official Plan for the Town. Reporting to the Director of Planning, the incumbent will also be responsible for the preparation of reports and recommendations on various policy planning matters. The successful candidate should have at least an undergraduate degree in Urban and Regional Planning, or a related discipline, and should he eligible for membership in the Canadian Institute of Planners. Several years of municipal planning experience is preferable. SALARY (1980): $18,289.00 to $21,424.00 per annum. Please submit applications, including a detailed Resume of education and experience, before March 2, 1981 to: D.N. Smith, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning Town of Newcastle Municipal Building Hampton, Ontario • LOB 1J0 ftiw MSÉS SAVE TAX DOLLARS Our Registered Savings Plan Combines . Tax Savings + Flexibility + Guarantees USE YOUR MONEY WISELY I , For further information contact HAMI LYONS INSURANCE (insurant Main Strèet, Orono ' Phone983-5115 Ae f\t 1 Commercial Life WORLD 11 Corporation of the Town of Newcastle H s m g a | a m m i | | 5 8 i I a i