Orono Guides receive badges The above Orsono Girl Guides received badges during during the annual Parent and Daughter night held recently in the baserrfent of the Orono United Church. Those receiving badges were (not in order) Cindy Reid, Nicole Yaworski, Janie Bouwmeester, Kate Batty, Victoria Klepac, Sylvia Zagar, Jackie Hand, Andrea Trafford, Loni Wood, Jackie Young, Pattie Reid,. Wenda DenHollander, Karen Garrison, Garrison, Colleen Martin, ( Still no decision • Newcastle council members appear to be still undecided as to the manner, in which they will fill the vacant seat on council. The.seat,became Vacant due to the death of Keith Barr. 1 Council can either appoint a successor or call an election and have a 45 day period to make their decision. Estimates have run as high as $10,000 to $15,000 to hold an election to fill the vacancy. At this point there has been no call for a meeting of council members to again consider what actioVi should be taken. » . v ■ : PERSERVERANCE PAYS OFF Danny Hooper of Hoopers' Jewellers * in Bowmanville through sheer perserverance now has the Orono Town Hall clock and striker in full operation. operation. Parts of the clock had to be rebuilt from scràtch and with every new part it was then a matter of re- Downtown sponsors bi-weekly The Orono Downtown Businessmen's Association is sponsoring a bi-weekly contest contest wi(h value running from $25.00 to $50.00. Shoppers are asked to fill out a coupon guessing the value of a box of groceries and supplies listed in an advertisement elsewhere in this edition of the Orono ■Times. Just then sign your hame and leave the coupons or Coupon at any of the local contest stores for pickup on Saturday, Saturday, July 16th. The following week the winner will be announced announced and ,a new contest. starts. Shoppers can enter as often as they wish using the coupons as printed in the advertisement. Although items are listed for the box, quantities remain a mystery until such time as the winner is announced, nounced. Town wants second adjustment and re-adjustment tp bring everything back into synchronization. Danny perservered and it now appears the clock operates on time on all three sides and strikes the proper hour at the right time. Its good to have the clock operating properly and to even hear the sound of the striker and to Danny Danny Hooper we must say good work. Injunction Hearing Adjourned Last Wednesday's hearing as to charges laid against Regional Reclaimers by the Ministry of the ErWifonment was adjourned due to the fact the judge did not feel he could complete the hearing in one day. Thecase came up at 11 a.m. It is expected the hearing could now be held sometime in July or August. The hearing, before M' Justice Bollby of the Ontario Supreme Court is being held at Toronto's Osgoode Hall. Cancel Town Hall Auction_ The Orono Town Hall auction which was to be held on July 10th has been cancelled due to the lack of interest. ' Orono Showcase Co-op holding meeting A general meeting of the Orono*Showcase'Cooperative Orono*Showcase'Cooperative is being held tonight, Wednesdayat 7:30 p.m. in the basement of the Orono Town H»U. land appraisal Newcastle's General Purpose Purpose Committee on Monday have asked for a second land' appraisal for property (unopened road allowance) which are to be closed and turned over to Ridge Pine Park Inc. for development of a mobile home park along the shores of Lake Ontario. As the two road allowances have frontage on Lake Ontario, Ontario, Parks Canada is to be notified of the intent of council council as to the road closings and the closings are contingent on approval from the governing body. Councillor Taylor questioned questioned the appraised value of the two unopened road allowances which had been valued at $3,000 per parcel by an appraiser mutually agreed upon both by the Town staff and Ridge Pine Park Inc. The committee passed that a second appraisal be obtained obtained using the Regional Land Appraisal system and also taking into account that' the land has been rezoned for mobile home purposes which costs increase the renumeration renumeration from the land as it had been valued as agricultural land. The tw,o road allowances • run-north and south on the property proposed for development ' ,and ' it was agreed upon in an q|r«6ment signed with*Ridge Pine Park, November 2, 1980 'that such lantjs of the road allowance would te < closed by by-law* and turned over to the abut- . ting Owner at a mutually agreed upon*price. Approves Kendal Hills expansion The General Purpose Committee of the Town ,of Newcastle on Monday gave their approval to a rezoning application submitted by Elva Reid in Concession Six of the Former Township of Clarke. The recommendation will now go before council for the passing of the necessary by-law. Approval is conditional on conditions of the • Durham Regional Health TJnit requirements requirements being met. In the staff report to coun cil members it was pointed out that the applicant was requesting requesting the rezoning in order to permit the expansion and enlargement of the existing shop presently being used for retail sales of antiques and handicrafts and to include ancillary uses such as a tea room or tea garden, a business office and a snack bar. Staff noted there was not objection from a circulation as the proposed rezoning ap- , plication. Town to consider beer garden plan A request to set up a beer tent by the Newcastle Lakers Baseball team during the Senior "D" Championships being held in the Village for a three-day period, September 3rd to 5th, has been referred to council meeting of July 12th. Prior to the July 12th meeting members of the Lakers and Town staff are to meet to consider all details of the request. Counc. Harare pointed out there appeared to be some confusion and that this could best-be ironed out by staff and the host team prior to council making their decisiop. The Lakers have requested permission'to erect a beer tent consisting of a snow fence enclosure and the possibility of 'a tarpoulin 'roof. It was pointed out that as the host team of the playdowns there will be costs associated with the promotion which could be met through'the operation of the beer*tent. ' A staff report has called for a fire retardency certificate certificate for the marque,: a site plan for review by both the Building Inspector and the Fire Department which would identify entrances and exits, arrangement for police protection, as well as provide the Town r with liability insurance insurance in the amount of $1 million and a bond of $1,000 in assuring ground clean-up, Mrs. Beth Campbell in speaking to the committee on Monday questioned the $1,000 bond and said the additional additional rquirements, could add a further $1,300 to their costs in the promotion. The Newcastle Lakers require require a letter of approval from the Town before making making application for a Liquor License and must also have approval from the Town for the use of Town-owned' land for the All-Ontario Championships. Championships. Committee favours Clarke road closure The General Purpose committee committee of the Town of Newcastle had agreed to a controversial road ' closing that has been before council for a ,umber of years. The closing relates to an unused road allowance between lots 26 and 27 in the north of the former Township of Clarke. Ovei /he years Mr. and Mrs. Beaucage have sought the closing of the road while those with snowmobile interests interests have sought to keep the allowance open in its present present state as it is,used as a trail system across the top of the municipality. , The Beaucqges have complained complained of vandalism and trespassing as, a result of the use of the unused road allowance and have continued continued to seek its closing and the abeyance of the property to the abuttirtg owners. Don Smith, CAO, on Monday outlined the history of the attempt In-closing and informed committee that other alternative routes had been sought for trail purposes but other property owners objected to the proposed alternatives. Smit-h also stated that snowmobile clubs seek to keep trails off travell ed roads for safety reasons. Smith said the trail is tied in indirectly to "a proposed underpass under the reconstructed Highway 115-3*5 at Enterprise, the latter latter which has been supported .both by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the > Ministry of Transportation and Communication. He said the underpass would accommodate accommodate both pedestrian, small motorized vehicles and horse riders. He pointed out that council had not as yet given their approval to the underpass which approval has been sought by the two Ministries. The committee has recommended recommended to council the approval approval of the underpass access access to the underpass and also have recommended the closing closing and the abeyance of the unused road allowance in which the Beaucages have an interest. # During the discussions the members of the committee did consider Town liability over the use of the unused road .and Don- Smith said it was for this reason he was recommending the closing of the road.