t Happy 30th Birthday Richard I had waited for this chance It was a year ago February that the Village Bin had opened its doors to the public, a time we were bar- raged with the fact that women were very much the predominated factor in business in the downtown area of the Village with numbers reaching almost seventy. Of course it is a fact and has grown even larger over this period of time. What brought this back to mind was a visit from Ann Dreslinski last ■week telling our staff that Debbie, her partner at Reflections, had obtained obtained a full time job which now required required Reflections to hire staff to fill in for a portion of the week in keeping the store open. Donna Fairey to seek Liberal nomination The Chairman of the Northumberland Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, Donna Fairey, announced announced Friday that she will seek the nomination to represent Durham East Liberals in the next provincial election. "I am committed not only to winning the Liberal Party nomination nomination but to capturing* the Durham East provincial seat," she vows. "My politically aggressive apf proach together with a track record of results will serve me well „ at Queens Park," she maintains. In addition to heading Up the school board, Mrs. Fairey has been art ap-, pointed member to the Ontario Film Review (Censor) Board for the past year. > "Becoming a liberal member in* the provincial legislature has been my ultimated ambition for the past several years," she reveals, "even Town ups * mill rate for 1986 (Continued from page 1) used other than a reduction of the Regional mill rate another 3 mills increase could be added to the regional rate charged to Town of Newcastle residents. ..Neither the Region nor the School Board have submitted their budgets or mill rate charges for 1986. The Region anticipates at ■least a 9.5 percentage point Increase this year. during the long dry period when the notion was politically unpopular." The nomination hopeful was raised raised and educated in Bowmanvilte where during her 35 years as a town resident she recorded a history of community involvement. In the period prior to her election to school board in 1982 to represent ward two Bowmanville, she was president of the Bowmanville Kinette Club, Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce Manager, Canadian Cancer Society Secretary and a charter member of the Santa Claus Parade Committee. Later she became best known, perhaps, as ■ a reporter- photographer with the Bowmanville Canadian Statesman newspaper where she authored a weekly column column titled "Small Talk." "I know this riding inside-out and backward!;," she states. Mrs. Fairey says she first became involved involved in riding politics in, the early 1960s when she campaigned for Durham-Northumberland Liberal MP Russell IToney. "That Liberal imprint has had a lasting effect," she states. , As a result of boundary changes being studied for Durham East and several other ridings it; thg pro-, vinCe, it is unlikely that a local .liberal candidate will be endorsed earlier than this fall. "I will use the time, remaining between now and the official nomination meeting to enlist further further riding support," she said. "The encouragement 1 have received received So far feeds my enthusiasm." Mrs. Fairey says she has been working working quietly since last summer to pave the way to,her nomination. The candidate has lived in Port Hope for the past 20 months but reveals that she is already looking at property within the Durham East riding. "It's only a matter of about seven miles beyond the Durham East boundary but I know constituents constituents would expect me to reside in the riding." Mrs. -Fairey has two grown children, a daughter Robin enrolled in the nursing program at Belleville's Loyalist College and a , Son Michael, a-grade 12 student at Bowmanville High School. *, As 1 have enough problems of my own I wasn't paying that much attention attention to the conversation but did hear that a number of phone calls had brought no results. "There just isn't a woman available at this particular time and .it looks as if I'm going to have to work full time", stated the coowner. coowner. She added that everyone she had phoned was either working or was about to start a new job. "Where are the wbmen in the 10 percent unemployment rate", she asked. I couldn't resist.. "What about a man?" "You surely have heard about the Equal Employment Opportunity Act and a male sales clerk should be given equal consideration", was my reply. reply. _ There was the longest silence and certainly in the case of Ann Dreslinski Dreslinski that's unusual. In fact I never did get an answer that I recall. I continued that it really didn't matter if it was male or female if other qualifications were met and equal. In fact it could be an oddity for Orono and a show of compassion compassion for the male underdog. It could be a drawirig card for Reflections. "What is really needed is so meone with some intelligence, a good conversationalist and personality, personality, manners and appearance. Of course they'would have to be' able to undertake simple business transactions." The response, "Where would you get a man to clerk in a gift shop?" "That shouldn't be too hard" was my reply. In fact I could think of one who could be dapper, was intelligent, intelligent, a conversationalist, good at math and could be a real entertainer entertainer during the noon hour when you squeeze upwards of eight Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 12, 1986-3 women in the four-by-four back room for lunch. In fact if the Kirby Deli .could operate a country-wide renowned "senate' you could operate something similar known as the "Scnette". The opportunities are unlimited, exciting and could be an asset to Reflections. "It's unfortunate, you have not considered a man for there is Sid Rutherford and he could fill the bill and add a new dimension at Reflections," Reflections," Janette at the Times was quick to say she would love to have lunch with him, proof enough that Sid and a man could fill the bill. no blarney YOll'LL SAVE A BUNDLE HERE * ANY ORDER WITH A GREEN PICKLE MOM'S KITCHEN MAIN ST. - 983-5310 Fresh Boneless Jj pork butt H 139 roast 3.06 kg ( i ll lb. orange juice frozen concentrated unsweetened 12.5 fl. oz. tin HI. 'product of U.S A Canada no. 1 head ^ tettUCQi 69 [sÿftp Raisin Bran or. productof U.SA 1 broccoli QQ eachH%7^7 product of U.SA Canada i ancy_ red delicious "New Lifestyle _ ---- Schneiders 499 wieners st°l- liquid dish detergent ivory irZ" Fibre Goodness . ! Weston's g75 product of Canada, Canada no. 1 engBsh 4 cucumbers 1 29 H Schneiders New Lifestyle rar 3759 029 steakettes pxg ham, polish, ^ Schneiders 1 f 5 'Jl 39 lunch meatspkg I» Elen's . , âif129 apple juice |„. product of U.S.A. , 1 spinach sr-891 Schneiders ff -^ -- sliced side rgMU bacon s YL Available at selected stores wttb de# counters New Lifestyle llQ Schneiders deii sliced 9 .55 ar JsHhïy jbologna X ' Ubhv's vuytitauie juice beans ':* .89 V-fi -tT H laj THE SA VINGS ARE YOURS independently owned for service & Sow food prices