t 6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 27, 1983 On display at Orono Public School Durham College takes part in Metro Design Exchange The Interior Design Department of Durham College College and the Student's Union of Ryerson Polytectinical institute institute are sponsoring a lecture lecture series called "Metro Design Exchange". The lectures, lectures, 'which began April 9, continue on April23, and 30, at Ryerson's Jorgensen Hall. On April 23, A.J. Diamond, Diamond, internationally known architect,' will speak on Architecture Architecture and Interior Design and on April 30, Walter Kehm, a landscape architect architect and urban designer who has won many awards, will present a talk on the Design Environment. Metro Design Exchange is for designers of different disciplines to learn from each other and about each other. It is funded by the Canadian Studies Bureau of the Association of Canadian Community Colleges. The organizers are Martin Schregenberger of Durham College, Oshawa, and Camille Marcotte of Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, Toronto. Contact: Jim Kirkconnell Community Relations Durham College Box 385, Oshawa 576-0210. Ext. 271 The Orono and Lockhart's Public Schools have on display numerous projects by _ students which are part of education week and displayed for parents. The abundance of displays is evidence of the interest both by teachers and students in the project for Education Week. Not long ago riots in Sao Raulq, Brazil's big industrial city, wouldn't have meant very much to me. Traditionally, Traditionally, Canadians have very little notice of Latin America, formally or informally. Politically, economically, culturally, culturally, we have been North Americans first, and a part of the Americas as a whole as a distant second. In terms of trade, we have pursued the so-called third option to thç limits of the Pacific rim, and have tended to be half-hearted about the possibility of developing Latin American partnerships. Politically, vye have remained steadfastly outside the organization of American states. Culturally, we have dismissed the Latin countries as a breeding ground fognsurrection, juntas and the samba. That old Canadian posture ignores a number of present present realities: that the world is shrinking rapidly and Latin America has beconje a close neighbor; that as*former colonial powers we have a great deal in common; and that we have a great deal to offer each other. I was in Sao Paulo recently with a Global camera crew shooting a documentary on the street children of Brazil. The street children are really just another manifestation of the realities that caused the rioting. Sao Paulo, which has a population now of an estimated 12 million people, is on its way to becoming the largest city in the world. One of the reasoqs it is growing so rapidly is that there is a terrific influx of "population from the countryside. A natural disaster like a drought mpans a new assault on Sao Paulo, and the shanty-towns, the "favelas", spread like a skin disease on unclaimed ground. Some of the wire copy I have seen from Sao Paulo suggests that the unemployment rate is about 15 percent in this huge city. But that must refer to the identifiable work force, to the people who do or did have jobs, and the real, unemployment rate car) probably not be calculated. There are some statistics that are reasonably reliable. The country has a population of 120 million, and half of them are children. Of 60 million children, some nineteen nineteen million of them live below the poverty line, which in Brazil means agony, not mere hardship. Perhaps as many as three million of those poor children are without parents, and live on the streets. Brazil is still deep in recession, with no sign whatever of the recovery which is beginning to make itself felt here in North America, and the government faces an insurmountable problem. Brazil is now groping its way towards full democracy. Only weeks ago, ten opposition politicians were installed after the November elections. A riot in Sao Paulo threatens that democracy, and in the long haul, threatens all of us. Its time we took some notice of Latin America and tried to help. « Evergreen Time by Van Belle Yes, that's right, now is the time to get started to get the new evergreens planted. Of course this does not mean that it all has to be done in the next week or two, since most evergreens today are either potted or are planted in paper mache pots so that you can almost plant them right through the whole summer. All the garden centre's in the area are well stocked with excellent plant material and the best part of all is the fact that there has been no increase increase in the prices and even some 1 of them have come down in price, making it very attractive to plant this spring. As the old saying goes, the early bird get's the worm. Well, the same applies to , evergreens. The early shop- , pers get the pick of the crop v and what a crop it is this year, just perfect. One disturbing item that 1 ran across the other day is that some of the chain stores are carrying some one gallon evergreens that are brought in from the "southern U.S. which is of course their privilege except that some of this plant material will not be hardy in this area over the winter even though we may carry the same variety. Some of these plants will not adapt to our climate outside. One particular one is the Euvonumous variety. It will not survive the winter. If you like to keep them inside they will keep quite well and can be grown as a housè plant with feeding them every 2 weeks with an evergreen plant. food. Evergreens should have lots of room to grow. Often * when they are first brought home from the nursery they look rather small, but keep ip mind what size they are going to be 4 years from now. They will be at least twice the size , they are now, so keep this in mind when planting. The location of evergreens is also very important. Will they be in sun or shade? Plant close to a wall where the heqt from the bricks will almost keep it frost-proof all winter. For shady locations you should buy the varieties that will do well in such spots and the spreading evergreens such as most juniper variety will do well there, àlso the Yew varieties are excellent for these locations. Most colored evergreens such as the Golden Pfitzer will require sun to keep the same color. If planted in the shade they will almost go back to green. If you don't know what to plant just ask at your local garden centre. This is probably probably one of the few specialized trades still in business where more, questions questions are asked and where free excellent advise is available from a professional who has spent a lifetime accumulating accumulating knowledge that is changing every year and where sound advise is available. Most garden centre's centre's are to busy to go out and look at homes for landscape . suggestions, but all of them will be glad to suggest plant material for certain locations. Just draw out the area where thé planting has to go, fill in the proper dimensions,• the width of the beds, the location location of the driveway, the lot line, what it is facing, whether you like to have material that will be maintenance free or if you like to putter around and like to have dot's of annuals to" brighten up the bed, then take it to the garden centre and they will lay it out for you at no çharge. » i Until next week happy gardening. , Council to receive report The General Purpose committee committee through a motion by Councs. Hobbs and Cowman has asked the Department of Community Services to submit submit a repprt relating to costs of program subsidies by the Towh and other, information as to arena operations in the municipality., , The " department is to i report, "to what extent the Town subsidizes hocky in the Town" of Newcastle" and as to what teams are subsidized and to what extent. The rfequest also calls for • ice time available in all arena? to all teams in the Town of Newcastle and as well which teams outside the municipality municipality make use of ice time at the arenas. On Monday at council Counc. Hamre sought support support from council to have the department provide information information as to cost of a request for a September opening of the Bowmanville arena as requested requested by the Bowmanville Junior Hockey club. She also stated that council was going to have to face the problem of Closing the Fitnfess Centre on holidays and would like to see a report as to cost of this facility being open on holidays. The matter did not gain support at this time from council members. uiioget y Concious? 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