Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 14, 1983-11 •JMvr'/æaaf : BUSINESS : OPPORTUNITY '* Earn extra money part- time as a Regal Sales Representative. Our Gift Catalogue is all you need. Write REGAL, 939 Eglinton Ave. E., Dept 447, Toronto, M4G2L6. n/c 4 GOULD A PHOTO SHOP -/ CtMITED W?W Phone for appointment Anniversary Wedding and Family, Portraits in our Studio, Yoiir Home, Or on Location. 78 King St.W. Bowmanvllie 623-2404 Phone 416-623-3393 Orono Call 983-9547 For prompt, courteous efficient service when buying onselling and for the largêit selection of properties in the area. 234 KING ST. EAST CAREERS Free 120 page Career Guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and part-time jobs. Granton Institute, 265A Adelaide St. West, Toronto. Call 416-977-3929 today. n/c MISCELLANEOUS Needlécraft Lovers. Turn yqur hobby into money ($$$). Join my Creative Circle team. Full/Part-time. No experience experience necessary. We train over 18. Call Joan Brooksbank 692-9216 or write: Site 27, Box 7, R.R. 1, Lively, Ontario. POM 2E0. n/c FOR SALE Linde Model V205 3-phase triple voltage MIG welder, $1000. Wanted to buy: Massey 7-foot grain binder. Enos S. Martin, R.R. 3, Wallenstein 519-669-8400. n/c FOR SALE FRESH HONEY (1983) Crop. Bring containers to be filled at bulk prices. Main Street, Orono - sign on maple tree opposite entrance entrance to park. Arnott's 983-9372. WAKEFIELD INSURANCE 983-9438 HWY 115 TRUCK & AUTO REPAIRS LTL To All Cars and Truck: TOWING Phone 983-9151 or 983-9152 Steve's Furniture Shop We Have A Urge Selection of Antique aiid Decorator Furniture for Sale, by Appointment or. Chalice 983-9630 Orono' 1 Mile East of Hwy. 115 at Taunton Rd. We also do Upholstery & Reflnishing. TOMLYCETT FURNITURE RESTORATION REPAIRS, STRIPPING PROFESSIONAL FINISHING Telephone: (416) 983-9475 Orono, Ontario LOB 1M0 Flower D^n 28 David's Crescent Dried & Silk Floral Arrangements Specializing in ■ Wedding Bouquets CUSTOM MADE 983-5423 FOR SALE 1983 Chevette Deluxe -sports mirrors, AM/FM stereo, rear window defragger, defragger, block heater, floor mats, 22,000 kilometres. $6500.00. Phone 983-9271. 7,14,21, a.c. FIREWOOD FOR SALE Assorted hardwood trees suitable for firewood are available from Ministry of Natural Resources, Orono Forest Station. Please phone 983-9147 for appointment to inspect trees. Sealed bids will be accepted up to 3 p.m. on 21st September, 1983. 14, a.c. NOTICE Shape Up with Barb's Dancersize Class, Orono Town Hall, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7 to 8 p.m. Pay as you go. Call 987-4467. 14, 21, ac AUCTION Gigantic Farm Equipment monthly consignment Auction, Auction, Friday, September 23rd, 1983 at 10:00 a.m. sharp. Sales held 4th Friday Of each month. New and used equipment equipment including approximately approximately 75-100 tractors, some industrial industrial equipment, skid steer loaders, trucks pull-type and self-propelled combines and over 300 pieces of all types of farm equipment plus lawn and garden equipment. Special note: this sale features several consignments from local farmers. If you need a combine, tractor, farm equipment dr anything else...don't miss this auction. Trucking available to anywhere in Canada or U.S.A. Terms: cash or good cheque day of sale. Not responsible for accidents on property. Lunch booth on grounds. Tractors sell at approximately approximately 1:00 p.m. Auctioneers Auctioneers Cliff Gilbert and Alex Parr. One of Ontario's , fastest growing monthly farm equipment consignment auctions. auctions. Wayne Ward Farm Equipment, Hwy. 6, Wiar- ton, Ontario. Phone 519-534-1638 or 534-2980. n/c ' 1 Ministry of * * J 1 Natural Resources Ontario TENDER Interested parties are invited to tender for the 1 construction of a 40' x 20' (cold room) extension extension to Greenhouse Complex -Orono Provin- cial Nursery.' Documents will be available 19th September, 1983 from Ministry of Natural Resources, Box 119, Orono, Ontario LOB 1M0. Telephone 983-9147. A bid deposit of $150.00 (refundable) is required to obtain documents. 14, a.c. LEARN TO DANCE Fox-Trot, Waltz, etc. ORONO TOWN HALL Starting Tuesday, Sept. 20th Beginners 8-9 p.m. Advanced 9-10 p.m. For Information Phone 983-5655 or 983-5611 14, ap TURKEY SHOOT Sunday, Sept. 18, 1983 Time - 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. At Orono Fish and Hunt Club, 12 gauge shotgun, 22 (iron sights only) and Blackpowder shoots. Refreshments available. Follow signs off Taunton on Leskard Road. 14, ac STEEL BUILDINGS Factory Clearance Steel Buildings. Example 40' x 58' Arch building including 21' W double slide doors $6600. Similar savings on Widths 20' to 100' wide clear span. Also available straightwall all-steel buildings 20' - 60' clear span. Priced to clear. For guaranteed savings call toll free 1-800-268-0802. n/c The Corporation of the TOWN OF INEWCASTLE SENIOR ACCOUNTING CLERK The Treasury Department Department requires a Senior Accounting Clerk to - perform various general accounting functions, including bank reconciliations, maintenance of debenture debenture registers, preparation preparation of Ministry of Transportation and Communications submissions submissions etc. Applicants having successfully completed completed intermediate level accounting courses and having a mlnlmum of three years general accounting experience experience In a computerized computerized environment and/or equivalent, will be given preference. Salary $17,554 to $21,943. Applications may be submitted in confidence confidence on or before 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, September 21, 1983. Kathryn A. Campbell Treasurer Town pf Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3A6 : - Daté of Publication: September 14, 1983 DANCE "THE HARVEST BALL" Saturday, September 24th, St. Joseph's Parish Hall, Douro. Round and Square dancing to Rhythm. Adults $4.00, students $2.00. Lunch. Everyone welcome. ■ 14,ap BIRTH, ANNOUNCEMENT DEREMO - Wayne and Joan, Ben and 'David are pleased to announce thé ar-* rival of Becky Joan on September 8, 1983, weighing • 8 lbs. 6 ozs. 14,ac INMEMORIAM BELLAMY - In memory of a loving husband, father and grandfather HOWARD G. BELLAMY who passedaway' September 12, 1973. Ten lonely years have, passed passed Sincé God looked down from Heaven and saw 'your weary face. He put His arms around you . And took you home to rest "Peace in Hjs Valley" Ever remembered by wife Bessie, Betty and Ron, George ancTEdie, David and Darla and grandchildren who , know him Brooks Mary and , Rebecca. * 14, ap WORK WANTED Û&R Custom Fencing . , and custom chain-sawing 983-9627 or 623-7353 Orono, Ont. I can sell your house Please give me a call for an appointment. I'll be happy to show you any property at your convenience. pet Irwin bnrtwfowiier Res. 963-9605 Office Line: Orono 983-9300 Rowmanville 623-6000 PATRICK G. DEEGAN Denture Therapy Clinic 5 George Street, Bowmanville, Ontario Phone 623-4473 WÊ Fresh Fruits and Vegetables EARLY APPLES PEARS.- Bartletts and Clapp's Favourite PEACHES and PLUMS FRESH VEGETABLES SWEET CORN TOMATOES • . V by the basket or bushel T" MI 1 ' ' « 'll'I , I mm /FRUIT MARKET HWY. 35 SOUTH OF ORONO 383-5628 »