Pliiiss 4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 10, 1981 Pines ion athletes Pictured above are winners in track and field meet held at the Pines senior ' Public School last Friday. Pictured above are Stephen Sawyer, Rhonda Lachlan, Lana Veselinovic and John Sotiriadis, (front row) Ken Bailey, Matt Yates and Brenda Brenda Nolan. Stephen Sawyer, Lana Veselinovic and Brenda Nolan all set new school records4n their specialtyies at the meet. Matt Yates also set a new school record in the shot put. Lewis Marchant, another top winner in the field day competition competition was absent for the above photo. 174 join up for swimming Ninety students from the meet have qualified to represent represent the Pines this week at an area meet. 2 cups (500 mL) diced rhubarb * 2 cups (500 mL) sliced strawberries 1 tap. (5 mi,) vanilla 2 cups (500 mL) rhubarb 2/3 cup (160 mL) sugar 1 tbsp. (15 mL) cornstarch Grated rind of Vi a lemon V* tsp. ( 1 mL) ground cardamom cardamom or cinnamon Vi cup (125 mL) cold water Juice of Vi a lenion 4 cups (1 L) whole strawberries strawberries 2 tbsp. (30 mL) Sabré or an ; orange, liqueur (optional) • dean and cut rhubarb into in. (1.25 cm) pieces, then measure. Place in a saucepan the next 4 ingredients well mixed together. Add the cold water, Stir well and cook over low heat, stirring until all the sugar is dissolved and sauce is transparent transparent Add the rhubarb, then .cook 5 minutes over medium heat, or until rhubarb is cooked. Add the lemon juice. Stir well. Place the strawberries in a clear glass çdmpote dish, pom- liqueur on top, and stir gently with a rubber spatula. Pour the hot rhubarb over the strawberries. Cover and refrigerate 6-12 hours before serving. Serves 6. ORONO NURSERY SCHOOL Half-day enrichment program for 3-5 year old children Qualified Staff ■ Licensed Premlaea TO REGISTER FOR SEPTEMBER Ca II: 983-5402 a.m. 987-4012 p.m. LAWN-BOY One hundred and seventy- four to this date have registered for the Learn to Swim program to be held at the Orono Park pool this July and August. According to Joe Caruana, Assistant Director, there ar still some opening for July and openings in all classes for August, Registrations may be arranged by visiting the Bell Building and the department in Bowmanville. The program will run five days# week both for the July session and for the august session. Pictured above (left to right) are Marcia Lowery and Donna Lowery who will be assisting with the program, Jane Reynolds, head of the Town's swimming program, and Wendy Roy. ' A registration session was held in Orono on Monday evening in the Orono Town Hall. Cooking Jehane Benoit" How is Strawberry Time*. One of the early joys of summer is the ripe, fresh, perfectly- shaped versatile strawberry. The first ones of the season should be served in all their deep red beauty, set in a mound on an attractive white plate, with a crystal bowl of fruit • sugar, a jug of rich cream, a bottle of orange liqueur, and I always add to the table a tiny Victorian silver and cut-glass container of rosew.ater, RHUBARB SAUCE OVER STRAWBERRIES . Ï have a thing about "fruits on fruits". The combinations are always successful and the idea lets yon create many a new sweet To try your hand at it first think in terms of color, then flavor, and finally texture. As an example, a soft rhubarb sauce over juicy medium strawberries strawberries gives a pleasant texture. For color, you have pink on pink and for flavor you have "late fresh spring," since they are both in ^pason attire same time. Fill a dish with fresh sliced strawberries, sweeten to taste with, fruit sugar, and add a small spoonful of rosewater. Serve with a rich, cold custar d sauce. Make alternate layers of sliced strawberries, brown sugar and souy cream in a glass bowl, then refrigerate for five hours before scrying. *The following is extracted from my book "Madame Benoit , Cooks at Home", published by McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. STRAWBERRY- RHUBARB COBBLER What ait affinity there is between between strawberries »and rhubarb; rhubarb; this superb pudding woidd not be nearly as good made with just strawberries or rhubarb alone. 1 cup (250, mL) sugar > 1 cup (250 mL) apple juice _ can be. . 5 mowers in 1 One Lawn-Boy Supreme, with the amazing New Generation 2-cycle engine, can do all these jobs*... beautifully. ffl Spread clippings Æ% Side bag* J with the built-in with optional «S side discharge accessories. Rear bag * with optional .. accessories, Come 1 see all the advantages of the' * versatile, durable Lcfwn-Boy. Mulch clippings* with optional accessory, Shred leaves* with optional accessories. LAWN-BOY the omv umv to moui. ROLPH DOMINION HARDWARE 983-5207 ORONO, ONT: