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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Nov 1981, p. 8

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8, Orono Wfcekly Times, Wednesday, November 18, 1981 ■ _ ■ Pot Luck supper at Heather Rebekah A delicious Pot J,,uck Sup- Canes are available. Just get per was held at the Lodge in touch with Brother Len Hall on Tuesday evening to ' Pears, No Charge, celebrate a job well domt by At our next meeting the Sister Julie Jackson - District Warden of the Rebekah Deputy President and her in- Assembly of Ontario will be stalling staff. After the sup- our guest with Oshawa No. 3 per Sister Violet Dunlop No- and Maybelle, Port Perry, ble Grand and Sister,Laverne assisting. We will be taking Barraball our Vice. Grand the Warden out for supper at presented gifts to. sister Julie the Dutch Oven Restaurant Jackson our District Deputy at 6 p.m. All members President, Sister Betty Major welcome. Sister Gladys the Deputy ' Marshall. Sister Gamsby gave a report on our Mae Allen our Captain and Bazaar to be held on Sat, Sister Gladys Brown our Dec. 2. Everyone Welcome, pianist. Everyone enjoyed the Arrangements were made for supper and.the evening. Sister our Christmas Party on Dec; Violet Dunlop opened lodge 8. with the Young Group of with several officers absent. the'U.C.W. catering to our Sister Rena Pears gave her supper. Cars were arranged report on the Benevolent for anyone attending the Work done. Sister Mae Allen Wardens visit to Port. Hope gave a . report on the on Thursday evening. Humanitarian Service and Lodge then came to a close anyone needing Wheel Chairs with a social hour enjoyed by or Walkers, Crutches or all. The Kirby, United Church held their annual bazaar on. Nov. 7 in the basement of the Orono United Church. One active* and interesting booth at the bazaar was that operated by the Kirby Sunday School children who for two Saturdays prior to the sale made Christmas decorations and small gifts for sale. The Sunday School realized realized a total of $60.00 from their booth. Aboyé Mrs. Tom Henderson completes a purchase by Mrs. Clare Grant while Patti Reid and Rhonda Owens assist. Boy dies following asthmatic attack Kirby Church bazaar a success David Tennant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Tennant, Ajax, passed away in a Toronto Hospital following an attack of asthma. The funeral service was held, from the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home, Bowmanville on Saturday, Nov. 14th. with internment in the Orono Cememtery. David, a grade 9 student at Ajax High School, is survived by his parents, Ross and Valerie Tennant, a brother Leslie and a sister, Arlene. The deceased had been an active athlete and was captain of Ajax-Picketing Dolphin PeeWee Football team. Courtice proposal (Cbntinued fiom page 1) Cowman and Hubbard. * It , was councillors Cowman, Harare and Hubbard Hubbard who at the last meeting of council were ready to shelve the project until such time as the developer was prepared to front-end the financial considerations of the project. All three members said to proceed at" this time would add further costs to the present taxpayers in the Town of Newcastle Members of Council did meet with the Hon. Claude Bennett, Minister of Housing, Housing, last week. Mrs. Mary Garbitt, Kendal passes a few words with Mrs. Katie Lowery at the Kirby bazaar on Nov. T held in Oromr ,The Kirby U.Ç.W. reaped a sum of $700.00 from the bazaar. The bake table was the most popular with all of- Ganaraska cuts cost of new office building meeting calls for an increase in levy for 1982 to member ferings purchased within a few minutes of the opening of the bazaar. « municipalities in excess of twenty percent from that of 1981. Silk Petals is having a Christmas Open House A display of Silk Christmas baskets, wall hangings and corsages * Free draw for a table centre piece I Refreshments Wednesday, November 18. 8 P.M. -10 P.M. Main Street, Orono, 4th. house south of Somerville on the west side Telephone: 983-9614 The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority at a meeting last week gave approval approval to proceed with the construction of a new administration administration building north of Port Hope at a cost not to exceed $325,000.00. After retendering Partak Ltd. of Baltimore was awarded awarded the tender which has been reduced to $297,477 although final decisions were still to be made on some of the deletions deletions from the original tendering. As a result of the new tenders the Authority passed a resolution approving the.Partak Ltd. tender not to exceed $325,000.00. According to a' report secretary-manager Doug Palmer stated that the Ministry had now agreed to the expenditure of $450,000 for bqth building and landscaping landscaping for the new administration administration building. Previously an amount of $375,000 had been set for the project. The Authority in instituting instituting changes in the project project deleted wood shingles for asphalt shingles, painted walls in the washrooms rather than tiled. walls along with other changes. The original Partak Ltd. tender was in thte amount, of $385,729.00. A preliminary budget presented to the members of the 'Authority at a recent eSvan REALTY LTD. MOKBR micwesT.w, For a no obligation evaluation'of your home, acreage or farm, or for information on purchasing, call one of our area representatives. CHRIS STAPLETON 983-5093 623-4439 987-4733 Bowmûnville Drama Workshop presents tt THE OWL AND THE PUSSYCAT" 1 at the' Bowmahville High School • 1 ■ December 3rd, 4th and 5th , * at 8:15 p.m. • Adults: $3.50 Children: $2.50 Dress Reheârsah- December 2nd - Senior Citizens Welcome! Tickets available at Ken Hockin Real Estate and from Drama Club Members

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