t THË THINGS DREAMS ARE MADE OF It's amazing what passes through the sleeping sleeping mind and just what creates that sequence of sensations, images, thoughts that, as I understand, understand, is a brief flash just before awakening. There seems to be no rhymn or reason for those things that pass as a dream or is there. I haven't meditated a dream for years or that is, not until last week when all of a sudden 1 do' strange things and come up with a finding that I have been looking for for years. It seems Donna and I were returning from a night of theatre which must have been on the Scugog Island or something similar in nature or what 1 imagine is similar. Passing alongside a somewhat marshy area 1 pulled the car over to the side of the road, jumped out, rah around to the trunk opening it to secure a pair of light-weight plastic flippers. Now these flippers were similar to those worn by divers but were light-weight and rigid. They had fins on the bottom to retard back slip, as 1 recall. I quickly strapped them to my feet and waddled to the water's edge where in a quick shuffle motion 1 started to cruise across the top of the water. - I ran out of steam before I reached the bank on the other side of the marsh and quickly went Under. The last few feet I resorted to swimming and on reaching the bank , started to pull myself, wet and soggy, to the top of the bank. Finally 1 caught hold of an old root to pull my head and shoulders above the top of the bank. There it was, standing majestically on the ever- sd-greew grass with all its prominent colours accentuated accentuated by the full blaze of the sun and only a few feet in front of me. My first sighting of a Canada Warbler. So ended the dream but not the questions that could now be asked. I could possibly explain the appearance of the Canada Warbler for it is a bird 1 would like to s'ee and keep in the back of my mind when out hireling. hireling. 1 would definitely like to add it to my list of sightings. I can understand that Donna and 1 might go to the theatre but where did I get the idea 1 wanted to cross that body of water and for what reason? Also, and this may be the greatest puzzle, where did I get the idea I could skim across the top of the water and even if 1 could that I would have enough energy to make it all the way across without getting a real soaking. Something to think i about these hot nights. Suggests Division St. get urban treatment A report from the Director of Public Works, Ron Dupuis, suggest that council consider a proper urban road with curbs, gutters and asphalt paving for Division Street in Orono rather than' suggested raising of catch basins and some filling-in of ditches. Dupuis points out that the Town did provide Division Street with a rural-type road with storm sewers and ditch inlet catch basins some years ago. He said this has resulted in fairly steep ditches in places. He said to raise the level of the ditches and raising catch basins as has been suggested 1 may not resolve the complaints complaints but would likely create other problems. Dupuis recommends that council consider a proper urban urban section road with curbs, gutter and asphalt surface as the proper solution. He points out that storm sewers and proper granular base already exist and with this already in place the cost of bringing the road up to urban standards would be minimized. minimized. , ' : Council approved to consider consider the report when preparing preparing the 1984 budget a*s suggested suggested by Dupuis. The Dupuis . report stated costs wôuld' be provided at that time for council's consideration. consideration. Counc. Harare said she agreed with the recommendation recommendation bât asked how high the proposal was for completion. The deputy-director said that would be a matter for council to decide but the department would provide costs during budget discussions. He also' said the whole project woüld have to be undertaken at one time and it would involve asphalt surfacing along with curbs and gutters. Counc. Harare also pointed out that a letter from the previous Public Works Director assured her that the • second surface treatment would be completed in 1981. This was never done, she said. Agri-Crew seeks i happn»»»*... ] farm employers AGRICREW 1983 Contact: Yolanda Eeuwes, Agricrew Co-ordinator, York, Durham East and West, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Uxbridge, Uxbridge, Ontario. 416-852-3328. AGRICREWS are in demand demand in the Durham Region, with a new crew starting on Monday, July 11. The Durham Region already has two crews in the areas of Port Perry and Bowmanville. The new crew will be centred out of the Oshawa area. AGRICREW is operated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and funded by the Ontario Youth Secretariat Program. Each crew consists of three crew members and a working foreman for a fee of ninety dollars per day. A* day is defined as being eight working working hours; this includes two Two will stand for council appointment (Continued from page 1) stand for election. Stapleton said he, is definitely interested and feels he could represent the people adequately as area councillor. He also said he now has the time to give to the position. Ted Wood yard states he has given notice that he would leave his name stand for appointment to the vacant vacant council seat in Ward Three: Woodyard has held the position of Regional councillor councillor and area councillor for the Town of Newcastle and was a > candidate in the municipal election in 1982 when the present election was held. Woodyard states his notice called for the dropping of his name as a candidate if the procedure evolved in picking Sf name out of a hat. It is rumored that a number of other citizens in the Town have given like notice to the Town that they would leave their names stand if nominated for the position. Candidates do not fiecessarilÿ 'haCe to be resident resident of Ward Three to be eligible for the position. Mayor Rickard has called a special meeting of council for July 25th to consider the filling filling of the council seal. Clarke Public LIBRARY Tuesday . 1-8 p.m. Wednesday 1-5 p.m. Thursday 10-8 p.m. Friday 1-5 p.m. Saturday 10-1 p.m, Closed Mondays 983-5507 Newcastle Public Library Board 10-minute breaks. Crews supply their own lunch and transportation. Crews are covered by Workmen's Compensation and Unemployment Insurance. Insurance. Previous jobs have included included gardening, weeding, hoeing, hoeing, picking up stones, and mending fences. Do you find that time is running out to get all those jobs done? Has the weather put delays into your plans? Then AGRICREW may be the answer for you. For more information to hire a crew please contact; Yolanda Eeuwes, AGRICREW Co-ordinator (York, Durham East & West) Tel: 416-852-3328. Working In Orono The Town of Newcastle Federal-Provincial Employment program crew are working in Orono this week painting at the Orono Town and undertaking renovations and painting at the Orono Armouries Building where the Orono Showcase Co opérative are to set up business. Work at the Orono Town Hail is expected to be completed mid week with the crew then entering the Armouries Armouries for renovations to the north rooms. Orono Showcase Co-operative has meet recently and aré holding another meeting this week at which time a speaker will be in attendance to outline the operation of a co-operative. The co-operative expects to be operative in the Armouries building by the end of September. Receive Numerous Fire Calls The Orono Hall of the Town of Newcastle Fire Department received a number of fire calls during the past week including a fallen tree across a hydro line, a burning tree stump as well as a call for the tanker truck to Burketon which later was cancelled. The department answered a car fire call on the Town line east of Orono where a 79 Olsdmobile owned by Gregory Johnson of Orono had caught fire. Call of the wild 133 picture perfect playgrounds for you to discover. Ontario Provincial Parks' Ministry Of Hon AtynW. Pope îw Resources cmutyMnww For information, call toll free: ' 1-800-868-3735 RedSzWhite Magic Carpet Sweepstakes * A chance to win a trip for two to Barbados ★ $25.00 No Name products Check for the red dot products and pick up your entry form from the cashier. Fyll contest details in store; Contest closes August 30, 1983. fit,. x 2.18 kg Afresh chickens .Canada grad? 'A' eviscerated 1.14 kg to 1.56 kg or 2- 1 • to 5. |h. avg. lettuce product lof Ontario no. 1 each. .99 lb. each Product of Ontario - Canada No. 1 Cabbage .39 CORNISH'S yo3-52Ut