Somewhere around 500 visited the Ganaraska Forest' Centre Saturday for the Annual Annual Maple Syrup day promotion promotion enjoying pancakes and syrup along with a tour of the maple syrup operation from tree tapping in the maple bash to the sugar shack operation. In most cases it was a family family outing with fine weather conditions and a good educational educational program presented. The annual event is spon sored by the staff at the Forest Centre with assistance from other members of Ganaraska staff and members. Wants Hampton pond rejuvenated Wm. A. Richardson of Hampton on Monday asked for the rejuvenation of the Hampton Mill Pond which over the past few years has been allowed to drain or at least the greater portion being drained. Richardson stated that he did hold a concern over the present state of the pond and that its draining had reduced the value of property adjacent adjacent to the pond. A petition was presented to council seeking the re- « establishment of the pond in Hampton. Richardson stated that the pond could be a supply of water in Hampton for fire purposes and would add to property values if again filled with water. He also suggested to council that an additional four acres be purchased to add to the Conservation Area in Hampton and that the roqd over the pond be widened. widened. Council has sent the request request to Town staff for a report which is to be presented' to the next General Purpose committee meeting. ; The area was considered aj one tim'e for some major works but was dropped to save the road over the dam and also due to local input that appeared to favour leaving leaving the pond and property in its present state. Asks for donation of Waltona Park In a letter to the chairman of Ontario Hydro, Sam Cureatz states it has been brought to his attention that Waltona Park in the Village of Newcastle is now again up for sale. Cureatz points out to Ontario Ontario Hydro that the Village has lost an economic asset as well as a beautiful park when the land was purchased by Hydro. Cureatz asks if Hydro would consider transferring the property at no cost to the Toxyn of Newcastle for park purposes. Opportunity In Orono for the Enterprising? It may well be that there does exist in Orono an opportunity for enterprising youth to establish their own employment opportunities this summer. There will be no Board of Education Summer School this year and further to this the Town of Newcastle has abandoned the summer park programs. programs. This will certainly leave a void in general interest activities which, have been promoted over the past few years especially by the Board of Education. The Board of Education program did show that there definitely is interest in general interest programs programs for the summer and in the Bowmanville Summer School Program enrolment did reach somewhere around 1200 for the July session. Of this enrolment a good number did come from the Village of Orono and area. They could be numbered in bus loads from Orono alone. « Of course the program under the board did have a wide variety of choices in the general interest courses but if would seem logical that the more popular ones may be adequate for a smaller area such as Orono. It does seem that the market has been created and the popularity of such a program did grow over the years while it was under the Board of Education. A little bit of ingenuity and enthusiasm enthusiasm could pul some senior student or group of students in business this summer providing a 1 popular program and at the same time creating their own employment for the summer months. We are sure that John Reid or Grant Yeo, who both have been co-principals of the Board of Education program in Bowmanville would give some assistance and advice as to what is required and what may be feasible on a smaller scale and in helping to organize. • .We believe the opportunity does exist arid if someone someone is interested the time to organize is now. Pre-registration would certainly determine the feasibility of such'a venture. Many would benefit of a good sound program, the kids in the community as well as those requir- .ing'funding for additional education. No need to sit around this summer, the opportunity, opportunity, we feel is there. . Residential lot to be sold, not for arena parking lot The Town of Newcastle council has requested the Region of Durham tb proceed proceed with the servicing of a residential lot with water and sewers on Caroline Street in the Village of ' Newcastle in order that the Town may sell the lot as a building lot. The Newcastle Village Arena Improvement committee committee had asked the Town if the lot could not be used as a parking facility for the Newcastle Arena. The Town thanked the committee for their interest in the lot for such purposes but have proceeded to have it cleared as a potential building lot. Winner of Wayne Gretsky quilt WINS AWARD SCOUT SPRING DANCE The Spring dance sponsored last Saturday evening in the Orono Community Centre was below expectations as far as attendance attendance was concerned but at a point where some monies were made which will be applied to funds for purchase of new camping equipment including tents. , Chris Vandevelde and Don Scott were the winners of the decorated spring hats. WINS GENE AWARD Don White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carman White, "Orono, along with the rest of the sound crew for the film "Quest for Fire" was the winner of a Gene Award last week for the best overall sound effect of any Canadian production for 1982. Congratulations. ORONO FIGURE SKATING CARNIVAL • The Orono Figure Skating Carnival is being held on Saturday, April 9th at the Orono arena with two performances. performances. Performances are being held at 1:30 and 7:00 p.m. . Guest skaters include the dance team of Debbie and Jimmy Hutton and as well Scott Maybee and Stephanie Hood be featured. Carnival '83 is being billed as "Our Music . -d". 1 Mrs. Mary Brown of Orono was a winner of the Wayne Gretsky Quilt drawn at the conclusion of the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen Bantam hockey tournament held in the Orono Arena on Friday of last week. Eight teams were entered in the day-long tournament. Mary Brown is "pictured above with the quilt along with Dennis Abramoff, a member of the local Kinsmen and organizer of the tourna ment. The quilt was made by a group of Kinsmen Bantam hockey mothers headed up by .Mrs. Abramoff.