9 Offer available at participating retailers only. 4, Oroee Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 36,1981 Cad-Cam course starts January At à recent meeting of the Durham Organization for In* dustrial Training, Jack Davidson. Technology Division Division Director at Durham College College stated that the College expected to have its computer aided design and manufacturing manufacturing equipment installed by early October. After necessary preparation, . Durham would be starting CAD/CAM courses in January, February and March, 1982. Ten groups of courses are planned through Training in Business and Industry Industry funding. They would include Mechanical and T.O. 193 Ontario Numberical Control Design and Printed Circuit Design. Later, programs would also relate to the Civil Engineering area. In addition to training programs, programs, the College will be in a position to provide an advisory advisory service to area companies companies interested in installing CAD/CAM equipment, and will be able to rent off-time on its own facilities to industries industries in the Durham Region who do not have the equipment at this time. Barry Stedman-Smith, of Durham's Technology Divisiod-reported that three Ministry Of Government Services programs will be mdved into the new Skill Trades Building to be opened soon at the College. College. They are the Electronic Upgradmg, Industrial Electrician Electrician and Industrial Mechanic program^ An Industrial Electrician course started this month with 62 trainees, and cân take an additional 12 trainees. The College can take additional students up to about the fourth week of the Course and any companies interested should contact Mr. Stedman- Smith as soon as possible. If in January numbers warrant, another program may be started. As of January, there will be 22 classes at the College in regard to Industrial Mechanic, Tool and Die, and General Machinist, Fitter Welder, Mould Maker and Industrial Electrician apprentice apprentice programs. Other matters discussed at the DO-IT committee meeting included a report from Earl Barks of Cooper Metalcraft on the Precision Metal Fabrication Committee, Committee, He stated that 80 companies companies were participating in the skill training planning, and that he had received 100 percent response from companies companies as far east as Ottawa. A Skill Trades Training Centre is being explored for the Durham Region and reports from other regions were made to bring the DOIT DOIT committee up to date on Mohawk College involvement involvement in Hamilton and Seneca College in Toronto with industrial industrial training committees in these Ontario Centres. John Hazelwood of Seneca stated that the linkage system with the high schools is playing playing an important role in the Precision Skills Centre in North York and Keith Nicksen of Mohawk College stated that the Industrial Training Centre in Hamilton now has 320 trainees in regard to the Metal Cutting trades and are eventually expecting expecting 560 trainees. Harry Tresise, DO-IT chairman, emphasized that the North York and Hamilton experience in regard to a skill training centre centre would be of benefit to PO-IT and Durham College in establising such a centre in ■ this region. 1 The DO-IT meeting also discussed the advisabliity and factors involved in setting up Propane Conversion courses and Motor Vehicle and Fork Lift Mechanic courses through the auspices of * Diirham College. In concluding the meeting, Harry Tresise asked all industries industries in the Region to become involved with the DO-IT committee activities and emphasized the important important training benefits to be derived from their participation. participation. WORK WANTED D & R Custom Fencing and custom chain-sawing 983-5005 or 983-9627 Orono, Ont. A ll Senior Citizens from Orono and Newcastle area are invited Free of Charge to view the Fall Colours by bus through the Haliburton area on October 14th Please call 983-5452 or 983-9202 no later than Wednesday, October 7. , Bus sponsored by Great Pine Ridge Kinettes Ontario Government Tender Lease Of Farm Property Tenders are invited for the lease of a 37.0 hectare (92 acre) farm property consisting of approximately approximately 35.0 agricultural productive hectares (86.7 acres.) The property is situated in the south half of Lot 6, Concession 2, Town of Newcastle (Formerly Bowmanville), Regionaî-M un ic I pal ity of Durham. Proceed .east on Concession Street to the first farm east of the formei; Pine Ridge School. One year lease, commencing November 1,1981. •The property may be viewed from 1:00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m., Wednesday, October 7, 1981, when a representative from the Ministry of Government Services will be in attendance. "OPEN HOUSE 1 ' signs will be posted. , Tender documents may pe obtained from the representative on this date or from: Ministry of Government Services , Public Tenders Office Room M1-43A, Macdonald Block Queen's Park, Toronto, Ont. M7A 1N3 Telephone (41B) 965-1152 Sealed tenders will be receivêd until 3:00 p.m., Friday, Friday, October 16, 1981, at which time they will be opened in public. Tenders will be opened in Toronto. Toronto. NOTE: For further information, please contact Martha McBurnie, Ministry of Government Services, Services, Toronto, Ontario, Telephone (416) 965-2040. Please quote File No. M400. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Fire Prevention Week October 5th to October 10th Inside at the Bowmanville Mall the Newcastle Rire department department will have a display on Thursday, October 8th, 10 a.m. - 9 p.mf Friday, Octobër 9th, 10 a.m. ■ 9 p.m. Saturday, October 11th, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. of Fire Prevention literature, Smoke Detectors, information information on Wood-Burping stoves and posters. An outside display.of firefighting equipment will also be set up. THIS AD IS WORTH $28 '(OR mORE) Sherwin-Williams Giant Annual Interior Paipt Sale. SAVINGS THAT GO ON BEAUTIFULLY! Give the inside of your home a whole Come in to any Sherwin-Wiiliarfls new iook, with incredible savings on KEM dealer and get our best prices of the iw! quality paints. year -- now! Up to $10 off! Buy one gallon each of the paints shown here and you'd save $28! Offer expires October 24, 1981 ultima OQ99 IÛ99 reg.4.57galsaleI 9 gal. SAVE GAL. INTERIOR _ WHITE ^ OQ99 1099 REgX9gal.SAI.eI 9 GAL SAVE GAL. -Where to buy.., ietailers may sell Joe less than thé prices shown ■ Rblph Dominion Hardware Phone 983-5207