Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 12, 1986-11 : : ? %-^r- I l llk v « NOTICES If; you have questions or concerns about your municipality, please feel free to call me at either 983-5505 or 987-5039, Diane Hamre, Counc. Ward 3, Town of Newcastle. PIANO LESSONS Pianist will give piano lessons, either Conservatory or popular music. Call 983-5332 after 5 p.m. 26,5,12,ac DRUM LESSONS Drum lessons by experienced professional drummer for the serious student interested in all 'aspects of the trade. Royal Conservatory of Music - Theory Lessons Preliminary, Grade 1 'and 2 Rudiments. Call 983-5682. 8,15,22,29,5,12,19,26,ac Inspection Station All Vehicles Including Dump Trucks School Buses PROPANE Propane Conversions and Service MANGAR'S GARAGE Orono - 983-5130 HWY 115 TRUCK & AUTO REPAIRS LTD. To All Cars and Trucks TOWINC. 983-9151 or 983-9152 Job Printing LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES BUSINESS CARDS ALL. BUSINESS FORMS ' FLYERS Etc. Electrical C fALEK THIC/AN^s NEE® A M ELECTRICIAN ALERTS QUICK?, < WE'VE THE SERVICE - Call the Orono Times 983-5301 v O. CHATTERTON Electrical Contracting Pole Line Construction PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 , Orono, Ontario I can sell your house. Please give me a call for an ap- poltment. I'll be happy to show you any property at your convenience. pat irwin lycett broker/owner Res. 983-9475 or 983-9605 Bowmanville 623-6000 WORK WANTED PAINTING & DECORATING PHONE: 987-5640 5,12,ap IT'S RABBIT SEASON AGAIN EASTER RABBIT THAT IS 5 Weeks To Go Anyone wishing to order their decorated and personalized personalized Easter Eggs and Rabbits please do so before March 12th. Selection can be seen, and orders taken at the Village Bin or the Orono Showcase (weekends) or by phoning Elaine Haines 983-9218. Also available will be a selection of suckers, bag candy, bite size (for Grandma) and a limited number of fondant filled eggs, made with semi-deluxe chocolate, white or carob. LET ME FILL YOUR BASKETS WITH FRESH EASTER TREATS!! 19,26,5,12ap LAND FOR RENT 74 acres of good early corn ground. Lot 15 & 16, Concession Concession 5 Clarke Township. Phone Ed Morton 983-5682, 12,ac FOR SALE Wheat Straw for sale. $1.25 per Carscadden Farms. 983-5422. bale delivered. .26,5,12,19,ac CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Annie Farrell wishes to express their thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for their acts of kindness, floral tributes and cards during the loss of their beloved Mother and Grandmother. Special thanks to Rev. Milnes and Rev. Henderson for, their comforting words. Many thanks to Dr. Angl, Nurses and Staff at Bowmanville,Memorial Hospital. Also thanks to Morris Funeral Chapel for their kindness. kindness. • • Ernest, Eva, Margaret, Pat and their Families 12,ap CARD OF THANKS My sincerest thanks to my family, neighbours and friends for visits, calls, cards of Best Wishes, flowers and delicious foods which I received while in hospital and after returning home. 1 ' My appreciation, I extend to the nurses on Floor 1, Dr. Angl, Dr. Shrives, the Medical staff of Memorial and Rev. Milnes for cheerful visits. Thanks again . Mrs. Katie Lowery 12,ap CAREER TRAINING FREE 1986 guide lo studÿ-at-home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West Toronto. BECOME AN AUCTIONEER, 85 hours of instruction. Next class April 5th to 12. For information contact Southwestern Ont. School of Auctioneering, (519) 469-3936. (519) 537-2115 P.O. Box 145, Innerkip, Ont. NOJ 1M0. Hamilton Township "FARMERS MUTUAL" insurance Co. §J§i§i ROLPH • " . BEV - is now represented by Wakefield Insurance Call 983-9438 or Toll Free 1 800 263-3766 TRAIN to be an auctioneer, A proven dynamic cassette;& book course that teaches the auctioneers bid call. Auctioneering for pleasure & big profits. Hundreds have learned by ibis method. Total cost $49.95 plus $5 postage and handling. Make cheque payable to Publics Own Auction Services, 11724-139 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5X 3P3. HELP WANTED High Volume hospitality MOUNTAIN RESORT accepting applications applications Summer employment. Send self-addressed stamped envelope: Glacier -Park Lodge. Rogers Pass, B.C, V0E 2S0 Attention: John Galt, No Phone'calls. A GENERAL PRACTITIONER required for a 20-bed hospital in a growing community, HO miles northeast of Edmonton on Hwy. 45. Ap- plicat ions and inquiries may be sent to: Mr, J. Dudar, Board Chairman, Box 298, Myrman, Alberta TOB 3K0. Phone (403) 366-2441. HELP WANTED: Experienced Reporter/Photographer or Editor. Salary Negotiable. Send resume to Box 849, Slave Lake, Alberta TOG 2A0. Attention: Jeff Burgar. FARM SERVICES FARMERS (BUDGET NEWS) Phone now for a free copy of the Feb. 26th.budget changes. Appointment times available to process 1985 tax returns in your home. Farm Business Consultants, 2109 Oxford St. E., London, N5V 2Z9. Call loll free 1-800-265-1002, In-business year round helping farmers for over 34 years. SALES HELP WANTED DYNAMIC, hard working, career oriented individuals needed as agricultural marketing representative. Sales experience not required. Good attitude, eagerness to learn and succeed is required. Above- average income & incentive. Send resume to Box "F". OCNA, Box 451, Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A8. * LIVESTOCK Ontario HEREFORD PRESTIGE SALE. March 29, Markham Fairgrounds. Show 8 a.m. Sale 12 noon. 34 selected high gaining bulls, 34 bred & open females. Ontario Hereford Associatton, Box 68, Langton, .Ontario NOE 1G0 (519) 875-4803. b\bY CHICKS: 12 varieties lo choose from including heavy meat types and capons. Shipment by parcel post or railroad. Send for price list. Bonnie'S Chick hatchery, Box 154, Elmira, N3B 2Z6. (519) 669-2561. (continued page 9) RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LTD. ANNUAL WINTER DISCOUNT We wist) to announce a SPECIAL REDUCTION on all Cemetery Memorials and Markers ordered and? paid for between now and April 1st for Spring erection. erection. This offer is made annually. We have an excellent excellent selection of domestic and foreign Granites in many colours and designs, from which to choose your Monument, or Marker. ' If we can be of service to you in any way, please do not- hesitate to visit our indoor display at 73 Ontario Ontario Street, Port Hope, or telephone us at 885-5216. After hours call 372-0263. ATTENTION! Apple Lovers Try our sweet and crisp C.A. Macintosh SPECIAL Vibus. C $3.95 Spy Vi bus G $3.50 Mom's Own Home-made Apple Pie Pure apple Cider # Fred 9 s Fruit Market Highway 115 ■ South of Orono 983