A job well done in Orono by Region The Region ■of' Durham Public Works Department completed their culvert work a number of weeks ago at the Orono Creek as it passes under Main Street in Orono. The project also included bank stabilization. The project has received favourable comment from local citizens and the work was indeed well carried out. The entire west bank of the creek in the valley has been stoned with cement blocks and cement to stabilize the bank which has for years been eroding away. The mess of Willows along the west bank were also removed in the project. A project enhancing the esthetics of the area as well as an improvement to the environment. environment. (Brono eefclp Published Every Wednesday Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday July 15, 1981 C. I. B. C. to build new Orono bank Paul Kelcy, branch ner of the unopened Sabre Manager in Orono of the ■ Street, which is south of M & Canadian Imperial Bank of M Variety (the long white Commerce, informed' the frame house). Times last week that the bank The present frame building has made purchase of land in will be demolished to make Orono for the construction way for the new bank of a new bank building. : ' ' building. Kelcey said it was possible Application has been made that the 'new building could to close Sabre Street by be completed in 1981 and C.l.B.C. Sabre Street is an hopefully before the end of unused street running directly the year. west from Main Street on the The new location of the south side of the long white bank would be on the West frame house, side of.Main Street at the cor- Council bumps own salary Following an in-camera meeting on Monday when consideration was given to a report from the treasurer, Klaas DeGroot, as to council salaries the council approved the recommendation from the treasurer in which salaries were bumped upwards. In speaking with Mayor Rickard he said the report Was a result of council during tpwi} staff negotiations, asking asking the treasurer to bring in a report as to councillor salaries. He said the report was presented on Monday. night ' at the in-camera ses sion. He said the treasurer had surveyed comparable salaries in other centres across the province. In a majority vote area council members will receive an increase from $8200 to $8400. Local regional councillors councillors were increeased from $6700 to $7800 with a view of bringing this amount equal to the local area councillor within two years. The Mayor's salary was increased from $16,000 to $18,500. Mayor Rickard in commenting commenting on the Mayor's (continued page 2) [ ftappemngg... J ORONO PARK JAM PACKED The Orono Park was a popular locale for picnicers over the past week-end and was packed with cars and people. It was good to see the park in full use and with all facilities in operation. e AND THE LAWNS TURN BROWN Late last year the Region of Durham put water meters into operation for all customers on the Orono water, system and as a result, lawns in the Village and the subdivision are now turning turning brown. It appears that residents are mindful of the cost of water on the user-pay basis where in the past it was on a flat rate with the watering of lawns not adding to the yearly cost. The metering of water costs certainly must have cut down on consumption in the Village, SIX SECRETARIAL POSITIONS DECLARED REDUNDANT REDUNDANT The Northumberland/Newcastle Board of Education has declared six secretarial positions at the Board Office redundant. redundant. These positions • are secretary to "the Superintendent of Instruction, secretary to Special Services, also to the three Area Superintendents and as well the? Ço-ordinator of Special Services. In speaking with W-.H. Carman, board member, he said it was as a result of Word Processing equipment but that some could return with the operation of the new system. He said the board is hiring three and a half persons for Word Processing and that some of the six secretaries being let go at the end of August could gain positions with word processing. BUILDING BOOMS IN OSHAVA* Oshawa is expected to set a new record in the value of building permits issued this year. The total reached $71 million after the first six months which is some $7 million short of a record set in 1976 for the entire year. The main reason for the surge in value of permits is the Provincial revenue building and expansion at General Motors. CALLS FOR HOUSE NUMBERING REPORT Counc. Hamre was supported in her request on Monday that the Director of Planning bring forward again a report on house numbering in the Town of Newcastle for consideration. The matter had been before the previous council but shelved. Counc. Cowman asked if something could be*done as far as addresses are concerned. "Although I live in the Town of Newcastle, my ad'dress is R.R. Oshawa" she said. Counc. Woodyard said the only solution for Counc. Cowman was to ask the City of Oshawa to annex Courtice. Town approves $33,310. contract for Orono business section The Town of Newcastle council on Monday gave approval approval for the signing of a contract with D & R Venture Construction Limited to undertake constructing a new r sidewalk on the east side of Main Street from Park Street to Centre Street in the Village of Orono. The contract was signed in the amount of $33,310.00. Venture was the lowest of three tenders with the highest tender, coming in at $44,133.15.' The projéct had been estimated to cost $56,000.00. In speaking with Jack Dunharq, Director of Public Works, he said the work is to get underway in the near future and as to the price he stated projects were coming in in an erratic manner this year above and below estimates. The Orono project includes includes the rebuilding of an eight ' foot sidewalk from Park to Centre,' a four foot boulevard, three sets of steps from the boulevard to the sidewalk, four blank flower planters, railings on steps, and as well, the removal of the curb and gutter which is being moved some two feet to the west. Provision is also being being made for five trees and guards to be included in the project. ; Both the Town and the Region of Durham are involved involved in the project with the Region paying for the moving of the curb and gutter. At the same time, the project project is undertaken Newcastle Hydro will re-vamp the hydro lines in the area and add new lighting and hydro poles on (continued page 3) Working at Clarke Museum , PAT KNOWLTON Pat Knowlton of Newton- ville under the Experience '81 program works for the Clark Public Library this summer along with Joanne Fice of Bowman ville. The two students are busy with research, staffing the museums for visitors and as well setting up and changing » JOANNE FICE displays at the museum. The Museum in Orono is open Tuesdays, Thursdays thru Sundays from 2 to, 5 while the Kirby Schoolhouse Museum is open Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.in. and on Sundays from 2 to 5 p.m.