X Confirmation and Dedication of New Parish Hall Plan start on new Orono Fire Hall St. Saviour's Anglican Church held the Confirmation Confirmation and Dedicatiqn of their new Parish Hall at a special ceremony Sunday at which Bishop Hunt participated. t he new hall was completed completed last year and with the- ceremonies on Sunday all in- debitness as to the hall was cleared. The hall has added a new dimension to activities at the church and with a Sunday School enrolment of some 50 youngsters the hall is already serving its intended purpose. Pictured above at therib- bon cutting are: Rev. Allen Haldenby, Mary Morris, Bishop D, Hunt, Mrs. Haldenby, Steve Johnson and Charles Gray. The General Purpose com-, mittee of the Town of Newcastle gave approval Monday for the Town's consulting consulting engineers - Totten, Sims, Hubicki - be requested to undertake the design, tendering and construction supervision of a new fire hall in Orono. The decision did. not come easy for council members with staff recom- • mendations being amended and the mover of motion to proceed with the procedures leaving the meeting. Council did amend a staff recommendation that a technical committee of staff be authorized to meet the engineering firm to assist in the project design and implementation. implementation. On motion of Mayor Rickard and Counc. ' Taylor the committee is now to be composed of Councs. Ham re and Barr along with members of staff. Counc. Hamre did state at the meeting that she would resign from the committee and that Counc. Barr could then con- ' linue as the fire department liaision representative for council. ■Mayor Rickard and Counc. Taylor supported members of council on the committee stating there was .a need for the elected to be members who understand the pulse of the community. Councs. Cowman, Hobbs , and Hubbard supported the technical committee while (Continued page 2) Parent power saves Vi-day kindergarten Published Every Wednesday Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 4, 1983 Nursery greenhouse complex named W.R. Bunting Tree Improvement Centre Over two hundred attended attended a Retirement Party on Fri day -evening in the Orono Community Centre held in Seek funding for Newcastle arena repairs The Newcastle Arena Board has sought approval of council to be included in the "Needs Program" for roof repairs and painting at the Newcastle arena with labour costs estimated at $5,500.00 and material costs of $6,000.00. The board has been informed informed that at the present time all monies have been allotted from the funds slvaiteble but if funds do become available the request will be considered. It was further pointed out that funds from the "Needs Program" are only for labour costs and that the board would have to provide funding for materials. Counc. Cowman said she thought the building was # new arena while Counc. Hobbs said it had to be major repairs judging from the estimated costs. IGA SUPERMARKET ALL GO The new proposed Armstrong IGA Supermarket is all go and tenders for the project will be opened this week .^ith an early letting of the contract expected. In speaking with Mr. Bill Armstrong he hopes to be in the new store in the north-east sector of Orono sometime this fall. The tender call is for not only the building itself but for parking lot, roads and other necessary services. EUCHRE PARTY WINNERS ' The winners of the Orono Town Hall progressive euchre party last Wednesday were: high lady, Mary Brown; low lady, Ellen Yeo; high man, Joe Forget; low man May Tabb. Bernice Partner was the winner of the fifty-fifty draw. UMPIRE CLINIC The Newcastle Community Services Department will be conducting an Umpire Clinic for Lobb Ball and Slow Pitch softball. The Clinic will be held at the Bowmanville Police & Fire Building on Church Street . The Clinic will be held in Court Room No»l and will begin at 9:00 a.m, on Saturday, May 14, 1983. The in- 'rucfor will be Mr! John Willan. There is no cost for .is Clinic and is open to all who are interested. honour of Bill Bunting who has for 21 years been superintendent of the Ontario Ontario Tree Nursery in Orono. Bunting retired as of Friday Friday of last week after serving the Ministry of Natural Resources for the past 35 years, as a student employee at local nursery, followed by a term , as assistant superintenderit. Bunting then moved to St Williams where he spent a number of years as superintendent and then returned to Orono where for the past 21 years has held the position as superintendent. The evening commenced with a banquet catered to by the ladies of St. Saviour's Anglican church, followed by numerous tributes to Bunting and finally dancing for the remainder remainder of the evening. Bob Burger, assistant deputy minister of the Ministry . of Natural Resources spoke of the excellent excellent contribution that Bunting Bunting had made to the province's province's tree progtam which has had the green stamp of quality. He said Bunting had conducted a world class program program for the Ministry ■ through - his dedication and enthusiasm in striving for excellence. excellence. Burger said three words discribe Bill Bunting, excellence, improvement and enthusiasm. On behalf of the provincial Ministry Burger announced that the province was naming the whole greenhouse complex complex at the Orono Nursery, The W.R. Bunting Tree Improvement Improvement Centre. This, he said, was in recognition of your work for the betterment of the forest industry. Bill Bunting in responding said that he had been doubly blessed in that Orono. had got him on his way in forestry and that his wife and family had been of the greatest help ( to him. (Continued page 3) Some; 250 to 300 parents from across the jurisdiction of the Northumberland- Newcastle Board of Education Education area won their point last Thursday night in Cobourg when board members defeat a motion that would have eliminated half-day kindergarten in favour of alternate full-day kindergarten. The board is however to set up a committee of parents, trustees and staff to investigate investigate fully all aspects of alternate full-day kindergarten. The' meeting heard fourteen fourteen spokesmen for parents and teachers groups both pro «and con and with responses indicating approval or opposition. opposition. The meeting did contain some emotions. When the vote was taken only four trustees continued to support the elimination of noon hour busing and thus everyday half-day kindergarten. The four voting to suspend noon hour busing were Hal McKnight, Bowmanville, Sid Worden, Darlington, Wm. Carman, Ward 3 Newcastle and Mrs. Parken, Cobourg. Many expressed the .opinion .opinion that the board had not settled on how such a program program would be instituted and with eepression that if alternate alternate day was to come to rural students it should also be carried carried out in the urban areas. . It was some five years ago that the board made a similar pass at eliminating noon- hour busing which at that time was also defeated. Lloyd" Pfeffçr, pf the Orono Tree Nursery, presents Bill Bunting, retiring superintendent, with a blue spruce tree at the retirement party held on Friday evening of last week. , Ofher presentations were made by Ministry personnel, Bob Staley, Ken Reese, Rid GoveS, and Bob Burger and by nursery personnel, Bernie Phtllion, John Breen, Reid Harness, and Adele McGill to Mrs; Bunting,