i . 4-Qromo Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 16, 1983 The finishing touch ! ? Attention : Éil :vf -- 8iaiii»aiSÉàKaisÉftiù3«t Helen Graham puts the a member of the Orono Art finishing touches on her most Group which meets every recent oil painting. Graham is Wednesday. Graham said she has been painting for fifteen years, but mostly just during class hours. Twenty Years & Running Disappointed at Lack of Support by M. Karl Lewins For the past twenty years, a common interest has united a particular group of people from the Orono area, every Wednesday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Over the years, the meeting place has 1 been changed and certainly faces have come and gone, but the common interest remains the same. That is to paint,, whatever the artist desires, in whatever medium the artist prefers. Currently, 17 members are enrolled in the Orono Art Group and meet at the specified time at the old Kirby Kirby School Hçuse Museum.* Each artist brings the particular particular 'tools of the trade', sets up wherever he desires, and "proceeds to paint and chatteri for the next two hours. The artists receive individual individual instruction throughout the meeting from Carolyn Reynolds, a graduate from the Ontario College of.Art, and instructor of the class for approximately three years. Betty Creighton, a three year member of the group, praised the type of instruction instruction highly, saying it is "excellent because everyone is at their own stage" and taught accordingly. Creighton, who has been painting since public school also praised the type of in- struction and class format because there is no pressure. The instructor often points out to the class a particular artist's work in order to emphasize emphasize a certain technique or simply to show improvement of one form or another. The classes are very informal informal and have an atmosphere somewhat like that of Greenwich Greenwich Village. Some artists prefer to bring their own models, others use that of the instructor's, and still others use no model at all. However, regardless of the models and mediums preferred preferred by each individual artist, they all have their own very special technique. At a meeting on November 2nd, the NDP Area Council executive expressed its disappointment disappointment at the lack of support support shown for the task force on the auto industry by Whitby Whitby and Newcastle towtt councils. councils. The task force report, which has been widely publicized, concerns a major industry in this area. The NDP'ers were surprised that some local councillors and mayors had not read the report which has been available since late spring. The executive congratulated those Whitby councillors who supported the task force. They felt these councillors were doing their job by keeping keeping up with a report about a key industry in the area. The task force report was drafted by major qut.o industry industry manufacturers, including including Mr. Hack worth, the president of General Motors, and union representatives. It calls on the government to take concrete steps to support the continued development of a balanced and competitive competitive motor vehicle and automotive parts manufacturing manufacturing capability in Canada. The NDP Area Council ■ called on all local municipal councils to support the recommendations of the task force. There's something new at Kawartha Downs. Beginning Saturday, November 19th, there will be eleven (11) races carried. , You will have two Daily Doubles (early and late), three Triactors and six Exactor Exactor Features. : November "19th,■ Kawartha Downs switches to eleven racés and Post Time will be 7:45 pan. . Harness Racing action at Kawartha Downs on November 19-24-26 and December 3 and 10. Post Time 7:45 p.m. For further information contact Grant C. Wade (705) 939-6323. GANARASKA REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY The • Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority will be holding two Public Meetings to discuss our Watershed Plan All those interested are invited attend. Wèdnesday, Nov. 16/83 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. • The office of the Ganaraska Region . Conservation Authority Northwest corner of Highways 401 and 28 Opposite Easton's Texaco Thursday, Nov. 17/83. 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. • Newcastle Town Hall * Corner of King and Mill Streets Village of Newcastle J'Me Fashions Main St, Orono * Phone 983-9341 The latest in fashions for all times and all needs - Are vour hard-eamec Then take a few minutes now and discover how adding electricity to your oil furnace can dramatically cut the cost of heating your home. If your oil furnace is in good condition, but you'd-like it to run more economically, a dual-energy system combining oil and electricity may be just the answer. In fact, depending on how much electric heat you add', and how you operate your system, you could use as little as one tank of oil for an entire heating season! An electric plenum heater, for example, will reduce the amount of oil your furnace uses by up'to 75%. While adding a heat pump will cut oil use by 25 to 30%, and provide air conditioning in the summer fôr economical year-réund comfort. If your furnace does need replacing, an electric, furnace or one of the other electrid systems can heat your home cleanly, efficiently and economically. 1 • i If .you'd like to know more about dual-energy and alhelectric systems, write to Ontario fdydro, 620 .University Ave., 4th Floor, Torontb M5Ü 1X6, and ask for our free booklet 'Electric Heating Options for Your Home." . The iew mjnutes you take now could add up to big sayings this winter.