^SSO presentations Randy Tennant of the Sportsmanlike medal while with the Most Valuable Orono Midget Club was Steve Sawyer was presented player medal, presented with the Most From Around the Region (Continued from pugs 5) NEEDS 20% INCREASE Northumberland Cable Television which services Cobourg and Port Hope is looking for a twenty percent increase in fees which would send the monthly fee of $6.89 to $8.50. The application is now before the ÇRTC (Canadian Radio and Telecommunication Telecommunication Commission. There is fear that the system may have to close down if such an increase is not granted and there would be no way the firm could introduce Pay TV to the two centres. LOOKING FOR JUNIOR DEPARTMENT STORE The proposed Northumberland Mall to be built in the west end of Coèourg is looking looking for a Junior Department Store as a tonnant tonnant for its development. It had been proposed proposed that either Sears, Simpson's, The Bay or Eaton's wofold locate in the Mall but this seems to be now ruled out. INCOME TAX FILING Through Newcastle Community Care a free strvice for filling out Income Tax forms is available to area senior citizens. The volunteer work is done in the senior's home and the service'may be reached by phoning 623-2261 or if long distance Zenith 20630. Community Care will make appointments appointments with Mrs. Thelma Gilbank, Orono or. Mr. Tom Smith, Bowmanville. » IMPROVED HYDRO FACILITIES George Ashe, Minister of Revenue, has announced a grant' of $27,500 for improved hydro facilities at the Port Whitby Marine. The grant from the province will cover half the cost of the improvements to be completed completed this year. PORT PERRY HOSPITAL EXPANDING » The Port Perry Memorial Hospital will be expanding its emergency department and out-patient services according to a recent announcement by the Minister of Health, Larry Groosmah. Enlarged facilities are. proposed for physiotherapy, day surgery, laboratory, medical records, pharmacy and out-patient psychology. Construction ijs expected to begin this summer. MAN CRUSHED BY TREE A Port Hope off-duty postman was -rushed by a tree last week. At the time of : accident Gordon Burns, 55, of Port Hope was cutting down a trfee about 18 in ches through when the tree apparently swung over after the first cut and pinned the man to the ground. At the time of the accident Bums was working alone. CONSULTANTS HIRED Sam Cureatz, M.P.P. Durham East, has announced that consultants have been hired to prepare preliminary plans and designs for the Pickering to Oshawa extension of the GO-ALERT rail system. The design is to be completed by September 1983 and involves the completion completion of environmental impacts and measures proposed to deal with them. PORT HOPE CHANNELIZATION CHANNELIZATION A provincial grant of $2.178 million has been authorized by the Minister of Natural Resources, Allan Pope, for Ganaraska River channelization project. The project will involve deepening of the river for additional additional flow during flood periods. The project project will take plaçe in the downtown area of Port Hope. The work is intended to be completed over, a three year period at a total cost of $3,960,000. TWO YEAR BUDGET OF $306,580 The Economic Development Commission Commission representing Cobourg; Port Hope, and Hamilton and Hope Township has set a budget of $306,580 for its promotions to entice development to their area over the next two years. The budget breaks down to $4.55 per capita per year and compares with a former expenditure of over $9.00 per capita annually annually by the Town of Cobourg. The budget has beenapproved by Cobourg and Hamilton Township councils. CLOSING LAWS UNFAIR The Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Canada calls Sunday closing laws discriminatory and a relic of the Middle Ages. Seventh-Day Adventists observe Saturday as the Sabbath. People must be allowed to choose in a democratic society how to pursue their well- intended motives of rest, worship and employment, said D. Dcvinch, Public Affairs Affairs Director, at the church's Canàdiana headquarters in Oshawa. , The church supports a recent court ruling in Alberta that found the Lord's Day Act in violation of the right of freedom of religion under the Charter of Rights. Heather Rebekahs celebrate their 36th birthday party On Tuesday evening about sixty members and visitors sat down to a delicious Pot Luck supper to celebrate their Thirty-Sixth Birthday. Lodge opened according to the Ritual with Sister Lavcme BarrabaH as Noble Grand and sister Marion Adams as Vice Grand. Visitors were welcomed from Bowmanville Beehive Lodge and. Oshawa No.3. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 30, 1983-7 Sister Betty Major presented Sisters taverne BarrabaH, 'Violet , Dunlop and Rena Pears gifts for 25 year members. Sister Nelda Thompson and Sister Vera Campbell were called upon to speak a few words; also the Noble Grands of Lodges represented. After closing, lodge Brother Gordon Watson showed some very interesting pictures of past Christmas Parties, Birthday Parties and Picnics Which were very much enjoyed by all. Everyone then enjoyed a delicious cup of tea and birthday cake before, returning home. sary on April 13th was picked and sister Vi Sutcliffe will Took after same. Sister Violet Dunlop and Sister Mary Thompson are the District Representatives for next term. Birthday wishes were expressed expressed to Sister Mae Allen. Sister Mae Allen presented Sister Priscilla Bradshaw a gift as a 35 year member. Orono Figure Skating Club presents Carnival '83 6 -Our Musical World 99 Saturday, April 9th 1:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. GUESTS - DANCE TEAM: DEBBIE A JIMMY HUTTON FEATURING: SCOTT MAYBEE STEPHANIE HOOD , Adults $3.00 Under 12 $1.00 * Pre-Scholers Free ONTARIO GOVERNMENT NOTICE Completion of Highway Study The Ministry of Transportation and Communication (M.T.C.) has completed a study which will result In the reconstruction of Highway 35/115 from 1.0 km north of Highway 401 northerly to 0.6 km north of tie, Regional Municipality of Durham, W.P. 7-79-01 & 13, W.P. 36-82-01, 02, District 7, Pprt Hope. This study has followed a planning process approved under The Environmental Assessment Act, 1975. As required by this approval, an Environmental Stu^y Report' has been filed with the. Environmental A&ssssroent Branch qf the Ministry of the Environment Environment (M.O.E.) and is available for public review at the following locations: Sister Vera Campbell, District Deputy President, was introduced by Sister Irene Murray and Sister Nelda Thompson, Past President President of L.A.P.M., by Sister Mae Allen and welcomed. Sister Mae Allen read the minutes of the last meeting. Birthday cards were placed out for everyone to see and correspondence was read and filed. An invitation to the Card Party at Columbus was accepted and as many sisters and brothers were to go as possible. The committee for the 50th Wedding Anniver- Help for victims of Lung disease Do you suffer "from cm-, physema, chronic bronchitis or severe asthma? If the answer is "yes" then Durham Region Lung Associàtion may be able to help. Beginning Beginning on Tuesday, April 26th, the local Christmas Seal organization will hold a-Better a-Better Breathing Course for adults with respiratory disease, in the second floor Gymnasium at Oshawa General Hospital, 24 Alma Street, Oshawa. Offered free of charge as a Christmas Seal service, the course will run for seven consecutive sessions during a four week period, on Tuesdays and Fridays from 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. Course members will be taught breathing exercises, relaxation techniques and simple tolerance exercises. Medical professionals will be on hand throughout the course to answer questions on medications, diet and the overall management of lung disease, All exercise procedures procedures will be under the direction of a licensed physiotherapist. This is a basic program, designed to give respiratory patients an introduction to self-help techniques which, when applied, can improve the quality of day-to-dây living. living. For more information, or to apply for registration, contact contact ' Durham Region Lung Association at 723-3151, as soon,as possible. , . Ministry of the Environment Environmental Assessment Branch 135 St., Clair Avenue West < 10th Floor Toronto, Ontario ' M4V 1P5 Ministry of the Environment Central Region • . 150 Ferrand Drive Suite 700 4 Don Mills, Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communication District 7 Office 138 Hods Street North Port Hopei Ontario L1A3W3 Office of the Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario J.1C 3A6 Please sènd comments to: Mr. V. Mitranic, Senior Project Manager,'Ministry of Transportation and Communication, Planning and Design Section, Central Central Region,, 5000 Yong,e Street, Willowdale, Ontario M2N.6E9, Telephone No. (416) 224-7564. Ministry of a Communications