Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 7, 1986-11 DURHAM TV & ANTENNA Bill Van Der Herberg 623-9955 Antenna & Tower Sales and Service We Also Have TV & Stereo Rentals 151 Liberty Street South Bowmanville, Ontarib * ' HWY 115 TRUCK & AUTO REPAIRS LTD. To All Cars and Trucks TOWING ■ 983-9151 or 983-9152 Job Printing . LETTERHEADS * ENVELOPES BUSINESS CARDS ALL BUSINESS FORMS FLYERS Etc. Call the Orono Times 983-5301 NOTICES If you have questions or concerns about your municipality, please feel free to call me at either 983-5505 or 987-5039, Diane Hamre, Counc. Ward 3, Town of Newcastle. NOTICE Keys found in phone booth in front of Orono Town Hall. Pick up at Orono Weekly Times. , MOTHER'S DAY BEEF DINNER SUNDAY, MAY 11 Orono Arena Community Centre Adults $7.00; Children under 12 $3.00; Pre-School FREE. Tickets available at Mom's Kitchen, or 983-5236, 983-5608 or 983-5858. ROSES FOR THE LADIES Proceeds to the Orono Arena Improvement Improvement and Projects Fund. 23,30,7,ac Inspection Station All Vehicles Including Dump Trucks School Buses PROPANE Propane Conversions and Service MANGAR'S GARAGE Orono - 983-5130 \NEW ELECTRIC SYSTEMS WE MUST LEARN, THIS OUR BOSS \MAKES HiS \ CONCERN O. CHATTERTON Eilectrical Contracting Pole Line Construction PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario I can sell your house. Please give me a call for an ap- poitment. I'll be happy to show you any property at your convenience. pat Irwin lycett brokerlowner Res. 983-9475 or 983-9605 Bowmanville 623-6000 XL MEALS ON WHEELS Meals are available for the elderly and those with special needs on Tuesdays and Thursdays through "Meals On Wheels". Contact Marlene Risebrough 983-5 7 02. 5,2,7,4,ac COMING EVENTS Leskard UCW Mother's Day Dessert Tea on Saturday, May 10th 2-4 p.m. at Leskard United Church. Fathers Welcome. Adults $2.00; Children 12 & under $1.00. 7,ac COMING EVENTS St. Saviour's Salad Supper at Orono Community Centre on Wednesday, May 14th at 6:00 p.m. Adults $6.00 _ Children $3.00 For tickets call 983-9476 or 983-5654. 30.7,ac FOR SALE 24" Brown Frigidair Stove. Good condition $40.00. Phone 983-5840 after 2 p.m. 7,ap FOR SALE 9" Swing South Bend Metal Lathe - 3' bed. 3 - 12'. rolls heavy duty chain link fencing and 1-8' roll. Very reasonable. Call 983-9219. ' 7,ac ' FOR SALE 1978 Chevette - 2 door hatchback, hatchback, 4 speed, AM radio. One owner. Very good condition. Cer- titled. $1995.00, Call 985-8659 or 983-5051. 7,ap Wanted SMALL BUNGALOW For Orono client. Summer closing Call: PAT IRWIN LYCETT 623-6000 Re Max Cornerstone Realty Ltd AUCTION SALE Grist Mill Auction Centre Newtonville Friday, May 9th 7:00p.m. , Selling the contents from a Bowmanville home including tools, hardware and a quantity of commercial commercial office equipment. 3 Pc. .bedroom suite, vanity dresser, telephone table and chair, occasional occasional tables, rockers, plane? stoolj chesterfield suite,„ fridge, stove,' garage tools, jacks, tire balancer, jack stands, 5 office desks, dividers, dividers, file cabinets, lawnmowers, and rriany other articles. * , TERMS: CASH AUCTIONEER: l;rank Stapleton 786-2244 7,ac FOR SALE Mercedes 280S '72 Showroom Condition. Mechanically restored. Automatic PS/PB, Sunroof, AM/FM, New Radiais. Certified. $8,900. Cal! 786-2848. 30,7,14,21,ac YARD SALE Saturday, May 10th on Leskard Road, 1 mile north of Taunton. Including Including pool table, water skiis etc. etc. 7,ac LÀND FOR RENT 27 Acres. Call 983-5179 30,7,14,ac FOR RENT About 60 acres arable land at next road west of Orono. Phone 983-5709. 30,7,14,ap PASTURE FOR RENT 60 Acres, good water. Call R.D. Morton 983-5682. *7,14,30 CARD OF THANKS Thank you to all my friends, relatives and ,neighbours for the many cards, gifts, fruit baskets and visits during my stay "in the Oshawa General Hospital and since returning returning home. Special thanks to Dr. A. Clark and the nurses bn the 4th floor. . V « Merrill Graham , 7,ap CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all my friends for the gel well cards I received. And a special thanks to Dr. Angl and the kind nurses for giving, giving, me such good care and attention while I was in the special care unit and in Room 103 Bowmanville Hospital. Also 1 would like to thank the officers officers and members of Kendal L .O.L. 405, Tyrone R.B.P. 398, Tyrone L.O.B.A. for their lovely basket , of fruit, Durham West County Orange Lodge and Orono Heather Rebekah Lodge 334. And a special thanks to Mr. & Mrs. Adam Stec for their help and bringing my wife up to see me in the hospital. Mr. Roy Pat ion ' - 7,ap THANK YOU ■ To everyone who worked so hard to put together the 5th Annual Orono Spring Art Show, and to the artists who exhibited and the many guests who came to admire their work. # Special thanks to Yvonne Maitland of The Apple Blossom Shop and Roy Forrester and his excellent excellent band. The floral centrepiece, donated by the Apple Blossom Shop, was won Friday night by Mr. Ed Taylor of Orono/Lockhart Public School. Orono Town. Hall Board 7,ae (Continued page 9) MONUMENTS and cemetery markers FOR OVER 140 YEARS RUTTER GRANITE 73 ONTARIO STREET, PORT HOPE TELEPHONE 885-5216 AFTER HOURS 372-0263 "ALWAYS SPECIAL SELECTED MONUMENTS" AT SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES . How do you like THEM Apples You'll like them better at FRED'S Crisp, Juicy, C.A. MACS, DELICIOUS and SPY 1 °°% pure Fred's Apple Cider Farm Fresh Eggs New Maple Syrup New Stokçs Seed Potatoes § Fred's Fruit Market Highway 115 - South of Orono 983-5628 r 't > T t « |t V rt > » V- J.J.»