/ 1 raduates Michael Langlos Maitland Michael Langlos Maitland recently graduated from the University of Alberta with a B.A. in Recreation Administration. Administration. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold McKnight (Cobourg), Micheal attended Clarke High School, Newcastle, Newcastle, Ontario and graduated from Central Collegiate in Oshawa. Michael is currently employed by the Alberta Recreation and Parks Association as an Information Information Officer. Graduates Janice Wood Janice Wood, daughter of Boyd and Doreen Wood, Orono received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology from Trent University, Peterborough Peterborough on June 3, 1983. In the fall, Janice will be attending Queen's .University to complete her Bachelor of Education. Additional Classified HELP WANTED Considering a. trucking career? Contact your Merv. Orr's Transport Driver Training regional office Toronto 416-251-9073; Ottawa Ottawa 613-523-3489; London 519-432-1726; North Bay 705-472-2910; Thunder ' Bay 807-623-8686; Cambridge 519-648-2519. n/c CAREERS FREE 120 page Career Guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and part-time jobs. Granton Institute 265A Adelaide Street West, Toronto. Call (416) 977-3929 today. n/c ARTICLES FOR SALE URINE-ERASE guarantees guarantees removal dog, cat, humane, urine stains, odors, from carpets. Regardless of slain age. Free Brochure. Reidell Chemicals Limited, Box 7500, London, Ontario lY | 1X8. ' v ~-- n/c. EARLY TO BED AND to drive into the little hamlet EARLY TO RISE of Killarney on the shores of There is an old saying that Georgian Bay. We are glad "Early to bed and early to we did so and spent some ' rise makes a man healthy, time walking around the : wealthy and wise". Bill Bun- quaint community and climb- ting and I, however, have e ,d °ut to the light house in- learned that is not the case stallation. for birdwatchers. For them it is "Early to rise and late to I think I would be close bed." with an estimate of twenty- Due to this Bill and I had five families in the communi- diffieulty making contact ty with employment in with the q-ew of birdwatchers fishing, Minisltry of in Kilarney Wilderness Park Transportation, some mining last week. In fact, although and some summer recreation arriving early Tuesday even- employment, ing, we were unable to make The business section incontact incontact until late Wednesday eludes, of course, a cement night. Of course this did not block liquor store, a gift restrict us in takeing part in shop, a two storey -frame the opportunities to watch general store, typical of Some for birds and /are plants in thirty years ago and even far- the bog on Wednesday when ther back, a fishing enterprise we hiked through some ten and a small but posh Jiotel miles of trails over rocks and with pleasure craft dockage, through various forest Killarney does have a covered areas. • , natural harbour being in a Killarney Park is an in- narrows between main land teresting area with granite and an island and it did ap- and quartzite rock and with pear that it was a popular areas of. mature forest in stopping point for pleasure which maples and yellow crafts, birch have been growing un- The fishing enterprise did molested for the last two hun- make daily trips into the lake dred years. In the distance the or bay for fishing and was quartzite rock almost looks selling fillets of pickerel, like snow at the top of the pike, whitefish, trout and low mountains or high hills. perch fresh off the boat. We Wednesday night when we went for the whitefish but did make contact with the noted that perch was selling birders we were told there for $5.00 a pound but then it were two trips leaving in the was cleanly filleted. There morning. We could either was no sense in fishing in the arise in time for a 3:30 a.m. lakes in the park as all lake start on a fifteen mile return were classed as dead as far as hike into the interior. The fishing was concerned, early start was required to put The trip to Killarney 'the birders in position for a rewarded both Bill and I with specific area at day break. our first sighting of Caspian The other trip required a. Tern. The bird is about the seven mile hike and it would size of an ordinary seagull start out at 6:00 a.m. Of and dives ( into the water as course we opted for the later does a Kingfisher. In referr- start and the lesser distance. ing to our books the Caspian « This placed us in a area Tern is not a common bird well off the beaten path but is seen in the Georgian where mosquitos have over Bay area more than any other the years only had the taste of part of North America, moose or deer blood. They Another feature of the trip saw the Whiteman coming was a get-together by the and this was going to be a real birdfers on Thursday night treat and ascended in à black when reports were issued for cloud. Never have I seen thos- the week's activities. In one quit os, so plentiful and, 10 kilometer square the group hungry. Fortunately the third had recorded a total of 95 dif- application of Deep Woods ferent breds of birds and it Off was enough to discourage was at the assembly that I them to .land but they did, learned- it was .two young hoefver a few inches in front ladies that had made the 15 of our faces partially obscur- mile trip into the interior staring staring our vision. ting at 3:30 a.m. It was in- We did come out of the teresting to learn that one was bush and swamp with some quite aware of the existance 35 species of birds recorded of Orono as her parents and and 1 had added three new grandparents had lived on the specifies that 1 had not seen sixth line of Clarke before, a Philedelphia Vireo, Township. June Burgess is a Black-Throated Green the daughter of Bill Burgess Warbler and a Red-Eyed of Uxbridge who still owns Vireo. As such it was rewar- ' land in the area of the * ding. ' ' Ganaraska Forest. It is a Friday Bill and I planned small world after all. our own trip to an interior 1 would like to say that Bill camp site and had intended is a good cook and I have to climb up on a high rock learned if I keep washing the face to view the scenery. Our dishes he will keep cooking 'map reading was not what it and as an alarm clock for ear- should have been and. ly rises he is up before anyone although we climbed up a with breakfast well on its way rock face it was the wrong before giving you a call, face and we just could not ex- What more could one ask pend the energy it was going for. to take to start all over again It is now back to reality to hit .the right pinnacle. and work programs to meet. During our stay at the Park vte did take the opportunity Orono Weekly Times, Wedne#By, July 13, 1983-3 Newcastle I joins with others The Town of Newcastle has appointed Counc. I Taylor dr his designate to attend a meeting on July 27th being sponsored by Township Hamilton. Newcastle received a letter letter from Hamilton Township in which Hamilton notes four municipalities within the jurisdiction of the Northumberland Northumberland and Newcastle Newcastle Board of Education hâve already circulated petitions concerning cost of education, method of collectingtaxes and other matters. Hamilton Township state they have signed all petitions but feel a more direct action is necessary to attract the attention of the Ministry of Education. The Township has arranged arranged a meeting of all those interested which is to be held in Cold Springs- in the Township. They sate if interest is high enough the committee of , elected representatives from the municipalities would act as a steering committee to come up with positive alternative proposals to approach the Minister of Education with. The Town of Newcastle also recieved a letter from the County of Northumberland Northumberland where they petition the Province of Ontario to assume all costs relating to" education. education. The County states that failing this all school' boards should arrange to collect their own taxes as it has become ,rm. c- apparent apparent that school boards have no intention of living within any guidelines. Hamilton Township is up in arms over the operation operation of the educational system and Jack Avery, deputy-reeve, has stated that "Oitr school system has failed. Money cannot buy good education. It's documented that our educational system throughout the U.S. and Canada has failed." ORONO DOWNTOWN Bl- WEEKL Y CONTEST Guess the value of a.box of groceries and supplies and fill. out the below coupon leaving it at any of the Orono stores. Winner will be announced July - 21 Who may then pick up the articles at the Orono stores at no charge. The box will contain Hamburg, Bread, Pastries. Barbecue Sauce, Sun Tan Lotion, Lotion, Film, Chicken Dinner, Soft Drinks. First Contest closes July 16, 1983 Value between $25.00 and $50.00 ly guess as to value $ Name ..., -f Address . t Phone • • • * My guess as to value $ , Name Address.' . , # Phone .. » Enter as many times as you like using above coupons , Red&White New Crop ■ Chilled Red Montmorency a il CnBI CO and Black Sweet vnCnnlEa Arriving Shortly Prices will be competitive - Please Order Early 11 and 22 lb. pails ALSO AVAILABLE AT YOUR RED & WHITE 30 lb. pail SLICED APPLES 30 lb. pail BLUEBERRIES 28 lb. pail RASPBERRIES 30 lb. pail RHUBARB 30 lb. pail SLICED STRAWBERRIES 30 lb. pai| WHOLE STRAWBERRIES CORNISH'S 983-5201