v»> ; lO-Qrono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 18th, 1981 Keeping warm in winter Professional Services WOODS, WATER AND WILDLIFE by Ron Reid, Federation of Ontario Naturalists As any northerner will tell you, the vast boreal forest zone of Ontario gets real winter weather. But even when the spruces and pines crack like gunshots in the twilight, and the cold prickles your nose and stiffens your clothes, about thirty species of birds still inhabit the northern forests. How can they do it, with no snugly heated homes to retreat to in the long Winter night? The answer is a fascinating mix of adaptations adaptations in both their bodies and their behaviour. The evolution of northern birds, for example, has provided provided many with the ability of piloerection, or raising of the feathers to provide better insulation. Some feathers have softer tips in winter, to interlock better when fluffed. Gray jays simply have more feathers in cold weather. Hairy woodpeckers and chickadees are larger in the northern parts of their range, giving proportionately less surface area to lose heat from the body volume. Like humans, birds can shiver to help keep warm, but this shivering needs lots of energy. A large crop, or neck pouch, to store energy-rich winter foods such as seeds and nuts is therefore a useful accessory. So are the feathered feathered toes of a snowy owl, or the directly-connected veins and arteries of the feet and beaks of many species to speed up the flow of warm blood to these extremities. % _ BehavidUral changes to conserve warmth can be ' as simple as tucking à head under a wing, or selecting a sheltered sunny t spot for resting. Winter grouse survive survive winter nights by diving into a soft snowbank, where the insulating snow Can create a temperature difference difference by up to 50 degrees F. Snow buntings and redpolls have also been reported to use this natural blanket. Small birds often seek shelter in tree holes, sometimes in groups. Even with all these adaptations, adaptations, sometimes the winter becomes simply unbearable, and "invasions" of typically northern species move into southerly climes. However, ip almost all cases, diese mass movements are caused by a shortage in winter food, rather than by a reaction to cold weather. Mel Hartwig Excavating ORONO ONTARIO 983-5140 Bulldozing -- Back Hoe Septic and Tile Beds Sand, Gravel and Top Soil WORK WANTED D.&R. Custom Fencing and custom chain-sawing 983-5005 or 983-9627 Orono, Ont. ?83-5301 Floyd Nicholson R.R. 4, Lindsay Carpentry General Repairs 30 years experience good workmanship reasonable rates Call Collect 705-324-0907 Orono Building Contractor Brick - Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors - Tile Rhone 983-5441 ORONO Dave's Plumbing Heating Electric Industrial - Commercial 786-2471 R.R. 1 Orono INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED Call Us Today For Prompt CourteousService and Competitive Prices AUTO-HOMÉ- • FARM-BUSINESS. Park Street, 983-5032 Orono 983-9675 To the Unfit If you just sit You won't quit Being unfit. BYAAAS PLUMBING- HEATING Sa les and Service 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE: GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates Phone: Tyrone 2*3-2.650 r~~ ► V u ELECTRICAL/ WORK r~ /S SURE A SWAP-. WERE WELL EQUIPPED TO DO JUST WAT HIj Clarke Publiç LIBRARY Tues. Thurs. Fri. Sat. 2-6 2-8 2r6 10-1 Closed Mon. and Wed., 983-5507 Newcastle Public Library Board miHE- MF® Office 983-5115 Home 983-5270 O. Chatterton Electrical Contracting Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario. ORONO ELECTRIC LTD. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR T.V. -- HI-FI Sales and Service HOTPOINT R.C.A. ELECTROHOME WHITE WESTINGHOUSE WOOD S FREEZERS ■SIMPLICITY HOOVER Phone 983-51.08 Monuments and Family Memorials Our quality and service leaves nothing to be desired Ask the person who bought from us, a neigh- 1 hour, friend or relative The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street, PORT HOPE Phone Collect V.W. RUTTER Office 885-5216 Home 885-5222 ' - William C. Hall, B.Comm. Chartered Accountafit Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WE DN ESDAY and SATURDAY /BevA Floral Creations "FLOWERS WITH FEELINGS" FOR ANY OCCASION FRESH & DRIED FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS for WEDDINGS, FUNERALS, HOSPITAL AND HOME Telephone 623-3377 bev kerr 162 King St. East Bowmanville Major & Minor Repairs BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC -ENGINES REBUILT -VALVE JOBS -FRONT ENDS -TOWING MANGER'S GARAGE ORONO 983-5130 Susan M !■ Sawyer Oxford Bricklayers and Stonemasons Oronb 983-5606 t ' All types of Brick-Block Stonework Chimneys, Fireplaces. Chimneys cleaned. SAVE QOl HAMILTONS INSURANCE Main St., Box 309 Orono, LOB 1M0 TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. INCOME TAX ÂND RELATED ACCOUNTING SERVICES 118 KING STREET EAST, SUITE 2 BOWMANVILLE# ONTARIO.'L1C 1N3 DX SERVICE STATION Highway 35 & 115, |ust north of Newcastle Featuring: Premium Quality Products At the Most Reasonable Prices ' Stove Oil & Diesel Oil i » . Available irt any quantity Phone 987-4215* * ' ' V * 1 * , We have a cortiplete line of POP-CITY Soft Drinks. Save by buying these a case at a time. SAVE SAVE WHY MY MORE FOR HEATING SAVE ON PREMIUM QUALITY FUEL Oil m*uTvoiMiryn<m. weeds 1517 WHIMS SI. EAST «MIST TthMtM Ti*W Call Collect MM3I1 free:pJ, Ceorfeew Sendee