' ' * f Orono Weekly Times; Wednesday. August 24, 1983-11 VJWÆ0Ü /r/U£!fZ%&t ■; . . BUSINESS v OPPORTUNITY Earn money. Save money. Learn Income Tax preparation- preparation- at home. For free brochure. No obligation. Write: U & R Tax Schools, 1148 Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 3S6. n/c *2£ GOULD A PHOTO SHOP* LIMITED Phone for appointment Anniversary Wedding and Family, Portraits in our Studio, Your Home, Or on Location. 78 King St.W. Bowmanvilie 623-2404 Phone 416-623-3393 Orono Call 983-9547 For prompt, courteous efficient service when buying ofcselling and for the largè|f selection of properties in the area. 234 KING ST. EAST WAKEFIELD INSURANCE 983-9438 Steve's Furniture Shop We Have A Large Selection of Antique and Decorator Furniture for Sale, by Appointment or Chance 983-9630 Orontf 1 Mile East of Hwy. 115 at Taunton Rd. We also do Upholstery & Refinishing. WORK WANTED If-use cleaning avail,ih: V tends and evening K. - Icnees a\tillable, ea 98 9514 I 7, 24, a v CAREERS Career in Trucking. Contact Contact Merv Orr's School offices offices in Toronto (416) 251 -9073; Ottawa (613) 523-3489; London (519) 432-1726; North Bay (705) 472-2910; Thunder Bay (807) 623-8686; Sault Ste. Marie (705) 759-0177; Cambridge (519)' 648-2519. P.C.E.C. member. n/c CAREERS FREE 120 page Career , Guide shows how to train at home for 205 top-paying full and part-tipie jobs. Granton Institute 265 A Adelaide Street West, Toronto. Call (416) 977-3929 today. n/c CONTESTANTS WANTED Queen of the Fair Competition Competition for September Nil- Contestants must be 18 ye.iis or older by August 1st, 1984. Contact: Norma Ransberry, 983-9597. Durham Agricultural Society. Society. 17, 24, a.c. HWY 115 TRUCK & AUTO REPAIRS LTt I- > Ail Cars and Truck: TbWING Phone 983-9151 or 9839152 TOMLYCETT FURNITURE RESTORATION REPAIRS, STRIPPING PROFESSIONAL FINISHING Telephone: (416) 983-9475 Orono, Ontario LOB 1M0 Flower D^n 28 David's Crescent Dried & Silk Floral Arrangements Specializing in- Wedding Bouquets CUSTOM MADE 983-5423 DEMOLITION DERBY DRIVERS WANTED Thursday, September 9, 1983. 8:00 o'clock at the Orono Fair Grounds. Cash and trophies to be awarded. For more information and rules contact George Carson 983-5272. 17, 24, 31, pd. TALENT WANTED For Orono Fair Adult' Amateur Contest. Friday, Sept. 9th, 8:00 p.m. Entrants must be 12 years and over. 1st prize $100 - 2nd prize $75.00 - 3rd prize $50 - 4th prize $25. For registration phone 983-5051. 24, 31, ale. WON'T YOU JOIN US? For a delicious hot dinner or lunch upstairs in the Ordno Arena Community Centre during the Orono Fair. Serving great meals as previous years on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday of September 8, 9, 10, 11. Proceeds to the Orono Arena Improvement and Projects Committee. NOTICE The Orono Senior Citizens will meet in the Oddfellows Hall on Thursday, September 1st at 5:30 p.m. commencing with a Pot Luck supper. Everyone welcome. 24, pd. NOTICE Dr. A.F. Mackenzie's office office will be closed from August 13th to September 11th inclusive. 10,-17, 24. 31, 7. a.c TRUCK FOR SALE '71 Chev Half Ton: But:., and motor in good shape. As is $1000 or best offer. Call 983-5596. 17, 24, a.c, FOR SALE v '74 Chev Wagon, $550.00 as .is. Phone 983-5107 after six. FOR SALE Tent Trailer - Bcllvicw HDTP, sleeps 6, 3-way fridge, brakes, wardrobe, used used 2 weeks. $2500 or best offer. offer. Phone 983-5494. 24, pd. FOR SALE Patz Mod.98 Silo Unloader 18 - 24 feet. Patz Mod. 400 Cattle Feeder 80 feet. Oliver 565 S-M-TB Plough. Forage Harvester, New Holland Mod. 818. AH in good condition. Phone 983-5682. 24, 31, a.c. FOR SALE IRISH HONEY (1983 Crop). Bring containers to i>- filled, a: bulk prices. Mam Si reel - Orono. Sign ' on maple I ice opposite entrance lo Park Arnolds 983-9372. 17, pd. FREE TO GOOD HOME I female ' Sheppard/Lhb cross: Ten weeks old. Free to good home. Phone 983-5596. 24, a.c. RESPONSIBLE LOVING CARE GIVER NEEDED. Weekdays. Prefer home with children. 2 years and 6 years (after school).. Leskard area. . Call 983-9706. 24, 31. a.c. DAY CARE Day Care available in 1 my home. Any age. After school. Leskard Road. 983-5321. 24,31,7 FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McLaren are happy to announce announce the forthcoming marriage marriage of their daughter, Evelyn Anne to Alistair John, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Rpzario, of Toronto. The wedding to take place Saturday, Saturday, August 27, 1983 at the McLaren Farm. a-p TENDERS NEW WASHROOM FACILITIES TENDERS will be received by the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education for the com struction of new washroom facilities for students at the Central Public School, 39 Pine Street, Port Hope. The work is primarily in the plumbing trade, consisting consisting of eleven fixtures, sanitary drains, vents and water supply. Concrete flooring, block walls and me.tal partitions are part of the general contract. contract. 1 Drawings and specifications may be obtained at the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, 834 D'Arcy Street, Cobourg. . - , The lowest or any tender will ndt necessarily be accepted. Closing date August 29, 1983 at 10:00 a.m. Purchase order no. 95292. DEATH NOTICE Died at Port Hope Hospital, Sunday,- August 21st, 1983, Vernabell Carr, wife of the late Bill Carr and dear mother of Beverley (Mrs..Allan Kerr), Bowmanvilie, Bowmanvilie, loving grandmother of Susan, (Mrs, Ron Seacock) Kim and Scott West and great grandmother of Andrew Andrew Beacock. The funeral service was held at the Ro$s Funeral Home, Port Hope., on Wednesday, August 24th, 1983. MISCELLANEOUS Moose hunt accommodation accommodation and adult licences available areas 19 and 21B, $100 per week. Call operator and ask for Radio Phone (705): Calstock 5500. n/c POOL SALE Pool Sale. Manufacturer's clearance on above and in- ground pools, many models at fantastic savings. Shop Direct (416) 522-1414. n/c j*r TENDERS' ASPHALT PAVING Sealed tenders will be received by the undersign ed until August 29, 1983, at 3:00 p.m. for Asphalt Paving at Colborne Public School, Colborne. Specifications may be obtained from the offices of The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, ' 834 D'Arcy Street, Cobourg. Purchase Order No. 98660. I can sell your house please give me a call for an appointment. I'll be happy to show you any property at your convenience. Res. 963-9605 Office Line: Orono 983-9300 Bowmanvilie 623-6000 PATRICK G. DEEGAN " Denture Therapy Clinic 5 George Street, Bowmanvilie, Ontario Phope 623-4473 Sale Sweet Cherries New Potatoes Peas, Beans, Vegetables 4 f Hot House Tomatoes FRUIT MARKET HWY. 35 SOUTH OF ORONO