Orono Brownies Fly-up to Guides Oroim Weekly Times, Wednesday, July 6, 1983-3 Heather Rebekah Lodge News The above Orono Brownies flew-up to the Orono Guides at the recent Parent and Daughter banquet banquet held in the basement of the Orono United Qiurch. (Left to right) Tara Young, Christa Clapdorp, Rene Oshawa Marsh being destroyed A 157 page report released last week by Environment Canada states that the Oshawa Marsh is being destroyed by sediment being carried down' both the Farewell and Harmony Creeks. The marsh is noted as a rare lakefront wildlife habitat area. The report states the marsh will be filled in within 80 or less years if some corrective measures are not taken. The second marsh is already shrinking in size due to the depositing of sediment. The. marsh consisting of 210 acres is just east of the Oshawa Harbour and is of a ORONO DOWNTOWN BIWEEKLY CONTEST Guess thé value of a box of groceries * and supplies and fill out the below coupon leavinjg it at any of the Orono stores. Winner will be announced July 21 who may then pick up the articles at the Orono storè.s at no charge.. The box will contain Hamburg, Bread, Pastries, Barbecue Sauce, Sun Tan Lotion, Lotion, Film, Chicken Dinner, Soft Drinks. First Contest closes July 16, 1983 Value between $25.00 and $50.00 My guess as to value Name Address Phone ,'... My guess as to value $ Name .* Address Phone. ,. . Enter as many times as you like using abolie coupons ' i shallow nature. It has often been considered the ideal location for expansion of the Harbour facilites. The Harbour Harbour Commission does own a sizeable portion of the marsh. Environmental groups such as the Second Marsh Defence Association have been fighting vigorously over the years to save the marsh which is a favourite stop-over point for ducks and other birds. More than 250 species of birds have been identified in the marsh. » The Environment Canada report indicates that extensive upstream work would have to be done on the two mentioned mentioned creeks in order to save the natural features of the mar^h. Work would involve stream- bank reinforcing to prevent erosion and the use of retention retention ponds to control heavy flows. Chairman of the Oshawa Harbour Commission states that the commission may still consider expansion into the marsh for harbour purposes and a task force report is expected expected later this year in what direction the commission could take as to expansion. Neither the City of Oshawa or the Conservation Authority Authority may want to spend monies in C' -reeling sediment if the marsh in the future may be used for harbour purposes. One city council member is in support of saving the marsh and states that Oshawa should consider corrective measures which he said could be accomplished with retention retention ponds. He states that the cause of sediment running to the marsh is due to development development in Oshawa. ' Mel Hartwig Excavating ORONO ONTARIO , 983-5140 Bulldozing - Back Hoe Septic and Tile Beds Sand, Gravel and Top Soil Pleasance, Karrie Forrester and Meagan Davies. Our lodge is a good place to be, you can meet good people, make new friends, enjoy the pleasures of new experiences experiences - it's where the ac- tioii is in most communities. , Our lodge has done a lot of good work, and has donated to many charities over many years. Here is- a list of some of the donations we have made since our lodge closed in June 1982. - we served lunch after 6 funerals - sent money for foster child - bought trophies for Scouts and Cubs - gave scholarship for Commencement Commencement - donated to Lung Assoc., Eye Research, Leukemia, etc. - donated to Oddfellows and Rebekah Home at Barrie - held Annual Bazaar in December - donated to fire victims in Hampton - donated to flower show at Fair - put flowers at graveyard on Decoration Sundays - helped Oddfellows with wreath for cenotaph for Remembrance Day The Humanitarian Committee Committee (which is associated With the Lodge) has 5 wheel chairs, 4 walkers, a bed, crut ches, a commode which is available for anyone who would like to borrow them. Helping others is ever a mandate for our members. Violet Dunlop, P.N.G. WORK WANTED D & R Custom Fencing and custom chain-sawing 983-9627 or 623-7353 Orono, Ont. Clarke Public LIBRARY Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1-8 p.m. 1-5 p.m. 10-8 p.m. 1-5 p.m. 10-1 p.m. Closed Mondays 983-5507 ' Newcastle Public Library Board ATTENTION: Clarke High School Students Final Report Cards may be picked up comme.ncing Monday, July 4th, 1983 in the Main Office. Monday.- Thursday 8:00-a.m. - 4:30 p.m. . Friday - 8:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. SPECIAL THIS WEEK New Crop - Chilled Red MontmorencyAyrnqiro and Black Sweet vrltn til tw Arriving Shortly Prices will be competitive * Please Order Early . 11 and 22 lb. pails ALSO AVAILABLE AT YOUR RED & WHITE Y / 30 lb. pail SLICED APPLES BLUEBERRIES RASPBERRIES - RHUBARB SLICED STRAWBERRIES WHOLE STRAWBERRIES 30 |b. pail 28 lb. pail 30 lb. pail 30 lb. pail 30 lb. pail CORNISH'S 98J5-5201