t \ Mom's Kitchen Tykes out gun Hampton soccer squad 7-0 The Tykes are on a roll! " goalie. Then it was Drew Scott Bordun. V For the second week in a row, Hansen's turn. He scored a While Andrew, Drew and we visited Hampton and nice goal on a breakaway that Scott did all the scoring, the came away with another im- the goalie almost stopped. defence again protected our pressive victory. We improv- ' Actually that was the first of goalies well. So well, in fact, ed upon last week's 5-0 win three breakaways that Drew that Bryan Haines only by outgunning the Hampton scored on as he scored just touched the ball once in the squad 7-0.. Unlike the first , before and just after half- first half and Jason Hill ' game which started out close, time. Drew deserved these didn't touch it at all in the se- ' Orono quickly scored on a goals, his first of the season, cond half. So congratulations direct free kick from Andrew as he has done lots of running <° Owen, Michelle Burton. Shortly after, An- in each of our three games. Jonathan, Jamie, Greg and drew scored again on a long The scoring was closed out Scott Ransberry - keep up the shot that fooled Hampton's by Andrew Burton again and good work! Girl's softball standings reported as of July 8th Teams •W L T p * Squirt League: Bowmanville 3 5 0 6 Hampton 8 2 0 16 Tyrone , 0 7 0 0 Newcastle 6 3 0 12 Novice A: Bow/1 6 1 0 12 Bow/3 2 3 0 4 Orono 2 4 2 0 8 New/2 3 5 0 6 Tyrone 1 2 5 0 4 Solina 3 4 0 6 Novice B: Bow/2 1 4 1 3 Orono 1 3 -3 0 6 New/1 6 1 0 12 Brownsdale ' -4 1 0 8 Tyrone 2 0 5 1 1 Pee Wee A: Bow. Royals 2 3 0 4 Bow. Glass 3 3 0 6 Orono 1 6 0 0 12 Newcastle 1 4 0 2 Hampton 1 3 0 2 Pee Wee B: Bow. Victoria 3 4 0 6 Bow. Rams 5 1 1 11 Orono 2 0 7 0 0 Orono 3 2 1 0 ■ 4 Brownsdale " 1 5 0 2 Tyrone 7 0 1 15 Bantams: Bowmanville 1 .5 0 2 B.H.S. 2 5 0 4 Newcastle 7 0 0 14 Hampton ,2 3 0 4 Orono 1 .A 4 1 1 9 Orono 2 1 5 1 3 by: Brian Specialist PICK YOUR OWN FARM LIST - available Consumers who enjoy selecting their own fruit and vegetable produce fresh from the farm, buying in bulk and saving money have visited Pick-Your-Own fruit and vegetable farms. Across. Durham Region there are many Pick-Your- Own farms catering to the public. To help consumers know who these farm operations operations are, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & Food publishes a list each' year of Pick-Your-Own fruit and vegetable farms across the Province. The list helps consumers locate farms in their area, gives directions to the farm and a telephone number of the farm so you may check on local availability availability of produce. When visiting a Pick-Your- Own farm; plan to arrive early early in the day when it is' cool. Also, wear cool, comfortable clothing that are made for bending and stretching. When you arrive at the farm, someone will be there to greet you and direct you on where and how to pick the produce. If you plan to do some preserving, ask the farmer which varieties will be best suited to your needs. Containers Containers may be available at some farms, or you may >r to bring you own. • opics of the Pick-Your- Own operations are available at the Bowmanville Agricultural Office and may be picked up between the - hours of 8:00-4:30 (closed at noon). Enjoy Ontario grown produce with Pick-Your- Own farms! HOLSTEIN, TWILIGHT BAR-B-Q PLANNED - The Durham Holstein Club will be holding its annual Bar-B- Q and Twilight Meeting on Wednesday, July 20th at 6:00 p.m. at the farm of Jennifer and Eric Bowman, Enniskillen. Enniskillen. Tickets are $7.00 for adults; $4.00 for children 8-12 yeârs of age and may. be * purchased through Holstein Directors or the Agricultural Office priorlo July 13th. The Bar-B-Q will be catered to by the Durham Junior Farmers, and following following the Bar-B-Q entertainment, entertainment, judging and door prizes will be provided. BARB MCINI1NCH, R.O.S. SpecialisUHomemaking Appointed Appointed - The Minister of Agriculture and Food, Dennis Dennis Timbrell has announced the appointment of Barb McNinch as Rural Organizations Organizations and Services Specialist- Homemaking on contract for t he count i es of Nor- • thumberland and Durham. Barb wa< formerly Home Economist in Wellington County prior to her appoint- , ment in Norlhumb&rland- Durham. She will be taking over the position,J'nun l.inda Durham East Agri-News Hall, R.O.S. Musky stocking in the Kawarthas P.A. Smith - District Fish & Wildlife Supervisor The Ministry of Natural Resources planted over 400,000 muskellunge into area lakes during the month of June. These newly- hatched musky fry were cultured at the Deer Lake Hatchery near Havelock. Over the next two months, seyeral thousand fingerlings, ranging iit size from 3 to 8 inches, inches, will be stocked into Caldwell, who has now transferred to the North Sim- coe County Office in Elmvale. Effective July 1st, Barb will assume her new duties and she is looking forward forward to working with the 4-H Homemaking Program, Adult Education Programs and Rural Organizations across the area. Anyone who would like to contact Barb, may reach her at the Bowmanville Agricultural Office at 623-3348. Welcome Barb! DURHAM MILK COMMITTEE COMMITTEE DIRECTORS' MEETING - to be held at the' Bowmanville Agricultural Office Boardroom on July 11th, 1983 at 8:(X) p.m. Orono Weekly limes, Wednesday, July 13, 1983- Steve West MVP for East entry Friday, July 1 West 13 East 7 E.O.B.A. all-star game ■Steve West, M.V.P. for East. Sunday, July 3 John Thompson Memorial Game Keene Expos oldtimers - Kendal Kendal Royals oldtimers. Thanks to Harold Kempt, ■ This summer three local students have been employed by the Regional Municipality of Durham for a program called "Nutrition in the Parks". The program is funded by Summer Canada, administered by the Employ/ ment Development Branch, Employment and Immigration Immigration Canada. The Public Health nutritionist for Durham Region, Rita Galinauskas, is supervising the project. The three students, Laurel Price for Port Perry, Debbie 1 ' Parsons and Grace Kalabis both from Oshawa, are studying studying nutrition at the University University of Guelph. Because of their background in nutrition and their interest in education, education, they have planned an exciting nutrition education program for this summer. George Ellis and Rtidger Neifson for organizing the Keene team and great fan support. Thanks to all members of the Kendal team and all the fans that helped and supported to make a great day. Monday, July 4 Kendal 9 Markam 0 . (default) The two hdur "Nutrition in the Parks Program" will feature games, songs and learning activities for children. The star of the show is 'Nif' a small dog puppet. , Nif, stands for "nutrition is fun". The puppet play, "Nif goes to Sesame Street" will be the highlight of the program. program. The children will be ac tively-involved throughout the program. The aim is to stress that good snacks are fun snacks and healthy food is important. The Bowmanville Public , Library is pleased to announce announce that the "Nutrition in the Parks Program" featuring featuring the puppet play "Nif goes to Sesame Street" will be presented at the Library on Tuesday, July 26, 1983 at 10:00 a.m. The program is free of charge to the public and suitable for children of all ages. The Bowmanville Public Library is located at 62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville. For more information information please call the library at 623-7322. « The students plan to visit playgrounds in Ajax, Pickering, Pickering, Whitby, Uxbridge and Scugog Townships, and libraries throughout Durham Region. They will visit the Orono Public Library on July 26th at 2:00 p.m. Orono Nursery School Half Day Enrichment Program For Preschoolers Qualified Staff Licensed Premises Registrations now being taken for September^start CaH 987-4012 Program coming to Clarke Public Library local fishing -waters. The number of fish allocated to each lake is based on the size of the lake, historical importance importance of the musky fishery, the suitability of fish habitat, and the apparent success of natural reproduction. Through the muskellunge 1 management programs of the. Ministry, the Kawarthas will continue to offer good opportunities opportunities for catching t his ; elusive trophy. ORONO WEED CONTROL . GOVERNMENT LICENSED LAWN SPRAYING • WEEDS INSECTS - FERTILIZING (CIL) DRIVEWAY SEALING Work Completed By Licensed Professional FREE ESTIMATES PHONE BOB 983-5267 BOX 277, ORONO VfePrice Summer Special Continue All Perms V2 Price ■ until Saturday, July 23 Visit The Location Nearest You: 21 Silver St Bowmanville '623-6333 Main St. Orono 983-5333 At Roots We LlpVE Your Hair Cjfy