4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 26, 1983 The Constables Corner by Constable Don Anderson, Durham Regional Police Halloween is fast approaching approaching and many parents and children are putting a lot of thought into the costume to be worn for trick or treating. The costume must do much more than merely disguising the wearer , or representing a character.. Hopefully the costuhie will identify the wearer as a pedestrian in the night traffic scene. Bright colours and reflective materials will help accomplish this identification. identification. The costume should be safe, short enough so the wearer will not trip on strange steps and dark walkways. The costume should be fire resistant in the event of contact with candles. The costume should not obstruct the view of the wearer, they must be able to see the traffic around them as well as seeing where they are walking. Often masks, worn as part of the costume* interfere interfere with the traffic picture. picture. Possibly make-up worn instead of the mask would make for a safer costume. To add to the overall safety, safety, have the children carry a flashlight and carry a white loot bag which will- also reflect lights. dangerous, useless, inoperative inoperative or ineffective. (c) Obstructs, interrupts of interferes with the lawful user enjoyment or operation of property. Possibly the above defini- (d) Obstruct-s, interrupts or tions will make people think, interferes with any person in .A Halloween pranlÿ that fits the lawful use, enjoyment or into the above described of-' operation of property. fences could leave the' pranksters or offenders witfh a Criminal : Record. In the name of a thoughtless Halloween Halloween prank, is it worth the risk?. ' Before the trick or treaters hit the road, set some rules. Set limits as to how far they can travel and what time'they must return home. If the children are calling on both sides of the street they should not criss-cross it would be safer to travel along one side, cross and travel the other side. ■ Warn the children not to go into strange houses, apartments apartments or cars. It would be. wise to have the parents check all treats before anything is eaten. An adult should accompany accompany smaller children, older ones should travel in groups, never alone. Each year there are groups of people who feel that Halloween is an excuse for them to destroy or disable property, both private and public. For th€ benefit of these people I would like to define the word "Mischief" as found in the Criminal Code of Canada. Mischief - Everyone commits commits mischief who wilfully: (a) Destroys or damages property. property. , (b) Renders property Piyah Chapter Oshawa Art Sale Piyah Chapter of Hadassah-Wizo (Oshawa) is planning its seventh annual Art. Auction being held in the fall of this year. Mrs. Carole Pockey is Convenor again and promises this year's Auction will be the most exciting so far. Many local artists will be represented offering works of art in all media. Coal Harbor retirement There will also be some, very exciting door prizes to be given away oncq again. The Art Auction this year will be held on November 20th, 1983 at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa. Admission to the Auction is $4.00 and this includes the preview which begins at 6:00 "p.m., refreshments and a chance forshe door prizes. The Auction Auction will begin at 8:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Rat Late# INTERIOR WALL ^ WHITES, TINTS, PRIMER pay Tiy99 1 W imperial mm w • gallon ONLY WHITES, TINTS PAY ONLY 99 imperial gallon WHITES, TINTS PAY ONLY 99 imperial gallon ub BAULE/dh|ES IN Of* I * Kem-Premium Quality Paint from Sherwin Williams we made our name in hardware Where to buy Rolph (Dominion) Hardware Main St., Orono Phone 983-5207 party Kendal Hills Stud Farm, 'north of Elizabethy.ille in conjunction with Kawartha Downs are co-hosting a retir- ment party at a reception on Sunday, November 1.3th, for Coal Harbor at the' farm north of Elizabethville. Coal Harbor who is being retired from the track will stand at stud at Kendal Hills in 1984. Coal Harbor is the fastest, son of Albatross on a five- eight track and the second fastest son, ever, Only Niatross was faster. Coal Harbor was born March 22, 1979 in Pennsylvania Pennsylvania and was raised on the farm of Dr. Peter and Mrs. Judie Johnston, Richard Chivers of Scarborough, Scarborough, Alex Horn of Campbellcroft and Alan Berk of Oshawa. As of October 13, 1983 Coal Harbor has won $464,920 with 60 starts over a three year period Coal Harbor Harbor had 15 wins, 7 second placings and 10 thirds. The reception is being held from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the farm. Being a foster parent is a tough job. It's full-time.' Twenty-four hours a day. Often frustrating, and always demanding of your patience, energy and love. Yet despite its demands, or maybe because of them, thousands of people take foster children into their homes each year. Some are children, some are teenagers, Some have special physical or emotional needs. But all have one thing in common. They need a sense ' of place and security to help them through a-difficult period in their lives, and to prepare them for reuniting with their'families. There's a very basic joy in sharing with a child or young persijn some of , the richness that fife has given you. As part of a team of social workers anti other professionals, you'll be helping foster children,and their parents when f they need help most. Ànd helping yourself at the same time, to mature and grow as an individual. If you'd like to learn more about'becoming a foster parent, contact your local Children's Aid Society or Family' ' ■ Ministry of Community - and Social Services and Children's Services. It's nôt an easy task. Féwjobs demand more of a person. But fewer still give more in retur n ©Ontario " Ffa'nk Drea, Minister William Davis, Premier