» 1 i 4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 25, 1983 Celebrates 90th birthday Interesting events Ganaraska Centre On Saturday, May 28ih, the Ganaraska Region Conservation Conservation Authority will be offering the Second Special Event of the Season, Spring Fever. The public is invited to join us in celebrating the new life of spring in the Ganaraska Forest. This event will feature a series of two hour nature walks beginning at 9:30 a.,m and finishing at approximately approximately 4:00 p.m. The staff for this day will consist of the Ganaraska Forest Centre Staff and three renowned Naturalists front surrounding communites; Ann Goebel from Peterborough, Harry Williams from Millbrook and Audrey Wilson from Cobourg, It is our hope that the broad range of topics and the talents of these individuals individuals will provide a remarkable opportunity for all participants. Oscar Skelding On May 19, 1893 Oscar of old friends was like a School enrolment study in Newcastle Skelding was born to Ira and Ida Skelding at Concession Eight, Clarke Township.' Lifelong Leskard area friends and neighbours gathered at Leskard Church Hall on Sunday, Sunday, May 15, 1983 to honour Oscar and to celebrate his 90th birthday. Greeted at the door by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chater, friends of* all ages were ushered into the old familiar church hall, which was fragrantly decorated with spring flowers, where they had ample opportunity for a leisurely chat with Oscar. Many of Oscar's family friends are fourth generation and they value a shared mutual regard. Seventy well- wishers signed the guest book. A wonderful reunion home-coming, as indeed it was for many. The singing of "Happy Birthday" was accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Glady Brown. Robert Chater spoke a few words of welcome on Oscar's behalf and thanked the United Church Women and the ladies of the community community who prepared and served lunch and birthday cake with tea and coffee. Mrs. Rita Jonah graciously replied that it was a delight for the community to extend hospitality on Oscar's special day. Those who served refreshments were: Mrs. Vi Sutcliffe, Mrs. C. Grant, Mrs. Wm. Brant, Mrs. C. Jonah, Mrs. Audrey Young, Mrs. Burnside, Miss Isobel Hayden. The Northumberland arid Newcastle Board of Education has given authority for a study of Oscar reciprocated his birthday birthday gift with the gift of a colorful, hand made God's Eye which now hangs in the Church Hall. Oscar is noted for his God's Eyes at St rat haven Rest Home, Bowmanville, nearly as much as for his constant helpfulness to fellow residents. Although Oscar resides at Strathaven since 1974, following an illness, he frequently gets to have a drive through the 1 Leskard and Orono communities and visit with friends. Happy Birthday, Oscar! by Bessie Baucvk CALL 2 DAY 4 MORE INFO & DEMO JUST WEST OF WILMOT CREEK BRIDGE : : . * The Ultimate In World Entertainment 9k Selection ... 24 Hours A Day ' TOP OF THE LINE COMPONENTS PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION & SATISFACTION GUARANTEED COMMERCIAL SYSTEMS AVAILABLE . EXTENDED WARRANTY AVAILABLE • OVER 50 PREMIUM CHANNELS • STUDIO MONITOR RECEPTION CHILDREN SHOWS TEACHING & LEARNING CHANNELS, <FAMILY PROGRAMMING CLASSICAL & ART CHANNELS MOST CHANNELS .... COMMERCIAL FREE NON-STOP SPORTS CHANNELS CONTINUOUS WORLD NEWS & WEATHER ADULT ENTERTAINMENT CHANNELS "R" RATED MOVIES • , LAS VEGAS (PRODUCTIONS BROADWAY THEATRE STEREO MU,SIC VIDEO CHANNELS MOVIESI'MOVIES! MOVIES! Schedule: 9:(X) a.m. - Registration and Welcome. 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 1 -Birds with 'Audrey Wilson; Botany with Harry Williams. Newcomers Registration. 11:45 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. -Edibles with Ganaraska Forest Centre Staff; Insects with Arm Goebel; Blue Birds with Ganaraska Forest Centre Centre Staff. Newcomers Registration. '2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. - Birds with Audrey Wilson; Insects with Ann Goebel; Botany with Harry Williams. Please note that not all : topics arc offered in eaeiV. lime slot and you will be requited requited to register for the topics, ill which you wish to partake. This event is offered free to the public and refreshments will be provided throughout the day. Wc suggest that participants participants wear long pants to prevent contact with poison ivy. In the event of poor weather, this event will be rescheduled to the following , day. .• For more information, please call 797-2721. enrolment in all schools in the.Town of Newcastle. The study is to be completed completed by the end of July and is expected to form the basis for shifts of students or school closings. closings. The issue came before the Board of Education when the board was considering considering the appoval of a „ study for the closing pf the Kendal Public School and . the Maple Grove School. Wi H. Carman, trustee from Ward II, called for a complete study of school enrolment figures in the Town of Newcastle and not just those from the Kendal and Maple Grove Schools. Other schools in the western section of the 1 western area have also been considered for closing closing in the past but like Kendal and Maple Grove no action has been taken to this point. 1 Founding member to return to Girl Guide reunion Sybil Canadine, the 1st person ever to be enrolled as a Girl Guide, will be in Newcastle on June 1st. Mrs. Canadine, who lives in Cheltenham, England, is now 86. She was a close friend of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell and has travelled all over the world on behalf of the Girl Guide movement. I had the privilege of meeting Sybil while in England recently and what a marvellous person she is. She still travels frequently, never suffers from jet-lag, and is a dynamic speaker. She has a fascinating story to tell about the beginning of the Guide movement and,about many of,the things she has been involved involved in since. , Mrs. Canadine will be speaking to the Pathfinders, , .Gui'des, Brownies and • ' Leaders'otl June 1st at 7 p.m, in the United Church Parish Hall, tAnyone interested in hearing her is i'nvited to- come. It is not pile y we have the opportunity to welcome such a prominent person to Newcastle and she is very well worth hearing. I'.A. 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