v orty-one quilts on display Declare Seat Vacant Council of the Town of Newcastle on Monday declared the seat previously held by Cdunc. Keith Barr as vacant. vacant. Council did riot take any action towards filling the vacancy vacancy which exists due to the death of Mr. Barr. Board-Wide Ganaraska Forest Centre Experience Through the efforts of Audrey Wilson, head of the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of education 34 grade six students from across the school area will be attending a board-wide experience at the residential Ganaraska Forest Centre, Centre, June 15th through to June 17th. An interesting program has been completed for the group by both the Outdoor. Education department of the school Board and the staff at the Forest Centre. The young students will rotate in the program in groups of eight to nine. Skills to be undertaken, are mapping, forest and soil succession, aquatic studies, plant diversity, along with orientation, orientation, free-time options, night programs, early morning ac~ . tivities and as well a surprise session. tudenN attending the session. Grant Stephens puts on the finishing touches to one of the ghosts., Andy DenHollahder, in the Tom •Sawyer show presented at the Orono Public School last week while Michael Hoy looks on from the left and Jason Major from the right. The production was ex- the students doing well in song, dance and the play itself. One of the most.striking of the Orono U.C. W. Quilt on which the names of Toots Barraball and com- exhibits in the Village oi * The two aoove quilts were all teachers,at the old Kirby pleteci by her mother, Mrs. Orono for sometime was that among the display being the school are placed and on the Oscar adams, Coronation of a display of 41 colourful Kirby Public right a quilt now owned by Year of Queen Elizabeth quilts at the general meeting > Popadich in decath is top Canadian for T ree Nursery Milan Popadich, 24, formerly of Orono and now of Hamilton, was the top unofficial Canadian in the recent recent Canadian decathalon , championships held in the Etobicoke Centennial Stadium. The event w,as won by British super-star Daley Thompson with 8,509 points. Milan Popadich was the top Canadian in the event with 7,1 M points which is off his mark of 7,146 in the same games last year in Thunder Bay. Popadich has only been competing in the event for j the past four years. He said he thinks he is capable of scoring higher later this year. .As Popadich was a former hurdler he was the only one to give Thompson a run for his money in the 110-metre high' hurdles in which Thompson won in a time of 14.46 seconds to Popadich's 14.61 seconds. The Orono Downtown Businessmen's Association gave their stamp of approval last Tuesday evening as sponsors sponsors of a Canadian- Provincjal Forestry scheme that could provide employment employment for 8 to 10 persons at the Orono Provincial Treè Nursery for a period of up wards of eight months this fall and winter. Bernie Phillion, acting superintendent af the Orono Tree Nursery approached the Orono Association outlining a new Canadian-Provincial program that is expected to be approved later this year in (Continued page 2) Counc. Keith Barr , Mayor Rickard along with members of Town council honored the. memory of Councillor Keith Barr who week previously had sat with them in meeting. Mayor Rickard in reading from a prepared memoriam said that Councillor Keith Barr had passed .suddenly and quietly from our midst and that such is the nature of our existence. He said it was with humility, reverence, gratitude, and a profound sense of compassion that we pay' tribute to his record of service as a citizen, a councillor and a friend. ■ "About 15 years ago, Keith Barr, with his family, family, settled in the Village of Newcastle. He immediately immediately became interested in the welfare of all its citizens and served in many capacities." Keith Barr had served on the Village council and with the advent of Regional government was now serving his second term on council where he always kept in mind the - citizens he was elected to • serve, a champion of the individual, stated the Mayor. This, said Mayor Rickard, endeared him to all who learned to know (Continued page 2) Make slight change Hale waste report Town council on Monday Monday accepted a recommendation recommendation from the General Purpose committee of the Town, regarding an application application „of Regional Reclaimers as to applications applications for rezoning and official official plan amendment in an effort to expand a waste disposal site in lots 11 and 12, concession 3 in the former Township of Clarke. * Council did however make one.amendment to the recommendation which was brought before 'c.ouncil byCoiinc. Hamre. CounciJ deleted a section section that would have had town staff submit a by-law and agreement to the Board presiding over a ' hearing to the applications This deletion does not affect affect the authorization of submitting the rest of the report by staff. Hamre stated there was a need to be consistant and referred to thç action of council relating to their position with the application application for rezoning of lands for a proposed new Mall in Bdwman ville. She also stated that the province was trying to plan through the Region and that the province recognized that landfill was not the only answer to waste disposal. Both Terry Edwards and Qort Smith stated they had no objection to the deletion but did feel that the section being deleted did give direction from (Continued on page 6) In preparation of the BIG show