Corporation of the N OF NEWCASTLE Orono Weekly lime Town has objection, The Town of Newcastle council on Monday passed a resolution to inform the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing that they have no objection to an official plan amendment concerning a gravel pit operation just north of the Scugog- Newcastle boundary line. Although the resolution mention the municipality had no objection an amendment carried by the majority of council members requires the condition that adjacent home owners and a developer, reach an agreement with Scugog Township as to their concerns. concerns. The Town did ask that en- trancè to the pit be such that .it did not create a hazard and that traffic from the pit could go directly to Regional Road 57. Owners of adjacent property to the pit said they could experience experience increased noise, dust and see the value of their properties properties reduce. Terry Edwards, Town Wednesday, April 13, 1983-7 no but planrier, who had spoken with the objecting owners said they were to meet with Scugog Township and it was his feeling that differences would be ironed out. He suggested suggested council could give their approval on the condition condition that the property owners were satisfied. The comments from the Town of Newcaste would have to be lodged by April 15th. CoUnc. Hubbard pointed out that the Region of Durham has approved the amendment and as well the Township of Scugog. She also noted that the pit had been in operations for a number off years and was properly licenced by the province. province. She said the pit was little little used and operated below its quota. Further she said the pit is only a block away from Regional Road No.57. Council did support the Town amendment calling for agreement between the two bodies by a vote of 3-2 with one obstention. Rutherford, Dale Foster, Drew Hansen, Joshua Kent and David Jenkins present the barbershop group in the annual skating carnival. Melissa Colville, Tracy Alison Martin, Holly Eames, 1 Tanya Hyland, Melville, Courtney Woods, To celebrate law day at College The Durham Law Association Association and the Legal' Administration Administration Department of Durham College arç presenting presenting a mock trial on the theme "The Law belongs to You" in the College lecture theatre 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. on Monday, Monday, April 18. There will be witnesses from the judiciary, the Durham Law Association* the Police, the Provincial Legislature, Small Claims Court, The Law Clerks Program Program of Durham College, the media and the public. Law Day has been' designated by the Canadian Bar Association as a Canadawide Canadawide observance for the education of the public in regard to helping them understand the legal process. To dramatize and inform, the mock trial at Durham College is "putting the law on trial itself" so that people can see both the advantages and disadvantages of our system of jurisprudence. Witnesses will address such issues as "the law is too expensive expensive and complicated," and on, the other hand will have it presented as the most workable system, tested over the years, and providing a sense of security to the. general public. The audience at the mock trial, to which both students and the general public are invited, invited, will be the jury, and determine which side wins. Among those participating in this novel event are His Honour Judge Lovekin; Alan Fisher who practices Civil Litigation; Charles Ewert who. teaches law at Durham College; Sam Cureatz, Jan Borutskie, Bryan Haines, Trevor Jones, Mark The Can Can Tracy Arnott and Katrina "Kent all play their part in the Can Can number at the Orono skating carnival. PUBLIC NOTICE The Town of Newcastle is offering for sale, two pardels of land in the hamlet of Solina, described as Parts t and 3 on Plan 10R - 1522, Lot 25, Concession Concession 5, former Township of Darlington. Each of the parcels is not less than .82 of an acre (3319.7 M 2 ) and each is,zoned R2 under By-Law 2111 of the former Jownship of Darlington. The town will accept offers until 4:30 p.m. Friday, Friday, April 29,1983. ' The highest or best offer wilf not necessarily be accepted. Offers or enquiries should be directed to: Mr. D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. Chief Administrative Officer Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario UC 3A6 Telephone 6^3-3379 Date of 1st Publication: April 13, 1983 Date of 2nd Publication: April 20, 1983 . Date of 3rd Publication: April 27, 1983 Clarice! Public LIBRARY Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1-8 p.m. 1-5 p.m. 10-8 p.m. 1-5 p.m, 10-1 p.m. Closed Mondays 983-5507 Newcastle Public Library Board M.P.P. for Durham East; Mayor Allan Pilkey; Police Constable Bev . Graham; Crown Attorney Susan McLean; Alex Law, editor of the News Advertiser; and Joel Palter, who will give information information on the legal aid system. Gary Valcour of the Durham Law Association is chairman of . the Committee in charge of Law Day. WOODALL CARPENTRY Fully Licenced 10 Years Experience Renovations Cabinets, Decks, Roofing, Etc. Call 983-9759 Flower Den , 28 David's Crescent Dried & Silk Floral' ' Arrangements' • QUSTOM'MAdE 983-5423 Corporation of the TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TENDER FOR TRACTOR (AGRICULTURAL) SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to'contents, to'contents, for the supply ®f the equipment listed below, addressed to the Corporation of the Town 'of Newcastle, Office oWhe Clerk, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3A6, will be received received in the envelope provided until the specified closing time and date. Tender Documents can be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address. Tender No. <T83-4 - One (1) Tractor (Agricultural) Closing Time & Date: 12:00 noon (local time) Tuesday, April 26, 1983 The lowest or 'any tender not necessarily accepted. accepted. ' Mr. D. M, Homeniuk, P.P. Purchasing & Supply Agent Telephone: (416) 623-3379 Ext. 67 Date of 1st Publication: April .13, 1-98'3 Date of 2nd Publication: April 20, 1983