t Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 9th, 1983-7 Assisting at Kirby Bazaar and Tea Samantha Shetler and Leanne Reid assisted with the Christmas decoration booth at the annual Kirby Church Bazaar and Tea held in the basement of the United Church. Orono Drama Workshop prepares for play The Bowman ville drama workshop group is busy preparing for their upcoming production, " And Miss Reardon Reardon Drinks a Little". This adult comedy drama will bç staged November 24,25, 26th at Bowmanville High School theatre. The action of the plây centres on tlie lives of three sisters, the Reardon sisters. One of the sisters is married and has cut herself off from the .other two; one is suspected of drinking'a little, and the third appears to be on the brink of madnçss. The characters in the play convey resentment, humour, bitterness, bitterness, love but most of all, honesty. The Reardon sisters are played by Janet Pollitt, who lives near Orono, Lana Rickard and Elizabeth Prouver. Prouver. Other cast members include include Pat Rundle, Judy Bagshaw, A1 Nichols .and Alwyn Huigens. The production is being directed by the well-known, competent Jean Sheridan. Plan now to attend and see local theatre at its best. Call B. Lobb at 623-3891 for tickets. Lawrence gives full, marks to Mulroney Allan Lawrence/ P.C. member for Duttiam Northumberland Northumberland in addressing the audience at the annual meeting of the Clarke- Newcastle Progressive Conservation Conservation Association on Friday Friday evening gave lull marks to Brian Mulroney in bis leadership of the conservative conservative party, the caucus and his approach to the issues of the day. Lawrence said Mulroney has done a terrific job of bringing bringing the conservative caucus together where to day ther| is an entirely different feeling. He said Mulroney listens to all sides of an issue id that if he keeps the ship gether he will make one of the finest Prime Ministers. Lawrence also stated that Mulroney would be the firsî to admit that he did not at thjs time have parliamentary experience. Lawrence told his audience that he did not know when the next federal election would be held but contended contended the liberals were in'such a disarray and along with the image of Trudeau the re were no more rabbits to be pulled out of the hat for the liberal party. He said it was his opinion opinion that the liberals could do nothing as long as Trudeau was there. "I don't believe he is'going to stay," said Lawrence, "he (Trudeau) could make an an- noucernent at the end of the year and that a leadership convention could then possibly be held in Toronto sometyne in April." Lawrence pointed out that John Reid re-elected President The Clarke-Newcastle Pro- gressive Conservative Association held their annual pot luck supper and annual meeting in the Oddfellow's Hall on Friday evening with a good turnout of supporters. Following a bountiful dinner dinner the election of officers was held along with a number of speeches by Sam Cureatz, M.P.P., Mayor Garnet Rickard and Federal member, Allan Lawrence. John Reid of Orono was re-elected president of the Clarke-Newcastle Association Association with Marion Riley as first vice-president. Other vice-presidents included, Elsie Fisk, Bill Tomlinson, Walter Stapleton, Bonnie Cunningham, Glenda Sher- win, Pauline Storkes and Jack Russell. Marsha Winning was returned as secretary as.was Bill Lover as treasurer. Directors elected were: Les Reid, Francis Jose, Joan Hodge, John Murphy, Orville Orville Chatterton, Kay I.ycetl, Brian Caswell, Michael Dengis, David Watkins and Wilda Johnson. The nominating committee of John Cunningham ' and Lorraine Lover presented the list of officers. It was reported at the meeting by the treasurer that • membership in the association association had reached an all-time high of 229. Two topics to be discussed at council the timing is all up to Thideau. Lawrence did briefly mention mention Thideau's peace tour and said that something was needed to cool out the big power and would give Thideau full.marks for trying. "But I remain a cynic as to his reasons," said Lawrence. The local member also spoke of the emotional issue of the Crow rate revision which is before the house at the present time. Lawrence said the liberal 'government through their proposal would be taking ■ away the edge for western formers to compete in the international international grain market which they need to survive. He said the conservatives realize the present system is an antiquated system and should he changed but there is à need to assist the former as is done in other countries for their grain growers. In speaking of the Grenada situation, Lawrence said Mulroney listened intently to the conservation caucus and did keep his powder dry in the final analysis and is not to take a stand Until all the facts are known. Lawrence did state that Grenada was being built up as a hornets nest for terrorists and aggressiveness in the Caribbean and that we could be thankful for the part and action taken by the United „ States in the Grenadian affair. affair. In answering questions Lawrence said he felt that Mulroney would run in his own home riding in the next * election. * Mayor Garnet Rickard in addressing the annual meeting of the Clarke- Newcastle Conservative Association on Friday discussed two topics, a pro- . posai to change the name of the Town of Newcastle and garbage disposal. Both items, he said, would be big issues for the Town of Newcastle council in the future.. In speaking of the proposal for a name change from the Town of Newcastle to a suggested suggested Town of Bowmanville has said many speak against any change but do not do so publicly. He said council should be addressing its " time to local legislation rather than spending spending a lot of time for such a proposal. The Mayor pointed , out that it was the Province of Ontario that legislated the name, Town of Newcastle. He did also say that Kendal and such others centre would retain their names and should retain their names. "These centres are where you live and what you brag about", he said. He further stated that Bowmanville had always been Bowmanville and would continue with the name no matter what takes place He said the council fcould be caught up in a real debate over the proposal. In addressing landfill site Mayor Rickard said it was another.' issue that would have to be debated by council. council. 1 He outlined that it was costing the Region of Durham $27.00 a ton to bury garbage in the Darlington landfill site in the Town of Newcastle. He also pointed out that 'Metro was charging the Region $13.00 a ton for their landfill site and that in fact it was costing the Region $16.00 a ton for garbage disposal of which some of the money was coming from the general regional tax rate. The Mayori'stated that industry industry was looking for reasonable costs in disposal and that such facilities had to be available to attract industry industry to a community. When referring to the cost of disposal in land fill sites the Mayor pointed out that because of mounting costs private firm corrjc forth and say they can provide the service service at a lesser cost. "This is going to- be a big issue", said the Mayor. Committee turns down road closing The Town of Newcastle General Purpose committee turned down an application to close a road allowance in the northern sector of -the former Township of Clarke on Monday. The recommendation recommendation from the committee will now go to the next meeting of council this coming coming Monday for council's consideration. , Three' members . of the committee were absent from the Monday: meeting when the vcite wa3 taken. Those supporting, the jthff report that the road not, be closed were Councs." Cowman, Harm» and Hobbs. Counq. Taylor held the chair for the meeting. : The proposal to close the road has been before council since 1974. The application for the road closing has been , made by Mr.and Mrs. Beaucage. » David Johnston, chief administrative administrative officer, recom» mended to council that they not take action to close the road. In a report to council members Johnston stated he had sought input from other staff members apd as well had visited the site and met with the Beahcages and those of the Long Sault Ridge Runners Runners Snowmobile Club. In the report it was pointed , out by the administrator that the Beâucages had suggested they 'would extend cross country 1 equestrian trails in the area of the .road allowance if such was closed. I.O.O.F. Pee Wee's ■ (continued from page 4) Kaldeway unassisted and T-R. Pollitt assisted by Stephen Hardy. On Friday, November 4th, Orono won their second game of the week by a staggering staggering score of 11-2 against Ennismore, Granview. Orono dominated the first period scoring 5 goals. Two were scored by Laurens Kaldeway unassisted, two by Brent Stapleton, one unassisted and one assisted by Jason Burnham. The fifth goal of the first was scored by Mike Goodmurphy from Troy Young and Trevor Bogdanow. Ennismore scored one goal in this period. It was scored by Aaron Murray from Brit Culmer. In the second Orono scored three more goals. All three were scored by Brent Stapleton, two were unassisted and one was assisted by Jason Burnham. In the third it was Orono again, this time scoring three. Two were scored by Brent Stapleton again, one unassisted and the other from Jason Burnham and Craig Hyland. Laurens Kaldeway scored the last goal of the game unassisted. Omemee's last goal was scored by Brent Calvert assisted by Pete Hickey. Special credit should go to Laurens Kaldeway and Brent Stapleton in this game. Brent scored seven goals and Laurens got his first hat trick of the season. The I.O.O.F. Pfeewee's home games are Friday nights at 8:15. Come out and enjoy the excitement. Keep working guys! Stutt's Pharmacy Bantams * (continued from page 4) Team members wish David Bailey a speedy recovery froth a broken collar bone received -in the Manvers game. ORONO 3 - OPS 4 On Sunday, November 6th, the Stutts Pharmacy OMHA Bantams travelled to Ops and came out on the short end of a 4-3 score. Orono opened the scoring at the 5:11 mark of the second second 'period and a goal by Kevin Hartwig assisted by Stuart Irwin. Ops then added two of their own before the period ended to go ahead 2-1. The third period saw the local boys put on the pressure and come up with.two quick goals to go ahead 3-2. Scoring for Orono were Scott McCullough McCullough assisted by Stuart Irwin and Kevin Hartwig, then Brian Hill with some excellent excellent second effort assisted by Brent Hutton and Darren Lewis. This lead was short lived however as Ops came up with two of their own to close .out the scoring and a hard .fought 4-3 win. Excellent effort-by effort-by all - keep it up guys!