Classified Ads HELP WANTED TRUCKING CAREERS Driver job training training with placement help is available. Complete details can be mailed to you, Phone Rodgers School at (416) 769-3546 with Postal Code. »'OR SALE $ BUILDING CLEARANCE $ Clearance ol quonset buildings from recent Canada Farm Show. One building is 46x90 with dooïs on both ends of $9,995. Other sizes available. .Call (416) 731-1636. PENNY-ROLLER Trademark. Patented. Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters quickly & easily!! One wraps all. Uses free bank wrappers. Only $8.95 postpaid. (Please add 63 cents tax). Two for $16! (Please add $1.12 tax). Send cheque or M.O. to Penny- Roller Products, P.O. Box 405, Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 5N2. STEEL BUILDING Zi Price Sale. Buy one building at regular price and get double léngth for 50%'more. Phone Pioneer Sales Dept! collect collect - (416) 678-1585 for information. CLEAR SWEET WATER! At last New Technology eliminates RUSTY...SMELLY...Bad Tasting Water, bacteria, staining, chemicals and more. C.S.A. approved. Proven in over 12,000 installations. installations. Only 49 eents/day to own and operate. Ask about our FREE 6-Month Trial offer. Bad water can be your profits worst enemy. Your property and life is much more valuable when your water supply is good. Clear Sweet Water, it's your right! Call now 1-800-268-2656 (24 hrs.) or (416), 624-4344. AZTEC. FARMERS: Sprayed Urethene insulation. Quality work at Western Ontario prices. Certified Certified applicators. Experienced in agricultural retrofit since 1975. Call Warmth Insulation (613( 267-6^11, Box 460, Perth, Ont. K7H 3G1. COMING EVENTS FIVE-DAY CRUISES On Rideau Canal and Trent-Severn Waterway. Beautiful Scenery, carefree relaxation, private stateroom, delicious meals. Brochure Box 1540, Peterborough K9J 7H7 (705) 748-3666. FARM AUCTION GIGANTIC FARM Equipment & Motor Vchicle Clearance Auction. Friday, March 28, 1986. 10 a.m. sharp. New & used equipment including approx. 50, tractors, 40 cars and t,rucks, A.T.V.'s and over 250 pieces of all types of farm equipment'. Special note: Ï his is our annual Spring Cleanup sale featuring a complete storage shed of surplus parts and accessories accessories including tools P.T.O.'s, batteries, mufliers, hydraulics, disc blades,' cultivator teeth, fenders, top Jinks, etc. Will be sold totally unreserved and absolutely to the highest bidder. Terms cash/Visa or good cheque cheque day of sale. Not responsible for accidents on property. Auctioneers Bruce Ward, Lloyd Binns and Don Glover. Wayne Ward Farm Equipment Hwy No. 6, Wiarton (519) 534-1638 or 534-2980. FOR SALE BUILDINGS: Factory liquidation of instock instock inventory. Widths 30-120'. Heights 10-22 ft. All priced for immediate sale. Buy how and save. Gulf Steel (416) 828-6262. ' $ CHEAP FOR CASH $ All steel quonset buildings never erected, ship anywhere. 40x100 for $9,999. Also 26x28, 35x36, 46x80 and a 40x60 straight wall. (416) 699-6151. SWIMMING POOLS Factory outlet has a limited number of 1985 abovegrounds & ingrounds ingrounds left at excellent svings. Don't buy until until you compare us. Nobody beats our prices, we guarantee. Call (416) 523-6467 or (613) 547-6434 for details. VACATIONS TWIN ROCJKS RESORT: Modern housekeeping cottages, seasonal camping, on Kushog Lake. Beach, boat/motors/canoe rentals, docking, store, beautiful park setting in the heart of the Haliburton Highlands. For brochure write R.R. 2 Minden, Ont. K0M 2K0. Call (705) 489-2247. PROPERTY FOR SALE EASTERN MANITOBA LAND AUCTION AUCTION Apr. 19 10 a.m. in Whitemouth. 1200 acres in 6 parcels, some prime agricultural, some recreational investment property. One parcel with farm equipment. Reserve bid-20% certified deposit. G. Klepatz Auctions, Whitemouth, Man. STUDENTS New booklet listing Money-Making jobs you may never have thought of. Send $9.95 name, address to Victor Publishing, Box 520, Palmerston, Ont. NOG 2P0. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PERSONAL COLOUR ANALYSIS. Supplies Supplies & training, men's & ladies' swatch books, drapes, test kits luxurious fabrics. Detailed teaching video. Come Alive with Colour, Colour, 2866 Chantrell, White Tock, B.C. V4A 5R2. Tel. (604) 536-1913. $$$ SALES - Need 4 serious people to earn up to $2000 monthly part time, full commission. Water Filter Industries (416) 896-3776, (416) 27-1074 (416) 791-4057. BERTEX Enterprises P.O. Box 1417, Station B, Mississauga, Ont. L4Y 3B6. & HELP WANTED The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Education invites applications for the position of Special Education Resource Teacher at Clarke High School. This is an occasional occasional position to commence commence April 21st until June 27, 1986. Please apply in writing before April 7, 1986 stating qualifications and experience to: Donald A. Dawson Principal Clarke High School R.R. 2, Newcastle, Ont. L0A 1 HO An equal opportunity employer Gary W. Tushingham Director of Education Donna M. Fairey Chairperson of the Board Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 26, 1986-13 PEI'S American ESKIMO (MINIATURE), rare breed, U.K.C. Registered with shots $350. Pomeranians also available-(613) 987-5658. FARM SERVICES FARMERS WANTED who are paying too ' much tax dr are not using all the tax breaks available. Phone us today! Appointment times available to process 1985 tax returns in your home. Farm Business Consultants, 2109 Oxford St. E., London N5V 2Z9. Call toll free 1-800-265-1002. In business year round helping helping farmers for over 34 years. & HELP WANTED The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Education invites applications for a full-time teacher's assistant assistant position. Duties will commence May 1,1986. The. successful candidate will assist the teacher in working working with exceptional students. Preference will be given to candidates who possess Early Childhood Education Certification. Please apply to: E. Taylor ; ■ Principal Orono/Lockhart Public School P.O. Box 3Ô-' Church Street, Orono LOB 1M0 by the 9th of April. ' An equal opportunity employer Gary W. Tushingham. Director of Education Donna M. Fairey Chairperson of'the Board TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 11:00 à.m., Friday, April 18, 1986 for grass cutting at the following schools. North Hope Central Public School, R.R. 1, Camp- belleroft. Plainville Public School, 1 R.R. 1, Gores Landing. Hillcrest P.S., Campbellford Kent P.S., Campbellford Campbellford High School, Campbellford Kirby Centennial P.S., R.R. 1 Orono Newcastle P.S., Beaver St. Newcastle Bowmanville H.S., 49 Liberty St. North, Bowmanville For further information please contact: G.M. Holmes Manager of Plant Operations Operations Specifications may be obtained obtained from the office of: B.C. Sudds, Superintendent of Business and Treasurer The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Education 834 D'arcy St, North, * Coboijrg K9A 4L2 m \ L A good selection of available at the Orono ' Weekly Times ."■» * Main Street, Orono • Telephone 983-5301 TAKES THE GUESS OUT OF GIFTING