NEWCASTLE GIRL KILLED v Kim'Marie Bowler, 20, pf Newcastle Village was killed Friday Friday night in a two-car collision in Hope Township north of the Town of Port Hope. Kevin Bruce Kelly, 19, also of Newcastle was the driver of the car in which Bowler was a passenger. He ■ was treated for injuries at Port Hope Hospital and released. The driver of the second ear, John Charles Andrus, 16, R.R.-1 Port Hope was also treated for minor injuries at the hospital and released. FIVE YEAR FORECAST FOR HANDI-VAN OPERATION The Finance committee of the Town of Newcastle have received their invoice in the amount of $9,708.67 for the purchase purchase of a van for the Handi-Transit program. It has been pointed out that this amount does not include the cost for the vans conversion or the installation of mobile radio equipment. ■> The Treasurer of Handi-Transit Inc. also iprovided the Town with a forecast for the operation of the system in Newcastle, $33,000 has been estimated for 1982. Of this amount, $16,500 would be received in provincial grants. TOWN APPOINTS NEW TREASURER Kathryn Campbell, who was appointed deputy-treasurer two months ago was, on Friday, appointed Treasurer for the Town of Newcastle by council. The appointment came as a result of the resignation of Klaas PeGroot who'has accepted a position with Intergovernmental Affairs. Mrs. Campbell prior to coming to the Town was an employee of Humpage, Taylor and MacDonald Company of Peterborough. In speaking with Mayor Rickard Tuesday, he said Council had yet to adress itself as to what course will be taken to replace Don Smith, Planning Director, who has been appointed appointed Chief Administrator. Results of 4-H judging competition by Rod Stork, Assoc. Agricultural Representative. 4,H JUDGING COMPETITION COMPETITION RESULTS Seventy-three 4-H Agricultural Club members and Exchange Delegates took part in the annual 4-H Judg- . ing Competition held on July 15th. The competition was held at Greenbrae Farms, R.R. 1, Qshawa and Murray Vice and •family, R.R. 2, Blackstock. = Special guests were: Janice * Miller, an Inferprovincial 4-H Exchange delegate from British Columbia and Andrew Andrew Barker, a John Deere Summer. Work Exchange delegate from Newfoundland. Newfoundland. There were three categories for 4-H members to enter. Novice is for first year 4-H members; Junior is for 4-H members 14 and under .and Senior is for 4-H'ers 15 and over. Each contestant judged classes of beef heifers, market lambs, potatoes, horses and dairy cows. In addition, addition, they wrote a quiz and completed a plant and livestock identification exercise. exercise. 4-H Club Leaders gave of their time to take reasons, arrange classes and give advice advice during the day. When the results were totalled at the end of the day, the following winners were declared. In the Novice division division first place and winner of the C.N.E. Shield was Brent Mclaughlin of R.R. 1, Nestleton. Second was Angela McHolm of Welcome and third was Nancy Tamblyn of Orono. In the Junior Division, first > place and recipient of the Royal Bank Rose Bowl was -ïDavid Brown of R.R. 2, Newcastle. Second place was taken by Brian VanCamp of Blackstock and third was Lynn McLaughlin of Nestleton. Winner of the E.A. Summers Summers Memorial Trophy in the Senior Section was Walt Vice . of R.R. 2, Blackstock; Second Second was Craig Larmer ■ of Blackstock and Thjrd was Bruce Brown of R.R. 2, Newcastle. . .. In the team compefitioin, thé winners were Bruce Brown, Dave Brown and Nancy Tamblyn representing the Durham 4-H Veterinary Club# Our congratulations to all the winners. The next Competition, Competition, which many 4-H'ers from Durham wilLeriter is the Peterborough Junior Day on Thursday, August 13th. JOB PRINTING ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Report on Arena and Fitness Centre fin ancing Orono Weekly Tlmeg, Wednesday July 22, 1981-5 Orono $5,033" The deputy-treasurer furnished furnished the Finance committee for the Town of Newcastle with a financial update on community projects within the Town in which the Town has an invested capital. Of the total expenditure of $939,500 for the new Orono Arena only $19,033 'is outstanding. Of the $19,033 the Durham Agricultural Society is committed to pay $14,000 over the next couple of years leaving $5,003 to be collected by the local Fund Raising Committee. In speaking speaking with Ray Dickson this week he said he now holds an amount of $1800 which has not yet reached the Town of Newcastle. All grants have been received received for the Orono Arena. Minister denies Ganaraska plan Announcement was made recently by the chairman of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Conservation Authority, Gerry Houston, that the Minister of Natüral Resources had denied the building of an administrative-maintenance building for the Authority north of Highway 401 in Port Hope. Houston said he expressed deep disappointment by the disclosure. According to Doug Palmer of the Authority, the executive executive of the Authority has asked for a meeting with the Minister over the denial and had asked for a reply to their request by Jully 20th. The Authority has final plans for the proposed building and tender documents are ready to go out for public tender on the project. The building was to have been built on a 9 acre site north of Port Hope adjacent to the present Port Hope Conservation Area. The site is just north of Highway 401 and east off Highway 28. The project was estimated to cost $375,000 and the Authority intended to pay for the project over a four year period. The Authority had approved an expenditure of $80,000 in the 1981 budget as the initial financial obligation. obligation. Mr. Palmer said the Authority is awaiting the outcome outcome of the meeting with the Minister before re-allocating the $80,000 in the budget which was ear-marked for the administrative-maintenance building. The Authority how works out of two Port Hope offices with maintenance depot located in Baltimore. CUT BY $8,990.00 The Ganaraska Authority has had its provincial levy cut by $8,990.00 which is, part of a $975,000 cut in the Central Authority area. The cut of $8,990 for the Ganafaska means the Authority will have to cut proposed expèn- ditures in 1981 by $13,200.00. The general cut affects such' as Metro Toronto and other authorities in, the central • region. Newcastle $51,614 Of the total project cost for the Newcastle arena amounting to $727.464, there is still $51,614 to come from local sources in the.communi- ty. The deputy-treasurer's report shows a commitment of $15,000 from the East Woodbridge as well as a commitment commitment of $38,000 from the Newcastle Lions Club. The Town has yet to receive an amount of $33,266 from Wintario for the completion completion of their obligation. Fitness Centre $219,000 The progress report shows the total cost of the Newcastle Newcastle Fitness Centre to have been $1,297,617. Of this SEE YOUR DOCTOR RIGHT AWAY A message from your Lung Association 723-3151 amount $75,000 is still to come from Community Services Services and $23,500 from Wintario. Wintario. In public subscriptions estimated in total to be $641,000 there is still $219,000 outstanding to come to the treasurer's office. office. SOCCER July 25.1981 Round Robin Mosquito -Tournament - Newcastle Village The Newcastle Village Chamber of Commerce Is pleased to announce that the above Tournament has beeit arranged. The Tournament will commence at approximately 9:00 a.m. at the Soccer fields at Newcastle Village Public School, and carry on through the day with the Championship being finalized finalized In the afternoon. This Tournament has a twofold 1 purpose gnd that Is: 1. To àdg an Item of entertainment to the Lions Cprnival Day. 2. To create an entertainment to mark the 125th Anniversary of the Village of Newcastle. Support this Initial Annual Socper Tournament and make certain It Is one of your entertainment stops on July 25th, 1981. , Keith D. Barr Director Are you listed correctly in the phone book? If not, please tell us now! We are getting ready to print the new book. Look up your present listing in the white'pages. Then, if you want a change, call us at "0" or the Bell Canada business office number listed in the directory A charge may apply depending oh the type of change you request Ask about charges when you call, and be -su re to call before August 5th.' ' .