: j, , • • Patience had its rewards Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 23, 1986-5 Both Anthea and Wade Peacock cord got: tangled in a spruce tree in flew effortless in the light breeze. of Orono had their kites flying early the old cemetery. All participants were presented with on Saturday with anthea hanging in Brett Graves, Orono was the one dollard value Orono D.B.l.A. for the better part of an hour. Wade winner with a dragon kite which bucks, lost his kite to the wind until the Clarke High School News By Karen Kennedy and Sherry Mclnnes With the arrival of spring several events arc taking place around Clarke High School. Quite a few ouldoqr teams arc now forming. In ' tramural baseball and soccer leagues are available if you want to participate on a team for fun. For those who are more competitive, baseball and soccer school teams, for both males and females, and a rugger team for males, are being put together. Hopefully there will be a lot of participation so that Clarke High School will be recognized. For those senior students who are more content to be spectators, a bus trip is being organized to the Blue Jays game on June 3; Playing against the Jays that day will be the Minnesota Twins. We hope the Jays wifi win despite their current standing,*;, standing,*;, but either way the seniors will have a great time. This year Clarke High is presenting presenting two plays for those of us who enjoy stage performances: On May 8, 9 and 10, there will be a-performance a-performance of After Marguerite and the Real Inspector Hound. Mànv of Clarke's aspiring actors and actresses actresses will be on stage to display their acting abilities. Another forthcoming event that should be noted is the Variety Night oil May 14, where all students have the opportunity to display their hidden hidden talents to the community. In past years there have been soloists, ■ duets, dancers, air bands as well as the school's bands. Hopefully there will be a good turn out and the . evening will' be a success. , Although there arc several activities activities taking place throughout the 'school, students will still be thinking thinking about what they are going to do this summer. With college acceptances acceptances being sent out last week, many senior students are trying to find a summer job that wiÿ help get them through their post-secondary education I For a student to find a good job, jt can be quite difficult. Most good jobs require experience, which a student docs not have, so most students end up working in a restaurant or gas station at minimum wage, so give the unexperienced unexperienced a break and hire a stu- ,dem ! , . One breaks away, the others cling a wind so violent sends it far to flutter softly like a butterfly's wing, , gently floating to the carpeted earth to be disturbed by a gentle zepher and sent farther away . past many other trees landing in a crcck to be carried away by the current to another resting place. Winter comes like a sudden storm frozen in (he ice the leaf awaits spring's great thaw. ' SNOW By Jody Farrow Screaming, yelling getting all wet Little kids sliding down a snow-covered hill having snow fights building snowmen making angels in the snow . watching the snow falling from the sky Then one day it's all gone away. On May 7th,.some students from The Pines will attend workshops in The Young Authors' Conference. At the conference, there will be Poet Robert Priest and Bill Reid, the Illustrator of Peter Puck. Students attending will be: Craig Hyland, Andy Rorabcck, Holly Tigh, Steven Vandeischee, Keith Small, Jenny Vandcrstarre, Rachel Boyd and Nicole Yawopski. Last Wednesday, the students who had taken extra wrestling lessons at Clarke High School went to Co bourg for a wrestling match 1 ■against other schools. By Keith Small Building permits increase in 1986 Hie number of housing starts in the Town of Newcastle has again increased increased during the first two months in 1986. During the first two months a town reports states 116 single family residential 'have been started which compares with 27 during the same period in T985. KIN KAR WASH TO SUPPORT LOCAL ATHLETE MAY 31 st, 1986 . 10:30 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. Armstrong's IGA Parking Lot, Orono . $3.00 Per Car All proceeds go towards Jason Carleton a member of the Canadian Kayak Team and his quest for the World Junior Championships. Rain Date June 14th, 1986 ., Sponsored By THE GREAT PINE RIDGE KINSMEN CLUB TO ALL FORMER STUDENTS APPRECIATION NIGHT FOR FRAN LUNN , # on Friday, June 6th ORONO ARENA COMMUNITY CENTRE 7:00 - 9:0p - RECEPTION and PRESENTATION ' 9:00,- 1:00 DANCING BUFFET LUNCH , TICKETS$6.00 PER ADULT (Children 18 and under Free) FOR TICKETS PHONE: , Orono School 983-5006 (9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.j After School, Hours:- Marlaine Kennedy 983-9202; Valerie Witheridge 983-9559 / R.S.V.P. by FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1986, to: Mrs. Clark, Orono Public School, Box 30, Orono, Ontario LOB 1M0 Pines Senior Public School Report On Saturday, April 5th the Pines Senior Public School presentee} a theme day at the Newcastle Memorial Library. Candis Richardson, Richardson, Mike Shàw, Mike Klose, iana Charçi, Laura Oldham-Street, Barb Byers, Mark Devèau, Sherri-Lyn Hirsehfeld, Angela Kortckaas and Julie Sandercock first read stories to the group of almost 50 children. After the stories were read, they helped the children make balloon faces and pictures of their favourite mask on display. The display ~f masks was a result of the Grade 8 art pro ject on Masks arid was set up by ricia Verbeek, a co-op stu- dcrViTom Clarke High School. At present, students are working on 'several poster contests. Earlier this term, poems created by the students of The Pines were sent to The Young Authors Publishing Committee. Here are some examples: • RED DUST By Craig Hyland Buildings crumble Water is scarce Scorched streets crack; The air is stale A red dust blocks put the sun 1 As the earth dies. THE INCREDIBLE JOURNEY By Cindy Tamblyn Ir^thc wobds, On a tree so red and orange long branches sway ih the autumn wind. KIDS KIDS KIDS Design a T-SHIRT LOGO CONTEST WIN A 10-Speed BIKE from . ■ ' Rolph Hardware The Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen Club is sponsoring a T-Shirt Logo Design Contest.- RULES: 1. The design must represent Orono. » 2. All entries must be received by May 30, 1986. ,3. All entries become'the property of the'Kinsmen Club.* ' 4. Winner to be chosen by impartial jüdgé. 5. Winner to be announced June 10, 1986. . Mail to t àreat Pine Ridge Kinsmen, PO. Bon 52, Ororto, LOB 1MÔ T-Shirts to bç available this summer with all proceeds proceeds going towards Community Service projects. projects. Don't delay enter contest to-day.