Heads PC Association Mangar's Garage closes Mike Mangar has closed Mangar's Garage in the north of Orono on Mill Street following a conviction on October October 18th in provincial court for contravention of the zoning zoning by-law for his property. A fine of $300.00 was levied against Mangar on this occasion occasion for untaking body work on the premises. Mangar had previously be charged with fines totalling $1,000.00. Mangar states he has no intention intention at this time in selling the property for the new owner could be faced with the same problem. He is investigating investigating the possibility of making an application for a rezoning of the property which would allow him to carry on with auto body repair work and a limited used used car lot. Mangar now operates a shop in Toronto but His family family will remain in Orono. Charges were laid by the Town of Newcastle following complaints by neighbours of the practice of undertaking auto body repairs. Such work is not covered by the existing by-law governing the property. property. The Town of Newcastle enforces enforces the conditions of the by-law on complaints only. ■ It has been conceded that others carry out - similar works but as no complaints are received no action is taken by the Town of Newcastle for such operations. operations. Mangar states he has operated the garage in Orono for the past seven years and would like to continue to do so but is not about to place 'himself in the position that he 'would be rged again. He said it does not make sense to him that he cannot carry out auto body repair and points out that he did keep business hours of 8:00. to 5:00 to reduce any annoyance annoyance to neighbouring property property owners; He said he would like to be able to use the licence he holds for'auto body repairs. Hoar calls for decision one way or another m John Reid, Orono again heads the local Clarke- Newcastle Progressive Conservative Conservative Association and is pictured above speaking with Allan lawrence, M.P.P. for the Durham-Northumberland riding. There was a good turnout for the annual pot luck supper supper and annual meeting of the association. Tom Hoar of the Long Sault Snowmobile Club and representing the Ontario Federation of SnoWmobilers said his club had covered all points contained in the report during the period from, 1974. He said he concurred with Johnston in that if a problem existed now it was not going to be solved by simply closing the road. Hoar called for a decision from members either one way or another. He also pointed out that the snowmobile route using the closed road allowance had been in existence since 1976. * I. Hamilton, on behalf of the snowmobilers also spoke opposing the closing and said it-would be the first time ever that such a road had been closed with so much opposition opposition to the closing. ' Neil Smith a Tyrone farmpr supported maintaining maintaining the'-road for snowmobil- ing and public use and stated that damage by snowmobiles had drastically reduced over the .past few years, ' Cindy Broom also asked for the road allowance to be kept open in ojder that those in the Enterprise Hill area could be assured of the highway underpass when the barrier was erected. Bob Allen, a farm owner in the area also asked that the road not be closed and said he had no problem with trespassing. He suggested that good fences would hejp to cut down on trespassing. Don Ransberry, Betsy Hunter and Mac Ransberry also sought to have the road kept open. Mac Ransberry suggested that such road allowance could well be used for recreational recreational purposes. He said, "We do not know what this use may extend into in the next 25 years. Counc. Hamre in support of the staff recommendation to not close the road said there was very little cost to the Town in keeping it open and it would in fact save the _Town by reducing impact on demands for further recreational recreational needs in the municipality. She stated that the present route was the safest option for all, whether snowmobilers (continued page 2) Elva Reid Gallery has busy weekend NOW THINKING SNOW t The weatherman put an extra edge on Friday wiih some three' to four inches of snow for an Open House that was held at.the Oshawa Ski Hill on Sunday. It was an introduction; day for prospective skiers and members of the club which normally number around 3400 to those facilties that are offered at the ski hill. ", : - _ . : • . * 'There was a good turnout at the hill and all downhillbrs are looking for a gobd year with plenty of snow. The club has rebuilt some of the operating building^ at the hill which were in need of repair. Bowmanville Red Cross Report Great Response The Bowmanville Red Cross Blood Donors clinic of last Wednesday is pleased to announce that 525 donors came to the clinic and 475 pints of blood were received. This is the largest amount in many years and 100 more than the Toronto centre had expected. Mrs. Shirley Coyle would like to express their thanks to the donors who responded to a plea that blood was urgently needed. Quilt places third at District Meeting Grand Champion Quilt from. Durham Central Fair, Orono placed third at the District Annual Meeting. There was a total of 17 quilts. The quilt is owned by Mrs. Erla Jose, Newcastle. Euchre Party results ** •High Lady - Norma Moffat; Low Lady - Vi Sutcliffe; High Gent - Gus Wilson; Low Gent - Hugh MtsAllister; Most Lone Hands - Lena Clysdale; Lucky Draws - Laurie Forget and Bertha White. ' 1 Next card party is November 16th. . The Elva Reid Gallery was busy over the week-end with the Book ( Division of the gàllery holding an Open House. The gallery located on Regional Road east of Kirby was filled with books of interest interest for all tastes* ranging' from children's books, to history, humour, people and power, guides, royalty, cooking cooking and other interests. The book divisiori is operated by Miss Elva Reid and Mrs. Cynthia Zander jvho hold some forty Book Fairs in schools associated with the Victoria , Durham and Northumberland and Newcastle Boards oi Education. Education. . . A Book Fair is being held in the Orono Public School on November- 16th and on December 8 and 9 a Book Fair has been planned for the Kirby Public School. Bpoks may be ordered through the Book Division of the Gallery by phone. ■ Pictured above is Cynthia Zander (left). with Mrs. An- nabelie Rickard showing an interest in a book titled, "My .mpther the rnaÿor, maybe" and ElVa Reid (right).