Photo by Janette Desoùsa OroriO Public School Gymnastic demonstration Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 12, 1986-7 Pines Senior School Report By Keith Small At last, the . long anticipated March Break is here! Naturally, nothing is going on this week, but last week some things did happens Barb Byers took first place in the Legion's Speech Finals, winning $10.00 and showing that The Pines is best! .Congratulations, Barb! House League basketball is being played, during the noon, hours. The school's Think Bowl activity is starting. This is an opportunity for certain students to brainstorm on problems, develop thinking abilities, and have fun. Think Bowl will take the students out of class, for one period each day for about 3 weeks. Then, there will be a chance to compete against other schools. As we move into the second half of the year, students are anxious to earn "points" for a medal at the end of the year. Certain activities within the school give the participants participants points. Also, to earn a medal, you must have an average of 80% or more. Ill Tirade 7, two points are required, along with the average of 80%. In Grade 8, three points and the 80% average are needed. If both medals arc earned, a gold given. Some of the activities are: helping in the office, selling milk at lunch, helping in the gym,.etc. Some organized activities arc valid too. The boys had a health test last week on their second unit, "Moods, Substances and People. Science books were handed in last week for marking and there was a surprise Mini Quiz. There was also a test in Grade 7 Geography. On Friday morning a group of students at Orono P.S. held a gymnastics gymnastics demonstration for .the rest of the students and staff. Pictured front row (1-r) are Carla Werry (Gr. 4), Dana Stagg (Gr. 5), Jason M-cMasfer (Gr. 6), Jessica Ward (Gr. 4), Karen VanderVeen (Gr. 4). Back row (1-r) Kim Bryant (Gr. 4), Jennifer Balson (Gr. 4) Danette Ward'fGr. 6), Jeff McDonald (Gr. 6), Alison Payton Stewart (Gr. 4). these students practice one night a week under the watchful eye of Mr. Garry Fames. St Francis of Clarke High School Assisi (à' ^ ^ J . JjjT * Parish News Ujy > 4 SHAMROCKS News The St. Vincent De Paul Society : are collecting bedding to be sent North to natives who arc in dcspai. a need. Leave what you /in 4 in. q QC clay pots SPRING BREAK By Audley Dacosta and John Climenhage ' Well, the long grey period between between January 6th and March 6th which was marred by the stress and anxiety of obtaining a solid education, education, has now been sliced open to allow the students a breather.-,But how you may ask? Spring break started Monday! A whole week of relaxation.'No getting up at seven o'clock to catch a bus, no scrambling for one of the last pieces of food in the cafeteria, and, of course, no home work, T . Want Ads 983-5301 But what have the wiped-out students of Clarke Secondary got in mind for the upcoming time of festivities? A large group of students, being accompanied by a large group of teachers, are going to "rough it out", in, of all places, Paris, France! Gee we all hope that they can take ten whole days of that kind of "torture", guess someone has to. As for the lucky ones who got to stay behind, there will be a chance for them to catch up on sleep, a' chance to party, a chance to dream and of course a chance to gel ahead on all of the lovely essays that a lot of teachers have been preparing to assign. Clarke will be losing the infamous infamous Ken Bailey, as he also heads off for France as part of à student exchange. Have fun Ken! As for all of-the readers of this paper have a sale, fun March Break, and if you'i'e out with the gang don't drink and drive. SALES TIME VILLAGE BIN MAIN ST. 983-5610 ALL GREEN CANDY may spare at the church, office or contact 987-5304 for more details. The C.W.L. will hold its monthly meeting bn March 13th after 7 p.m. Eucharist. At our "lenten series" on March 12 Bishop Doyle will be guest speaker. His theme will be "praying with spiritual writers." Fr. Bill Russell will speak on "praying with experience" on Wednesday, March 19th. Our Parish will hold a "Passover Meal" on Wednesday, March 26 at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Places are limited, so sign the list at the church if you are interested. The Parish Lenitential Celebration Celebration will be held on Sunday, March 16 at 7 p.m. Come and celebrate the Sacrament of reconciliation with our Parish community. Ecumenical Service For Lent An interdenominational celebration celebration of our Lenten journey will be held on Tuesday, March 25 at 7:30 p.m. at St. George's Anglican Church. \Refreshments will be provided provided after the service. Everyone is . w.elcome, "Last Chance Dance.". Our last social evening in the form of a Parish Dance at the Hall will be on April 12, 1986. Tickets are now available contact any Social Committee Committee Member. . Dialogue with native people at 24th annual U.C.W. meet A native sweet grass ceremony, l,ed by Carl Lewis, will open the 24th Annual Meeting of Oshawa Presbyterial United Church Women \ at Trinity United Church, Church Street, Bowmanville, ori Tuesday, March 18, 1986. Native crafts, books, paintings, music,' slides and' tapes will 'be. on display upon registration at 9:15 . a.m. Free' babysittjng is available during the day-long event (please bring pre-school child's (unch). GREEN TROPICAL The APPLE BLOSSOM SHOP MAIN ST. 983-5291 Corporation of the TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS DOG LICENCES 1986 1985 DOG LICENCES HAVE EXPIRED: Town of Newcastle By-Law 78-41, a by-law to provide for the licencing and registration of dogs and for regulating the running at large of dogs, states in Section 2(iii) thaj: "No person shall keep dr maintain any dog in the Town of Newcastle unless such dog has been licenced and any registered under the provisions of this by-law and has on a collar to which is affixed a dog tag issued for the current year." „ Schedule of Fees * (1) For the first and second dog $15.00 For a neutered or spayed dog $ 8.00 (2) For the third dog . .$25.00 * (3) For the fourth and each additional dog..... $50.00 * Please be advised that any licence purchased after April 1st, 1986, will be subject to an additional fee of $2.00. . ' , , 1986 dog licences may be purchased at th$ following locations:, (1) Town Hall, 40 Temperance Street, BoWmanville (2) Animal Control Facility, Liberty St. S., Bowmanville (3) Motor Vehicle Licence Office, 7,2 King St. W., Bowmavnille (4) Municipal Hall, Hampton' (5) M & M Variety and Arcade, Main Street, Orono (6) Hope's, 15 King St. W., Newcastle Village i x. " David W. Oakes, B. A., A.M.C.T., C.M.O. Town Clerk ' » ■ Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance-Street Bowmahville, Ont. ■ L1C3A6 . ? , File: 10.38.99 Date of Publication: March 12, 1986 P.O, No. A 1410