classified Ads .see BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Exicting OPPORTUNITY! Pari time, full 'time distributors required to market exclusive imported (under) fashions. Partyplan direct to consumer call (416) 630-6200. Write Mary Blake, 600 Steeprock Drive, Downs view, Ont. M3J 2X1. EASY MONEY! Earn extra money as a part time Regal Representative. For your FREE'gift catalogue, write Regal, 939 Eglin- ton Avenue E., Dept 769. Toronto M4G 2L6. JRAIN CONTROL WITHOUT PILLS with electric impulse (T.E.N.S.) machine as seen qn T.V.'s Marketplace program). Moneybadk guaranteed, satisfaction. Dealer inquiries invited. invited. Toll free call 1-800-663-4350. PERSONAL PRESTIGE ACQUAINTANCES Service is an introduction bureau for unattached adults seeking lasting relationships. Successful, reliable, selective, Call Toll free 1-800-263-9163. Hours Noon till 8 p.m. FREE SINGLES BULLETIN! Meet someone someone nice by phone or corespondence, locally locally or province-wide. For rushed information write: Barb, Box 2246A, Sudbury, P3A 4SI. State age. ' STARTLING TRUTH Our Saviour never instructed anyone to be a Christian. He never heard Himself Called Jesus Christ' nor called His Father Lord or God. Uninspired Translators inserted these foreign origin names. Free Literature: Box 30195, Stri. B., Calgary, alberta T2M 4P1. HELP WANTED TRUCKING CAREERS Driver job training training with placement help is available. Complete details can be mailed to you. Phone Rodgers School at (416) 769-3546 with Postal Code. LIVESTOCK/AUCTIONS R.O.P. TEST STATION BULL Auction. Saturday March 29, 1 p.m. GALETTA Livestock Exchange. Most beef breeds represented. All performance information available. Joynt Auction Service (613) 283-4730. OTTAWA VALLEY HEREFORD Spring Show ayd Sale. Thursday, March 20, 1986. Lansdowne Pdrk (Old Colliseum, Upper Annex) Annex) Show '10 Sale 1 p.m. an opportunity to select from a quality offering of 40 purebred male and female Herefords:. A Steer Sale will follow the Purebred Show. JERSEY OPPORTUNITY SALE. Wednesday, March 19, 1 p.m. Ottawa Valley .Farm Show, Lansdowne. Park, Ottawa. 35 Fresh & Springing cows and heifers. Joynt Auction Service (613) 283-4730. OTTAWA VALLEY SI M MENTAL CLUB SPRING SALE. Tuesday March 18, 1 p.m. Ottawa Valley Farm Show, Lansdowne - Park, Ottawa. For catalogue - Greg Foster (613) 489-3903. Joynt Auction Service (613) 283-4730. GRAPHIC ARTS - Printing firm has an immediate opening for an experienced, keen . person who excels in copy mark up, assembly and related pre press skills. Send resume and former employer references to: Paul Scptl, 1000 Islands Publishers Ltd., 79 King Street East, Gananoque, Ontario K7G 1E8. COMING EVENTS Five Day CRUISES on Rideau Canal & Trent-Severn Waterway. Beautiful scenery, carefree relaxation, private stateroom, delicious meals. Brochure Box 1540, Peterborough Peterborough K9J 7H7 (705) 748-3666. TRAVEL THINK SPRING. Reserve today on our all inclusive tour to the BRITISH JISLES, June 16th to July 8th. Features: England, Southern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Royal Agricultural Show. Call Clare Burt Travel 1-800-268-3090. FOR SALE NORTHERN FOOD TREES. Old fashioned fashioned apples, pear, apricot, nut trees, shrubs, evergreens, seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable, prices. Catalogue $1. Golden Bough Tree Farm. Marlbank, Ontario KOK 2L0. $ BUILDING CLEARANCE $ Clearance of quonset buildings from recent Canada Farm Show. One building is 46x90 with doors ' on "both ends of $9,995. Other sizes available. Call (416) 731-1636. $2.00 OFF ■ $2.00 OFF ■ $2.00 OFF ■ $2.00 OFF Forum Restaurant & Tavern Ltd, THE BEST FAMILY RESTAURANT ON THE HIGHWAY 3 Miles North of 401'on Hwys. 35-115 987-4226 Home of the Original Pizza $2.00 OFF any Pizza Take-out with this ad ' "Once you try our Pizza you 11 be back for more ' 1 per customer Offervaljd until closing time March 17th $2.00 OFF - $2.00 OFF * $2,00 OFF ■ $2.00 OFF The President and Board of Directors of Family & Children's Services of the Durham Region cordially invite you and your friends to attend their ANNUAL MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 3,1986 Buffet Dinner 7:00 p.m. Business Meeting 8:00 p.m. at - THE ONTARIO MINISTRY OF REVENUE BUILDING 33 King Street West, Oshawa (Corner of King/Centre/Athol Streets) (PHI Parking, N-E King/Centre - 60c exact change) speaker Dr. MarceHina Mian, M.D., F.R.C.P. Director, SCAN* Program '(Suspected Cases of Abuse and Neglect) Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto Awards: To Foster Parents for Years of Service Music: Port Perry High School Dixieland 6 Buffet-$8.00 per person 1986 Society Membership. RSVP Barbara Clarke by March 27 at 416433-1551 '* may be purchased for $5.G0 BFI to pickup garbage (Continued front page 1) over garbage collection. Goldlusl also said the Public works department had flip-flopped on their proposal and this should send oui a red flag to members of council. Counc. Hubbard said she did nol support Ihe Town taking over garbage garbage collection in the iwo areas and did not believe the content of the report from Public Works. She said there were a lot of unanswered questions and was critical of changes made in Bowmanville which have yet to be corrected. Counc. Cowman said she had concerns for the rural areas and said she didn't know if a Yes or No was right or wrong. She asked if a consultant should not look into the issue for the Town. As to the consultant Dave Johnston, town manager, said staff could do as much and was confident confident that it could be handled internally. internally. . Counc. Harnre came out in support support of Public Works taking over the garbage pick-up and gave support support to what she called a comprehensive comprehensive report by the depart- MAPLE SYRUP making supplies, new &. used equipment, conlainers, cic. Write for free price list. Alkinson Maple Syrup Supplies, Supplies, R.R. 1, Barrie, Ont. L4M 4Y8, (705) 722-3331. INDOOR GARDENING, greenhouses & hydroponics. We have it all at great prices: I000W Halides $175. Send $2. for info-pack or call Western Water Farms Inc., 1244 Seymour Street, Vancouver, B.C, V6B 3N9. (604) 682-6636. SWIMMING POOLS Factory out let has a limited number of 1985 abovegrounds and ingrounds ingrounds left at excellent savings. Don't buy until you compare us. Nobody beats our prices. We guarantee. Call (416) 523-6467, or (613) 547-6434 for details. PENNY-ROLLER Trademark. Parentcd. Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters quickly & easily!! One wraps all. Uses free , bank wrappers. Only $8.95 postpaid. (Please add 63 cents tax). Two for $16! (Please add $1.12 tax). Send cheque or M.O. to Penny- Roller Products, P.O. Box 405, Fort Erie, Ont. L.2A 5N2. BUILDINGS Factory liquidation of instock instock inventory. Widths 30-120', Heights 1 10-22 ft. All priced for immediate sale. Buy now, take spring delivery. Gull Steel (416) 828-6262. STEEL BUILDING '/- Price Sale. Buy one building al regular price and gel double length for 50% more. Phone Pioneer Sales Dept, collect collect - (416) 678-1585 for information. $ CHEAP FOR CASH $ All steel quonset buildings never erected, shop anywhere. 40' x 10(1 lor $9,999. Also 26x28, 35x36, 46x80 and a 40x60 straight wall. CLEAR SWEET WAFER! At last New Technology . eliminates RUSTY...SMELLY...Bad Tasting Water, bacteria, staining, chemicals and move. C.S.A. approved. Proven in over 12,000 installations. installations. Only 49 cents/day to own and operate. Ask about our FRFF 6-Monlh Trial offer. Bad water can be your profits worst enemy. Your property and life is much more valuable when your water supply is good. Clear Sweet Water, It's your right! Call now 1-800-268-2656 (24 hrs.) or (416) 624-4.344. AZTEC. NORiTAKE CHINA Shop-at-home service. service. Terrific discounts on all recent patterns. Main interesting pieces. (AVON people - We have Meadowstone Leilaui). Specify pattern name and number. For our complete price list, pattern shape, shipping details, Send Today a stamped self addressed emelope io JUST NORHAKE, 158 Wattless Ave., Toronto, Ontario M4N 1W2. LOTTO PLAYERS! Winsys'lem/One Cmarantees Lotto profits. Tested, proven, simple formula comes complexe for onh $4.95 Winter Northwest. 71-1497% Queen Wyst, Toronto M6R 1A3. Quantity discounts. FARMERS: Sprayed Urethene insulation. Quality work at Western Ontario prices. Certified Certified applicators. Experienced in agricultural retrofit since 1975. Call Wàrnilh Insulation (613< 267-6711, Box 460, Perth, Ont. K7H 3G1. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 12, 1986-9 ment showing a SAVING TO LOCAL TAXPAYERS. She. said she had concerns for those in the rural areas and this is slep one of an overall plan that all share in the same service at the same price. She rioted that al the present tinte those in Newtonyille pay $125.00 a. year while those in Courtiee pay $78.00 and ihe contractor in Cour tice is making money. She said she did not,appreciate the threat of loss of service or increase in costs. Counc. Harnre said it was the trend to privatization two years ago but not so today and municipales are finding they were Mow balled' and arc now paying the price. She asked that council 'give Public works the opportunity to prove themselves over the next nine months and .that- the department submit regular reports as to the operation. She said there would be better utilization of equipment and staff, a uniform level of service, a lesser cost - to the two Villages and even ■ some financial benefit to those serviced serviced in Bowmanville. "We have the staff for which you pay a good.-salary, give them a chance, they haven't let you down before," she said. Counc. Wotten asked what would happen in nine months, "our costs would be higher in 1987, labour, truck repairs. What will happen to Hampton and Solina rates, he asked. Mayor Winters said he agreed with Counc. Harnre. He said he had confidence in staff but it puzzled him that council. members were questioning the integrity of the staff report. 'We will never"know if wc never try", he said. The Mtiypr also said if staff can't do the job then they should go. . . • He said it made good business sense to him to have the Town take over fh^ operation and look for the savings Counc. McKnighl questioned the ' staff report and its credibility. He also said stall had switched in its ■reports. "There is no more professionalism professionalism than BFI", he said, "and | I'm leaning towards them". Courte, Stapleton said he felt the, take over by Public Works was a step iii the right direction. We should have uniformity lie said and he said he did have confidence in the staff report although he did note some,addition errors which were not corrected. He said, he did have concern for rural residents but that a start had to be made towards an overall plan. "Wc are all part of the Town of Newcastle." Mayor Winter referred to the available 15 garbage packer days and stated that only nine were now being used. "What are we doing with the other six", he said. STARKVILLE SIDING & CONTRACTING SIDING - ALTERATIONS ADDITIONS SOFFET - FACIA EAVESTROUGHING STORM & PRIME DOORS and WINDOWS THERMAL INSERTS -FRANK LEWINS R.R. 1 Newtonville L0A 1 JO 416-786-2580 • MINI-GREENHOUSES . WINDOW-GREENHOUSES PEAT POTS & PLANT PACKS And Remember.... You don't have to be a member to shop. Durham Farmers County , Co-op Tatmton Rd.-Hwy. 115 Orono, Ont.' 983-9134 * w * ON ALL AUTO SUPPLIES' .. IN & GREEN PACKAGING WALLACE'S Auto Supplies ^ MAIN ST. , ' 983-5614