8-()rono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 2, 1986 What 's my choice today During a four day period at the Orono Public School students were able to sample a number of food dishes popular with various ethnic groups in the country. They were able to sample From around the Board (Continued from page 4) put from a variety of people across the province. The project is complete and members have made 42 recommendations recommendations to the Minister of Education. Education. The recommendations, according according to the report, "deal with the child, school and curriculum, teacher education and certification, linking of community services to support families with young children, and implementation of actions actions proposed". The project addresses addresses the educational merits of the proposed changes and not the costs that may be associated with the' adoption of any or all of the 4^ recommendations. Some of the recommendations "Hungarian beef, Spanish rice, Norweign Meatballs and Dutch cake as only part of the selection. The event was sponsored by Mr. Stephen's 'grade six with eight are obvious and acceptable. Some arc questionable. Others, in my opinion,'Eire opinion,'Eire radical to the extreme. I am not sure to what degree they will survive the approval process. Outboard Outboard will be reviewing the report and assessing the recommendations from our perspective. One recommendation, that school boards, over the next five years, phase in junior Kindergarten programs, will not impact our board because it will be a reality in our jurisdiction in September of "this year. Other recommendations as they relate to junior Kindergarten appear to have been met by our board in developing the JK program. Another recommendation which will draw a great deal of comment is the possibility of introducing extended extended and full-day kindergarten programs. 1 recall a concern from .parents when our board was p'lann- William C. Hall B.Comm: , Chartered Accountant Phone NEWCASTLE'987-4240 ALL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY NEWCASTLE GOLF COURSE opening on April 11th 2 miles east of Newcastle Village on No. 2 Highway turn north on Golf Course Rd. ► SCENIC 18-HOLE PAR 70 SNACK BAR & RENTALS Memberships & Green Fees Dress Code ' 987-4.851 NEWCASTLE AND DISTRICT CONCERT SERIES PRESENTS THE PERCUSSIONISTICKS SUNDAY, APRIL 6th 7:30 P.M. IN NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL ' TICKETS: 68.00 Windatt's Nursery 4 mi. North of Newtonville on the Newtonville Rd. 786-2546 Shade Trees $20 -$30 Colorado Spruce $25 - $35 Upright Junipers $15 . $20 Spreading Junipers $9 Fruit Trees $9 Flowering Shrubs $6 " Buy direct from grower ' and save Open 7 Days A Week Concert series features 'The Percussionsticks' Newcastle and District Conceit Series presents the final youth and music Canada concerts. The Percussionisticks Percussionisticks will appear at th,e Newcastle Community Hall on Sunday, Sunday, April 6th al 7:30 p.m. The Percussionsticks represents one of the most exciting ensembles ever to emerge from the faculty of music at the University.of Toronto. Comprised of Michael Bakan, Bill Brennan, Michael Cote and Mark helpers assisting on each of the four days. The program was part of a Canadian Canadian Mosaic study course at the school. ing alternate full-day kindergarten. Children of that age, parents said, could not sustain the full day of activities activities at school, i will admit there are some differences between an alternate full-day and an everyday full-day program. One of the move radical recommendations, recommendations, in my opinion, is the one that suggests the Ministry in cooperation with others develop criteria for the establishment and funding of supervised "extended day" programs for young children both before and after school. Tied to ibis is a proposal .0 alter the school day hours of teachers. It appears the project members feel that with the large number of "latch key" children in today's society that schools offer a logical ■ place for them to be during the hours that their parents are away from the home. 1 believe the project members have in mind a 6 a.m. lo 6 p.m. school day for those that require require it. There are many who will agree with this recommendation and just as many who will take great exception to it. 1 would remind readers that the opinions expressed in this column are mine and do not reflect those ot other members of the board. Durham increases taxes 9.5 percent (Continued from page 4) construction and maintenance program. program. This special levy is expected to continue indefinitely. The Region is also lo match the two percent increase by a hike of $445 in road construction : levy charges to developers for every house they build in the region. Currently builders are charged charged $245 but 'this added amount will bring bring llie'amounl of $690 per unit. Regional councillors have approved a (olal budget of $159.4 million which is almost an increase of $15 million over that of 1985. Of this- amount area taxpayers taxpayers will pay some $36.4 million in taxes. • The average hotpe owner in tire Town of Newcastle is expected to pay some $206 for Regional purposes. Duggan', this remarkable quarlel is devoted to .the performance of a wide variety of musical styles played on the many diverse percussion instruments. instruments. Their repertoire, spanning Bach to Brubeek, includes samples- of jazz, ragtime, light classical and calypso* plus traditional music of Asia and Africa. They have appeared appeared with symphony orchestras of Toronto and Vancouver. Truly with universal appeal, the Percussionisticks will delight both young and not-so-young alike; appearing appearing at the Newcastle Community Community Hall on Sunday, April 6th al 7:30 p.m. Ticket's are available at the door. C. HOOPER INCOME TAX SERVICE All Types Of Returns Prepared in your Home or Mine Qualified Tax Preparer Reasohable Rates j^ast Efficient Service For More Information Call CAROL HOOPER 983-5322 Orono Figure Skating Club presents The Wizard of Oz at the ORONO ARENA APRIL 5th, 1986 Showtimes 1:30 and 7:00 p.m. Guest Skater: JOHN SCOTT Featuring: * STEPHANIE HOOD and ANDREA BURNHAM ADULTS: $3.00 SENIOR CITIZENS and STUDENTS: $2.00 CHILDREN 12 AND UNDER $1:00