V, /inner at Peterborough Science Fair IStW iMi' who has been a winner at the Science Fair on at least one other occasion. operative and well explained. Winning such awards is certainly not new to Ryan with his entry of Electric Motor. Ryan had his model Ryan Rocks - of Lockharts Public School was a recent first place winner at the Peterborough Science Fair The Orono Arena Improvement Improvement and Projects Fund Committee held a : meeting April 20 at the Community Community Centre. The 1983 executive to be: Co-Chairmen - Russ Major and Charles Gray. Secretary - Lorna Atkins. With the support of the volunteer workers and the support of the community, the 1982 projects were completed completed with the lighting and partial paving of the parking lot. It was unanimous that we carry on with further fundraising fundraising for 1983, with the pro ceeds going towards further paving of the parking lot. The 1983 fund-raising projects projects are as follows: • A Father's Day Turkey Supper to be held June 19 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Community Centre. -, Once again the Beef Barbe- que to be held at the Orono Park, August 17. - Also, the possibility of serving serving hot meals at the Durham Central Agricultural Fair. We look forward to the continuing support from the community to make these fund-raising projects a success. success. Day-long kindergarten as result of elimination of noon-hour busing This Thursday night in the Gummow Public School, Coboiirg the Northumberland Northumberland and Newcastle Board of education are to consider and make a final decision as to noon-hour transportation for kidergarten children across their jurisdiction. The meeting will have input from residents of the area. The matter arose this year following a motion by William" Carman and Bob Willsher, trustees from Ward 3 Town Of Newcastle that the board discontinue noon- hour kindergarten transportation. transportation. The elimination of such transportation would require require that the board institute alternate day kindergarten in which students would attend kindergarten for a full day every other day. At the present time children attend half-day kindergartens every school day of the week. Opposition to the plan for alternate day kindergarten has been before the Board of Education at which time parents in the eastern area (Continued page 2) Smith turns aside council's 2-yr. offer Don Smith, Chief Administrative Administrative Officer for the ' Town of Newcastle, has declined an offer of a two- year contract for employment and on Monday evening council accepted his resignation. resignation. Smith will remain with the Town until September of 1983. lion council noted that Smith had accepted an offer and will attend The London SchOol of Economics entering, entering, their post-graduate program program this fall. Smith has served with the Town of 'Newcastle for the past four years, director of planning for two years and chief administrative officer* for the past two years. The dealings with the contract contract has caused a rift in council and confidential letters letters have been circulating. Through an informal meeting of council, four members of council signed a letter offering Smith a two year contract. Those signing the letter were Mayor Rickard, Count's. Ham re, Barf and Taylor. It is understood that although Councs. Cowman, Hubbard and Hobbs had been present at the informal meeting they had left prior to the signing of the letter. The rift that appears to have developed in council carried over to the confirming confirming by-law which is always passed at the end of the coun- .cil meeting. The by-law on •Monday was defeated when councillors Barr, Cowman, Hobbs and Hubbard voted against the by-law. Through a circulating letter Smith thanked council for their expression of confidence confidence and said he was enthused enthused and optimistic about the future of the Town of Newcastle. . It was stated that he would prefer that council would consider the position as permanent permanent as such a permanent offer would give him the advantage advantage of long-term security that' a fixed term contract does not permit. He said if council still considered considered the fixed term contract contract he would like it to be at least for a period of three years. , Council did meet the final request of the Chief Administrative Administrative Officer in that his' two year existing contract was extended to September 1983. In accepting the resigna- ♦ ♦ ♦ RESULTS OF EUCHRE PARTY The following is the results of the card party held in the Town Hall on April 20th: High Lady - Bea Jones* Low Lady - Mary Tamblyn; High Man - Reg Elliott; Low Man - Mary Thompson; SO/'SO Draw - Marg Denny. Denny. Next card party will be Wednesday night April 27th. ORONO TENNIS CLUB The Orono Tennis Club will be holding, their Registration/Information Night May 4th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Ordno Town Hall. Membership fee includes lessons, tournaments, fun nights and court privileges. Orono and Newcastle residents are invited to. attend. Fee: Public School students - $5.00; High School students - $10.00; Adults - $20.00; Couples -$30.00; Family - $40.00. For further information contact: Jennifer Garland, Box 21, Leskard Rd., R.R. 2, Orono - 983-9288. CRAFT COURSE AT TOWN HALL Craft courses will be taught al the Orono Town Hall starting Wednesday, May 4th, for 8 weeks. Cost will be $20.00 per person - 2 hours per week.h For afternoon classes contaci Elaine Haines at '83-9218 and for evening classes contact Lorna W-ilkin- >n 983-5164 (evenings). Fifteen people minimum per " t class. Explains cartridge loading Steve Oakley of the Orono and Hunt, Club Open House members of the club on Sun Fish and Hunt Club explains on Sunday to Scott Irwin. day afternoon at the Club' ' the procedures of loading a There was a good turnout range. , 1 cartridge at the Orono Fish of both senior and junior ' ,