! 4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 13, 1R83 Better breathing VanBelle and your course in Oshawa gardening St. Francis of AssiS> News Holy Week services were The Social Committee will well attended and included hold its next card party in the There is still time to register for the Lung Association's Association's Better Breathing Course, scheduled to begin on Tuesday, April 26th in the second floor therapy Gymnasium Gymnasium at Oshawa General Hospital. This free program, offered to adults with emphysema, chronic brochitis or severe asthma, will run for seven twice-weekly sessions on Tuesdays and Fridays from 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. Participants will be taught simple self-help techniques to improve the .quality of their daily lives,, with instruction in correct breathing, controlled coughing and tolerance exercises' exercises' provided under the direction of qualified staff. Medical professionals will be on hand throughout the Course to answer questions on medications, diet and the overall management of lung disease. For more information on this free Christmas Seal Service, Service, call Durham Region Lung Association, at 723-3151, as soon as possible. Get that lawn in good shape for the season. The first thing you will notice that there is a lot of brown blades of grass left over from last year, this is called 'thatch'. In the old days everybody would burii off this old thatch and the green grass would shortly appear when the weather warms up. Today is a little bit different, different, first of all, you may no longer burn anything and secondly you can do the same job by taking a hard stiff rake and rake this thatch out. If the grass was left very long last year, a very low cut with the lawnmower will cut off the top of this thatch, making it easier to rake out. On some lawns this thatch will build up over several years, to the point that there is a very heavy mat of thatch right at the base of the lawn, then a little heavier equipment equipment is required, which is called a thatcher. These machines can be rented from most rental places. Make sure that the grass is dry so that you will not make any tracks. This heavy thatching is very important, since it will allow the air and the rain to penetrate right into the soil, giving the lawn almost a fresh start, with the new air going into the soil. Some lawns have a very hard top crust, which has been building up with heavy foot traffic, and with the lawnmower going over it, so that there is almost a heavy cake formed on top of the soil, again not letting the air and rain into the soil. There is a machine available for this purpose, again available from most rental places, which has round tubes on a roller and takes out plugs of soil which allows the rain and air to penetrate into the soil and which will make your lawn a deeper green and will allow it to fill in much better. Of course now is the time to start applying the plant- food to get the lawn greened up. If you have problems with crabgrass, now is the time to apply a fertilizer with a crabgrass control. There . is always a big discussion whether lawns should be rolled, or if they should be left alone. Some people have the mistaken im- Lawrence leadership statement (Continued from page 1) the leadership of the Progressive Progressive Conservative Party of Canada. I am" more gratified than I can say by the sincerity of those who convinced me to consider my candidacy prospects. prospects. I am making this announcement announcement now so that those who have committed their support, their organizational organizational talents, and their guarantees of financial assistance, can make another choice of candidate without influence from me. , In due course I will be announcing announcing my own personal choice for leader. pression that now is the time to flatten out all the bumps in the lawn by using a very heavy roller, but if you think this through a minute, when you use the heavy roller then all you are doing is compacting compacting the soil to such ah extent that the grass will not grow properly since you have pushed pushed the top layer of the soil into into a very flat surface where rain and air cannot penetrate. Rolling is only done for one purpose and that is to gently press back any sod that has lifted during the winter with; the heaving of the lawn by the; frost action. Things to get done this week: Fertilize the lawns ; rake off all brown thatch from thé lawns. Apply the systemic insecticide to birches, birches, before the sap starts to come up. Finish pruning all the fruit trees. Sharpen up your lawnmower. Get all your seed started in the house. Start your tuberous begonia bulbs inside. Prepare the flower beds for any planting planting of evergreens. It's a bit early to get the roses uncovered, uncovered, wait until they show signs of life. Until next week, happy gardening. Celebration of the Last Supper Supper on Holy Thursday and Commemoration of the Lord's death on Good Friday. Friday. At the Easter Vigil On Saturday evening, Jeff Langley, Wendy Lake, Linda •Rohr, Diane, Fowler, Cindy Reid and Rose Fuller were ; welcomed into the fullness of the Christian Community. Twenty Grade Three students from Miss Beneteau's class celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation Reconciliation on Thursday, April 7th. Grade Two students are preparing for First Eucharist. The general meeting of the C.W.L. will be held on Thursday, April 14th at 8 p.m. and a film on cancer will be presented by Lynda Gibson Gibson and Jean DeBlois. A presentation on Family Life was made on Tuesday, April 5th, to the parents, teachers and students of grades seven and eight. parish hall on Thursday, April 28th. IRIS FOWLER Edmond Vanhaverbeke, F.R.I., president of Edvan Realty Ltd. Is pleased to announce that Iris Fowler was the top selling agent for the month of March. Congratulations and best wishes for continued success. Iris may be reached at the office or at her home (705) 932-2621. "THE BROTHERHOOD' Two brothers (portrayed by Kirk Douglas and Alex Cord) are two Sicilians living in the U.S. and are members of a larger family, known as The Brotherhood. The pair are divided by their involvement with two different different factions, one .with the Syndicate, the other with the more traditional Mafia. Their differences are enhanced and bring about personal tragedy as one brother is assigned as the hit-man to murder the other. Global TV will telecast this film on Saturday, April 30 at 12:00 Midnight. CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL PRESENTS WORKSHOPS Clarke High School presents the fourth in a series of workshops, entitled "Stress A Major Factor In Everyone's Life". Mr. Brian Smith, Contact Co-ordinator for the Canadian Canadian Mental Health Association, Durham Branch, will be the guest speaker and will discuss stress as a reflec-" tion of today's moral crisis. The lack of values in today's generation and the breakdown of the family are sited às the major causes of stress in our society. Mr. Smith will explore this timely issue. Everyone is welcome to attend Wednesday, April 20th, beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the Clarke High School library. The other day I watched Dr. Lloyd Banbury hop into his mobile laboratory, sit down at a bench and begin peering through a microscope. He was searching for embryo cattle cells 1/100 of a cubic inch in size. He and his partner. Sue Hutchins,, had: just flushed a prize pregnant cow on Browridale Farms, near Paris, Ontario. The pair operate what they call BHL Embryo Transplants. Over the past 7 years;*they've done close to 4,000 transplants. They work out of Paris but six months of the year, travel in Europe and Asia taking their entire equipment in a couple of suitcases! That's because they do nori-surgical transplants. Banbury was the first Canadian to do this type of artificial insemination. Only superior cattle are given transplants. I joined Lloyd and Sue as they drove their van over to another farm in the area. They had already selected the cows that were to receive the embryo. It's the simplest procedure you can imagine. Embryo cattle transplants I had seen in the past involved surgery, and were done in clinical surroundings. But in this case, Sue just lifted up the cow's tail, Dr.'Banbury inserted a tube and the embryo was released. The cow remained in her stall and even kept on chewing her cud while the whole thing was going on. An average of seven cows receive embryos from a single surrogate cow. Some cows have produced 30 embryo transplanted calves over two or three years, instead instead of two or three by normal birth. Since it's not unusual for a prize cow to be in the quarter million dollar bracket, you've got guite a profitable profitable venture. So occasionally, it appears, it pays to mess around with Mother Nature. HIS ROAD TO A BETTER LIFE CAN STARTAT YOUR DOOR. M[any young people j^ho have been in trdUble with the law need help finding the road to a better life. If they are to stay out of trouble for good, they need the stability and concern of a caring home. - . A home like yours. We offer guidance, support and financial assistance to people who help, but it's your gift of kindness and' sharing . that really matters. • To find out how you can help, please contact the regional office closest to you: Community Alternative Program 110 Eglinton Avenue West, 1st Floor' 1 Toronto, Ontario (416) 484-1920 Probation & Aftercare Services Court House, 80 Dundas Street P.O. Box 5600, Station A London; Ontario (519) 679-7220 Probation & Aftercare Services 900 Lady Ellen Place, Suite 11 Ottawa, Ontario (613) *'22,6507 Probation & Aftercare Services 123 March 5th Floor, Box 353 ■ ! Sault Ste. Marie, Optario (705) 949-0551 For the Ministry office nearest you, consult the Blue Pages in your local telephone directory. , , - COMMUNITY JUSTICE .WEEjK APRIL 17-23 Ministry of Community ànd Social Services. Frank Drea, Minister William Davis, Premier