6-Orbho Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 9th, 1983 Excellent attendance from community mm is •.vvÿ.-Nt&cSJ The Kirby United Church held a bazaar and tea in the basement of the Orono United Church Saturday afternoon with an excellent attendance from the com munity. ■ The bake sale, always a big hit at local bazaar- was no ex- Ideal Christmas gifts .. . One of the most'popular tables at the Kirby"United ' Church bazaar on Saturday was the knitted goods table ri with toques, mitts and scarfs. It was apparent that many were eyeing the items as good Christmas gifts. * • •' Above Annie Fisk makes a sale to Linda Draper of Bowrrtanville. From the J)im and Distant Past NOV. 11, 1937 by Brian Groot Clarke Co-operative Student The Clarke Township Public Speaking Contest was held in Orono Town Hall on November 5th. There were only six contestants - Bernice Colville, Shirley Porter, Ruby Gibson, June Ware, Raymond Gilmer and Alex Little. The two winners werç - Shirley Porter of south Clarke and Raymond Gilmer of Crooked Creek. Clarence Beatty, an Elizabethville farmer was hit several times over the head. after picking up two men who said-their car had run out. of gas. Beatty put up a.tremendous a.tremendous fight so the thugs took to their heels as neighbours' and other cars approached. Remembrance Day services were held in the Town Hall from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 a.'m. All the places of business were closed in order that everyone could attend services. Rev. Osterhout spoke assisted by Rev. Beech. ■ Miss M. Simpson of Cow^nville School, attended a teacher's convention in Bowman ville and Belleville. The three movies playing at Port Hope's Capitol Theatre were - " 100 Men and a Girl ' ', "The Bride Wore Red" and "Back in Circulation". At Armstrong's overcoats were $20.00, ladies coat's - $15.00, a 9 x 15 rug was $13, snowsuits $3.25, leather coats $14.00 and a pair of blankets were $2.29. At E.R. Rainey's Grocery a 98 lb. bag of flour was $4.00, 3 lbs of macaroni was 17 cents, 8 bars of soap were 29 cents and 3 lbs of rice was 20 cents. The Fire Department filletj all the tanks around town for the winter, which can hold enough watet to battle a fire ception at the Kirby bazaar. It didn't take too long before all items were sold. ► for 5 hours: Mrs. Charlie Shaw and •" baby son arrived home Sunday Sunday from Bowmanville. Garden Hill choir is one of the best in Ontario after winning winning a shield in a Port Hope contest with their band leader Mrs. H.M. Foster. NOV.,6, 1958 News of early snowfall in other parts of thé country has . prompted volunteer workers at the Kirby Ski Hill,to work harder in improving ' the slopes. New trails havp been cut through the bush, bulldozers have pushed dirt in place for a'150 foot jump, a new tow, work on the other tows, and a-fix and wax shop. At the Orono Arena more work has been completed including including a new chimney,, basement basement dressing rooms, replacing replacing the boards for the ice cushion, and reinforcing thé south end of the building. - At the Clarke Township Council meeting it was decided decided that two new public schools would not be built. Council wants the Consumer Gas Company to put in writing when they would install install gas in Orono, and $6.60 an hour will be paid for snowplowing to Burley Garage, Newtonville with a guarantee of $500.00 Dr. J.E. Hendry of thè Health and Animals Branch, Bowmanville said that there has been nearly 100 cases of rabies this year. At the "present "present time there is an epidemic of rabies among animals. Seventy children collected $48,00' on Halloween for UNICEF. .. Shirley Dunlop, six-year- ,old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George bunlop vyas struck by, a car while crossing Station Street. She will remain, in Bowman Hile Hospital anpther :wee"k after receiving internal injuries. 400 tulip bulbs were pur- Eldorado plan staff reduction Port Hope's Eldorado Resources Ltd. âre planning a réduction in staff from the., current 600 employees, to some 520. At the present time the cutbacks cutbacks will take place in mid 1984 through which the firm will,provide incentive for early early retirement for some who have reached the age of 55 years and above. Eldorado Resources Ltd. are presently not re hiring staff where employees leave the firm's employment. Uranium conversion demand demand has not risen as rapidly as expected although it is being being used in increasing amounts to generate electricity. electricity. The recession has be"6n stated as the main reason in reducing growth in the industry. Production levels at Port Hope are not expected to change that much over the next few years. The company produces about 6000 tonnes of uranium fuel for both export export and for the Canadian market. Exports are about three to one over that used in Canada. Funds transferred from salt dome 1 ■ )y ' '■ '■ - ....y x.. ÿSwPtt The General Purpose committee committee of the Town of Newcastle has recommended that a sum of money amounting amounting to $75,000 allotted for a salt dome in Hampton not be spent in 1983 but carried forward forward into 1984. Further it is recommended that a sum of $125,000 be considered in the 1984 budget for the salt dome at the Hampton Yards. Counc. Hobbs presented an amendment in that the Town consider designing their own, salt dome for con- . struejion. He said the Town could reduce the cost to somewhere around $50,000, The public works department department is to report on such a possibility. It was pointed out by Ron Dupuis, director of public •works, that'a patent is held by one company on the design ,of the typical slat dome and. that, a similar design by -the Town could chased by the Orono Horticultural Horticultural Society and the Police Trustees. The bulbs . were planted in the beds along Station Street. The grade 12 French class attended a hayride and wiener roast „at Mr. Jim Rutherfords Ski Lodge. Mrs. ,St. John, the French teacher, said she promised the students a party at the end of the year. result in a law suit. ■ Dupuis stated however there was other designs that could be considered by the Town. From around the region (continued from page 5) ' George Ashe, MPP for Ajax area states {he firm has lost money for the past three years and cuts are necessary if they intend to stay in business. YOUNG MEN GIVING UP ALL HOPE Men under the age of 25> make up the majority who seek aid at Hostel Services Inc. in Oshawa, a shelter operated for the down .and out. This is a reversal of former years when the majority seeking seeking help were the aged, men to old to work and gain employment. 'The Hostel accommodates about T85 young men a month and have on ■ staff three counsellors tt> help those seeking help to get back on the road to a better life. Hostel Services are funded through the United Way. Here Comes IhcSlJNr^ ORMOND BEACH THE QUIETER SIDE OF DAVtONA BEACH 12, 19, 26 & 33 DAY TOURS it ongur upon rfouesti DEPARTURES EVERY SUNDAY OCT. 23 - APRIL 22 . CHRISTMAS IN FLORIDA ORMOND BEACH ORMOND BEACH 14 DAY DEPART DEC. 19 8 DAY DEPART DEC. 25 (AFTERNOON OFPMTTURE NIGHT TRAVEL) ÔHRISTMAS CIRCLE TOUR 14 DAY DEPART, DEC. 17 , MANY OTHER DEPARTURES TO FLORIDA . TEXAS . CALIFORNIA 'Go Rfotorcoôcb! FOR FULL COLOUR BROCHURE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT OR CALf TOLL FREE Ï-800-46.1-7615